IELTS Writing Samples Band 8.5

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In developing countries, particularly England, there has a hereditary to put elders in nursing homes. Some proponents agree that the government should pay for all the expenses of treatment whereas others believe that families should compensate for taking care of their elders.
It is generally acknowledged that the main purpose of science is to benefit individuals and contribute to the quality of their lives. Personally, I firmly agree with this notion for two main reasons.
In this era, it is arduous to imagine studying without the use of electronic devices. It is frequently argued that gadgets are essential while tutoring certain courses, whereas others opine that they could not be used for all kinds of courses. In the essay, I would like to shed light on both perspectives along with my viewpoint in the upcoming paragraphs.
In today's increasingly automated world, the development of cutting-edge technology has become a ubiquitous presence that transformed all aspects of life. While some believe that this trend might exacerbate the social classification due to the exorbitant price of some high-tech devices, others would state that certain innovations are available for everyone in society and help narrow the gap between rich and poor individuals. This essay will thoroughly analyse both sides of the argument before my personal perspective is provided.
It is argued that the maximum populations and communities are adversely affected by the social medias like facebook as they are addicted to those applications. I partially agree to this statement. This essay will explain some positive and few negative points of such network areas.
In contemporary society, people prefer to spend their lifetime in the known environment. The majority of people plan to live in familiar surrounding from their birth. This essay would discuss what are the benefits and drawbacks of living in the same places after birth and describe the possible causes of incidents.
Presently, there has been a ubiquitous debate about how much risk one should take. Whilst some venturers hold the view that individuals should endeavour new opportunities, others have a diverse perspective. However, I am of the stance that the merits of taking risks exceed its demerits and in the following lines, the previously mentioned points will be thoroughly elaborated.
It is becoming increasingly common for students who have finished school before going to higher education. Although the benefits of this are varied, the drawbacks, in my opinion, should be paid more attention to.
Regarding the development of industrial products, there is no doubt to say that advertisements play a significant role in human life in this day and age. This fact accidentally starts an argument about the way it affects society. Both sides of this debate will be analyzed in detail before a reasonable conclusion is drawn.
Advertising seeks to reach potential customers in order to boost the sales of goods. Although large quantities of advertisements can be seen in various kinds of media, their influence on consumer choices is declining mainly due to the reasons discussed below and I believe the trend is more positive than negative.
Undoubtedly, criminals tend to commit more offences after serving their initial sentence. This is because there are not enough rehabilitation facilities to incorporate these people to lead normal lives. This essay will explore how a dearth of settlement services encourages criminal behaviour and propose remedies to the problem.
Congestion and air pollution are primary problems every country has to deal with, and the main reason is automobiles using fossil fuels. Some people have an opinion that increasing the price of petrol is the viable solution to solve these issues. Nevertheless, I personally do not agree with this idea.
Transportation is extremely vital for human beings to survive on this planet. However, efforts can be made to use more public transport and personal conveyance can be avoided. The various problems caused by private cars and bikes are discussed below along with the solutions.
Technology has taken a toll on individuals' life.So they intend to accomplish their tasks such as banking,shopping and hotel bookings online instead of performing them by visiting the concerned places.Even though this scenario has some adverse ramifications,I believe that the merits of this override the demerits and will discuss the rationales to prove my consideration in upcoming paragraphs.
In contemporary society exploring new experiences becoming more famous. Some individuals think it gives considerable pleasure to their lives and others think to stuck in their comfortable safe zone. This essay would discuss why people are interested in discovering new things when others are practising the same routine. My opinion is exposure to fresh things will be changed the world.
Over the past few decades, the world has experienced an unprecedented surge in technological advancements, enhancing various aspects of an individual's life. This essay will discuss to what extent these advancements have impacted a person's life, evaluating the level I agree or disagree with this statement.
Climate change has become a pressing issue for a century. Some people deem we should find a solution to live with it rather than to alleviate climate change. From my perspective, I strongly disagree with that view because of the following reasons:
Over the past decades, one of the major issues faced by the government has been the increasing population, which has led to an increase in the flow of people towards urban areas searching for job opportunities and a better lifestyle. I strongly agree that only the government can resolve this issue. Let's discuss more about this topic in the upcoming paragraphs.
Deciding on a career path sets the tone for the life you want to live. Some people choose a career that provides wealth and social status while others pick a job where they enjoy working at. Either way, a person must decide which is more important. This essay will discuss my thoughts as to why I think an individual could choose either.
In this progressive day, lots of money is wasted on the high prices gadgets and stylish brands by the young, while a number of them are not extremely needed. I am convinced that it is unnecessary to consume and will be impacted on the young if it becomes a habit.
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