IELTS Writing Samples Band 8.5

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A highly controversial issue today relates to whether zoos should be closed or not. In this essay, I am going to examine this question from both points of view and then give my own opinion on the matter.
It is stated that accepting risky moves is vital,both in individuals’ employment and private life. Their braveness towards risk-taking offers many new opportunities and valuable experiences in their soul. In my opinion,I believe that the advantages of risk acceptance are more significant than their drawbacks.
In recent years, there has been a profound increase in the number of people questioning whether the time children spend on their electronics can be beneficial for their intellectual growth. On the other hand, many people believe that excessive usage of technology can be detrimental. However, critics, myself included, are of strong belief that moderate screen time can be valuable for juveniles.
Working remotely and online education has become convenient, affordable and easy to access all over the planet, thanks to the invention of the internet. I believe this new development has its own merits and demerits. I would want to argue that working from home and studying online is beneficiary and significant despite the bad sides.
Nowadays, the necessity of collaboration in academic themes is singled out as a concern preoccupied educationists. It is irrefutable that companionship and high team morale can optimize the learning process, however, I oppose this ineffective method.
Business practices have achieved a great deal of public attention in recent years. Although companies always seek to maximize the money they make, certain individuals believe that their responsibilities towards society should be at the highest level, which I agree with to a large extent.
Most individuals believe that guardians should make their toddlers understand to become wise people in the community while others opine that an institute is the best place to learn good habits. This essay will discuss both viewpoints. Whereas, I strongly believe that juveniles can learn more from their parents as they spend most of their childhood with them.
Transportation is one of the necessities of today's life. Majority of the transport is dependent on the fossil fuel and petrol is the biggest component of it. Although it is the basic energy resource of vehicles and factories, it is one of the major causes of air pollution as well. Many people have an opinion that increasing the price of it, is going to reduce that burden but I refute this statement. Considering the fact that it will only bring the price hiking of everything and, consequently, going to increase problems for the nation, it will not be a good decision.
It is of paramount importance for the young ones to be able to differentiate between correct and incorrect. Although some people recommend that a penalty is essential for the kids to understand this, I disagree with them. Nevertheless, the elders should punish them in ways that will benefit the children.
Nowadays, school-aged children have been teaching a second language in elementary schools. While I accept that learning foreign languages at an early age might have some drawbacks, I believe that its benefits are more significant for students.
Recently, people prefer to establish their own job and work for themselves instead of being an employee for other organizations and companies. In this essay, the cause of this choice and its disadvantages will be discussed.
Presently, the disposal of old items to purchase new gadgets has become pervasive. While some shoppers second this habit, others criticise it. However, I am of the stance that cutting-edge technology is the main culprit behind this unproductive trend and state involvement can be the panacea for it.
The world is divided among people with two views, one who believes that the only way of getting a highly paid job is an outstanding qualification while the other section trusts that holding the required employment background is the driving factor behind the same. I think the former proposition is more rational and this essay will further elaborate my views leading to a suitable conclusion.
Theatres have always been a centre of attraction since their inauguration, no matter, where they are and how they are maintained. Movies have always enjoyed an important stage in the culture of different countries. However, in my opinion, they have lost a bigger number of viewers in the latest decade. Focusing on the fact that the Internet has opened a new world for us and has really affected our likes and dislikes too , it has brought down the popularity of cinemas really quickly.
In this fast-developing world, technology has the most important contribution which is becoming relatively high in the present world. Some people think that digitalization will completely suppress tutors in learning places, while others think teachers will still exist even the technological development has reached the maximum level.
Nowadays due to the increasing population, the world is facing a scarcity of living space; However new space could be developed in rural areas to accommodate the need for homes. But some people believe that it is crucial to protect the countryside to retain farmland and peaceful area, while I personally disagree with this statement because I believe the demand for the new jeweller must be satisfied by using outskirt land for economic growth and ruler development. There are many points that can be addressed why a new home should build outside of the city.
In this modern era, one of the doubtable concerns of a student is to choose a stream for study. The majority of university learners prefer to choose practical subjects despite the subjects that contain more theory. Some commentators opine that learning institutes should encourage students to stick with popular classes instead of regular ones. This essay will elaborate on the difference along with my perspectives in the upcoming paragraphs.
After Covid-19, the companies had a challenge, so they started the concept for employees to work from home. We will discuss further possible pro- and counterarguments concerning working from home in this essay.
Health is the first and foremost priority of everyone. Healthcare has a very important place in the planning of individuals as well as the country's budget. Diabetes is a very common health problem worldwide and has got a big share in the public health system. It is often linked to the unreasonable use of sugar . Obesity, on the other hand, is also one of the outcomes of such intake. A lot of people think that increasing the price of sugar will help, however, I believe that educating our society about it will give better results.
In today's world, as a result of increased touristry, there are various environmental issues, such as pollution caused by flight and transport services, and contaminated water sources. In many people's opinion, to tackle these problems, authorities shall implement extra taxes on wind transportation or apply some other regulations in travel industries. I totally agree with the aforementioned statement and believe that it will be another step on our way to preserving nature for future generations.
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