IELTS Writing Samples Band 8.5

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Nowadays due to the increasing population, the world is facing a scarcity of living space; However new space could be developed in rural areas to accommodate the need for homes. But some people believe that it is crucial to protect the countryside to retain farmland and peaceful area, while I personally disagree with this statement because I believe the demand for the new jeweller must be satisfied by using outskirt land for economic growth and ruler development. There are many points that can be addressed why a new home should build outside of the city.
In this modern era, one of the doubtable concerns of a student is to choose a stream for study. The majority of university learners prefer to choose practical subjects despite the subjects that contain more theory. Some commentators opine that learning institutes should encourage students to stick with popular classes instead of regular ones. This essay will elaborate on the difference along with my perspectives in the upcoming paragraphs.
After Covid-19, the companies had a challenge, so they started the concept for employees to work from home. We will discuss further possible pro- and counterarguments concerning working from home in this essay.
Health is the first and foremost priority of everyone. Healthcare has a very important place in the planning of individuals as well as the country's budget. Diabetes is a very common health problem worldwide and has got a big share in the public health system. It is often linked to the unreasonable use of sugar . Obesity, on the other hand, is also one of the outcomes of such intake. A lot of people think that increasing the price of sugar will help, however, I believe that educating our society about it will give better results.
In today's world, as a result of increased touristry, there are various environmental issues, such as pollution caused by flight and transport services, and contaminated water sources. In many people's opinion, to tackle these problems, authorities shall implement extra taxes on wind transportation or apply some other regulations in travel industries. I totally agree with the aforementioned statement and believe that it will be another step on our way to preserving nature for future generations.
In modern life, people tend to migrate to major cities in search of a better life. I believe that this is a negative situation, and this essay aims to prove my point of view.
With the proliferation of technology, the majority of individuals prefer to acquire knowledge from personal computers as well as other technical equipment rather than published material. Therefore, it is asserted that books, magazines and newspapers should not be printed. I strongly agree with this notion and will prove my point in upcoming segments.
It is believed that certain countries are swapping physical stores with virtual ones. In an era of globalisation, I strongly believe that this comes as a positive and welcome development because it reduces the hustles of shopping and boosts small to medium business endeavours. I will discuss these issues below.
Some people think that students should be allowed to choose subjects in the schools while others argue that learners should follow the mandatory syllabus given by the institution. I would agree with the former statement because it will be beneficial for peers in numerous ways. I feel this way for two reasons which I will explore in the following essay.
While several people think that specialists should work in the country where they received training, others argue they ought to have the freedom to choose their workplace. Although retaining talented workers can accelerate a nation’s development, I think allowing them to select their workplace can help them to reach their full potential.
With the advent of the information era, there is a prevailing trend of migrating personal data from offline to cyberspace. In my opinion, despite some downsides related to the transformation, citizens are able to enjoy more benefits from this.
It is clear that tourism has become a popular global leisure activity thanks to advancements in technology like online payment systems or remote booking. Although the trend has been associated with some negative impacts on the environment, it still benefits numerous countries and their people to a great extent.
Generally, it is widely noticeable that strengthening or weakening in something can be identified by gender while others believe it is too early to reach that principle. Using gender criteria alone is not enough to define how well people are, I, therefore, do not think it was a good path to walk through this conclusion.
Sleep deprivation is a quite common thing in today's society. A plethora of problems associated with the above notion will be outlined, explaining the root causes of lack of sleep and providing some solutions.
Some proportion of the population believes that letting offspring to doing their own choices on everyday matters is possible to generate a society that only contemplates themselves.While other crowds think that it is crucial to learn the children how they could make their decision.In my perspective, I totally agree with the latter. In this essay , I will explain both views in detail.
Recent years have witnessed a significant increase in the number of people travelling overseas. In this essay, I will explore some reasons behind this trend and explain why it is a positive approach.
The constant increase of some animals' extinction or near this made several people around the world think about this issue to solve it. This essay will argue the possible causes for this, such as money, notoriousness, and faith, and a feasible solution that involves a campaign of consciousness and a strict law for these cases.
Every multinational giant wants to spread their wings in emerging nations to increase their market share. Some individuals believe that it is beneficial to the end users whereas others feel that it could have devastating effects on the local economy. I completely agree with the latter statement and this essay will explain both sides with examples.
It is a common belief that schools should be a place where pupils studied academic knowledge to pass an exam rather than learning skills such as cooking, and tailoring. In my point of view, cooking and other skills are equally important as academic education.
Some can argue that the future of printed media and literature is bleak because people tend to like to read newspapers or books that are available for free online. While it is true that there are many free resources available online nowadays, the argument can be refuted. In this essay, I will illustrate the reasoning for my disagreement with the opinion.
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