IELTS Writing Samples Band 6.5

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Nowdays the use of internet have became essential to everyone, even students. Most of the people have access to internet and they can search all information that they want with one click. Personally, I belive internet has made our lives eassier, especeally when some people are not in their countries. I feel this way for two main reasons, wich I will explore in the following essay.
Nowadays, many students don’t have good money management skills when they leave school in some countries. However, whether young people need to learn how to manage their money is a controversial problem. In my opinion, colleges should provide a subject to teach people how to manage their money, and the students need to learn this knowledge.
Recently, there have been arguments that the demanding rates of oil and gas resources have increased then, extend areas of the world will be able to get more resources. I partially agree with this statement because of two reasons.
It is argued that earning a good life has more meaning to people than job satisfaction. I take an opposing view and I believe that other aspects of life should take priority over earning money.
World warming is one of the hugest danger that people collide nowadays and sea level are dropping faster and faster at a high speed. This essay will observe urgent questions and relevant answers to this following issues.
In recent decades, life has become fast and people do not have time for themselves due to their hectic lifestyles. This is the reason why a large section of society is having difficulties getting enough sleep. In this essay, I will discuss the problems that lack of sleep can cause and also discuss the steps.
The overconsumption of natural resources is emerging as a major topic of concern today. This alarming trend is caused by a few factors, such as the substantial demands for energy and the overdependence on developing nations’ natural resources. It should be addressed by a number of definite actions, such as manufacturing more environmentally friendly products and utilizing alternative energy sources.
People have more different views about how young adults choose a job for their future career path. While some argue that young people should pursue their dream jobs, I believe that being pragmatic and considering the prospect of career growth is better for them.
The Covid-19 pandemic has badly hurt the youth labour market. In recent years, many young peoples were unemployed immediately when they graduated from school. Some sent dozens of resumes but didn't get any response. If the situation can't be mitigated, that would be harmful to the individual and society. In this essay, we'll discuss these issues and try to find possible solutions.
Many people believe that students should be encouraged to learn what they want in university. Meanwhile, other people think that it is essential to force them to study subjects that will be helpful for them in the early future like science and technology. In my opinion, I do not think we should force students to learn anything.
It is a very challenging decision for working parents to decide if their children have to be sent to childcare centres or to be taken care of by grandparents. There are many parents who are opting for childcare centres whereas many others argue that it is always better if the children are taken care of by family members or grandparents. This essay discusses both views and also like portrays my opinion on this.
It is true that badly-behaved students in schools have detrimental effects on good-quality students. Poor behaviour students who are rude and impolite are taught in combination with separate. Personally, I agree completely with this statement. In the essay, I will give some reasons for that.
These days, juvenile crime is becoming increasingly common in many areas of the world. While several factors contribute to such a sad reality, there are options that governments can consider in order to tackle the problem.
Some people argue that salary is the essential key to retaining workers in a company. In my view, though in the past it would be true, I am truly convinced that in our modern era, it is not the main factor. In this essay, I will first discuss the place of money in our society and second, I will discuss today's key factor.
Nowadays, children have many more opportunities to lead a healthy life than in the past because generally they live in hygienic surroundings and have plenty to eat. However, modern lifestyles mean that many children spend long hours in front of the television or computers, do not take a great deal of exercise and eat an unbalanced diet.
Amusement is becoming an essential part of people's life. People entertain them in various ways such as by watching movies, serials, cartoons etc. Some say that they should prefer to watch these on their personal computer instead of going outside. I completely agree with this statement and I will discuss my points further as well.
It is considered by some individuals that activities uniting countries of the world such as sporting events are essential and should be held, while others believe these occasions are means of wasting resources. In my opinion, I think the countries should continue to hold these events because they promote economic growth and acculturation.
The death penalty is considered an Inhuman act by human rights groups. While some law professionals advocate that law must act strictly in dealing with heinous crimes. Crime is increasing in every country and to prevent it we need some tough measure. Punishment like being hanged to death is supported by many people .Whereas some people think that life imprisonment is an alternative solution to it. Let's discuss both views in detail.
Ethics plays an important role in children's lives. It is believed that it should be taught by teachers while others say that parents should take the responsibility for teaching it to their offspring. In this essay, i will discuss both views and give my opinion in the conclusion
It is true that nowadays celebrities and influencers are mostly known for their luxurious lifestyle and money rather than their accomplishments. Since many people , and more importantly the younger generation, take celebrities as their role models,I strongly believe that this trend will have negative impacts on their attitude.
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