IELTS Writing Samples Band 8.5

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Parenting is a huge problem which present-day parents face in the modern busy world. In this ,regard some parents think allowing children to take their own decisions will cultivate selfishness among them and others believe it's needed for their development. However, in my opinion, they both are significant and need to do in a balanced way.
Health is wealth and in my ,opinion everybody in this world should be entitled to free healthcare. There is a section of society that believes that medical facilities should not be free regardless of the patient's income. I completely disagree with this opinion. The reasons for my stance are given below.
Over recent decades, many communities have been trying to extend the cultures and traditions where are being lived. Personally, I completely disagreed with this view because I believe that people still have to maintain their culture and follow the customs and traditions of a new society at the same time.
Having your own home is better than renting it for the populace due to the high prices, inflation and the fear about the children's future. And I reckon it will affect a lot of countries. Especially, the small ones. I agree with the idea of buying to save the children's future.
Study groups have gained popularity over the past few decades in education. Although some believe that studying alone is more beneficial for some reason, I would argue that studying together is more effective.
In the post-pandemic era, air travel has gained significant momentum among travellers across the globe. Some believe that air passenger carriers only pay attention and extend comfort to their passengers, travelling in first class in comparison to an economy . Yet, I believe otherwise and this essay will give reasons as to why I don't think this statement is true.
In the modern world, some people argue that all students should choose modern and money-making subjects to study like those related to technology, while others opine that pupils are free to decide about their field of study. I believe that independence and self-choice are important rules in human lives and should be respected.
Some people believe that people's dressing sense is good enough to judge their culture and character. I disagree with this statement because we cannot wholly rely on their clothing to know their background. Several other factors contribute to the conclusion.
In real life, there are some situations that are inevitably negative and they are difficult to compromise with. Although someone is able to accept the event and continue activity in the same fashion, there is a belief that thriving for a higher position would be better. The ideas of both views will be provided in the following paragraphs.
There are opinions that the characteristics we are born with have much more impact on our nature and development than any experiences we may have throughout our lifetime. I believe that genes have more supremacy influence than surroundings and environment. The objective of this essay is to discuss this with relevant examples.
In the era of digitization, every business is looking to acquire a new market, and for this reason, they have tried all marketing tactics to attract new customers. Some quick food chains are targeting schoolgoers by coordinating with schools. I believe this would have devastating effects on pupils' physical and mental health.
Nowadays, some people consider that exchanging vast amounts of information in the spheres of science, education and business is okay to deal with. However, others assume that some sort of data is crucial and valuable to be shared. This essay will discuss both sides of this topic and my personal opinion will be included.
The traditional methods of testing students are no longer effective. Many educational institutes have come up with innovative and effective ways to test pupils. In my opinion, these new practices are far superior in assessing the students and should be continued. I completely agree with the statement above.
It is true that physical activity is vital to humans in many different ways, especially to older ones. However, a number of the elderly report suffering from a lack of fitness. Given that this can cause a whole host of health issues, identifying the reasons behind it is key to finding solutions.
These days, there are an infinite amount of entertainment opportunities and various amenities. And one of the most debated topics is the direction of museum facilities. The opinions related to this divides into two categories, the entertainment and the educational purposes of museums. During the analysis of both views, I will try to define one that seems to be most suitable to the truth.
In past decades, most people used to wear traditional outfits because of their cultural value system. However, in recent times, the populace around the world is more inclined to copy the same trends. In my opinion, this would have negative impacts on future generations and business owners.
In some democratic countries, people want to make as much noise as they want. Whereas others believe that should be restricted because uncontrollable and loud sounds can have devastating effects on toddlers and even worst for elders. I completely agree with the latter statement, and this essay will demonstrate it with examples.
Taking a gap year after graduating from high school and before going to college for particular reasons has become a trend in the last few years for students. In this essay, I will outline the benefits and drawbacks of this issue from various points of view.
In the present world, the population distribution is constantly changing. some younger generations like to move to urban areas from rural communities, while their parents are left behind. I believe it has both positive and negative aspects that benefit young ones and harm the elderly.
One school of thought holds that music is of extreme importance to life, whereas others believe that it is simply an option for entertainment. This essay attempts to shed light on both perspectives before concluding that I am in favour of the former notion.
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