IELTS Writing Samples Band 8.5

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Nowadays, there has been a ubiquitous debate about where public funds should be spent. While a number of individuals who work in the tourism industry claim that their sector should not be financially undermined, educationalists and medical practitioners hold a diverse perspective. However, I concur with the latter because of the benefits both the educational and medical sectors promise. In the following lines, the previously-mentioned points will be thoroughly elaborated.
In this era, it is thought that hospital is prioritized as the main choice when having an illness, though patients literally have various choices and they have the right to choose what they prefer. As a result, a higher number of people choose alternative medicine for their ailments. Although people these days are pessimistic about that, I think its growth of demand is a positive development for our world.
It is an issue of hot debate whether pupils of secondary school ought to learn about global updates as one of their curricula or is spoiling their precious time. As far as I am concerned I am in the favour of former notion. In this essay, I will discuss both sides and I will try to give an opinion from my best experience.
Nowadays it is extremely prevalent for directors to be much more well-paid than regular breadwinners. Some people view this as inevitable, some don't, but personally, I think that organizers should be treated better than labourers.
It seems that in today’s world, different people have opposite opinions on how news and media influence us. From my perspective, I believe nowadays, the way information and media are presented to us has detrimental effects, and I will discuss my thoughts in the following paragraphs.
In recent years there is a tendency that many young individuals to choose to have their first child at a later age. This may stem from many reasons and from my viewpoint, the advantages do outweigh the drawbacks of this trend. The following essay will discuss my point of view.
Nowadays,there has been a growing trend of living abroad with a foreign language. Some people believe that folk should talk in the country 's language to avoid any social troubles as well as routine problems. In my opinion, I totally agree with this notion .In my essay , I will explain that in detail.
While it is usually thought that male and female students ought to be segregated in classrooms, other people strongly believe that integrating both in the same school is vital to the learning process and even after. In my opinion, I concur that coeducational schools can foster a more inclusive, diverse, and dynamic learning environment.
In community areas,the majority of nations are prohibiting smoking and it is asserted that individuals who want to do smoking ought to go out of the establishment.I strongly accord with this notion and will discuss the reasons to prove my point in upcoming segments.
Nowadays, hiring a personal fitness trainer has become a trend. It is argued that in different nations a vast majority of people are willing to hire a personal trainer instead of engaging in sports or performing exercise. I firmly agree with the former view of the aforementioned notion which will be discussed in the following paragraphs.
It is one of the most significant determinations in life to choose an accommodation for the future.In some countries, owning a house is regarded as more important than renting for various reasons. I personally believe that this is a positive development from the perspectives of security and finance.
In this modern era, there is a phenomenon where using electrical devices takes account for a majority of children’s time in a day. In this essay, I am going to research the matters, from my perspective have both optimistic and adverse sides, notwithstanding it is unfavourable circumstances.
The question of whether the impact of advertising should be controlled has been a topic of interest. One school of thought holds that advertising activities do more harm than good for our lives. In this essay, I will elaborate on my disagreement with that view.
In contemporary society, people are always searching for things which they have not revealed before. Accordingly, crime books and dramas have become famous in the majority of countries. This essay would discuss what are the possible reasons for this popularity. I believe that criminal telecasts or storybooks should be limited to the audience.
In the period of modernity, many parents prefer using laptops for the learning of their children while on the other hand there are some who believe this way of education has more drawbacks than benefits and thus they prefer sending them to schools. In my opinion, the latter proposition appears to be more rational and this essay will further elaborate my views leading to a logical conclusion.
It is observed that global prestige is achieved by constructing specific premises to upskill elite professionals in lieu of offering play facilities for public use in some parts of the world. I believe that this has detrimental impacts on citizens, despite the fact that it can create favourite conditions for contestants to prosper.
In the upcoming years, it has been predicted that autonomous automobiles would not require any human beings to drive them, subsequently , the inhabitants travelling in them would be the only ones present in them. The following essay intends to shed light on both pros and cons of it in the upcoming paragraphs.
One thinks in retrospect how primitive our use of cars and other transport means has been. Nowadays, vehicles have been dominated by automation, where the car moves. I do strongly believe that automation's benefits, like driverless vehicles, surpass its disadvantages.
In today's fast-paced world, humans seek new ways to enjoy leisure time. With the evolution of television streaming, more and more folks are spending their time enjoying games. However, A significant number of individuals believe it's not recommended to explore play during personal time. In my opinion, I feel sports improve mental well-being and inspire them to do bigger things. Two arguments for the agreements are explained in detail below along with the conclusion.
Vitamins and glucose are essential for our body. They not only keep bodies healthy but also people can not survive without them. In the current time, synthetic food and juices are manufactured which contain greater amounts of sugar, resulting in, various health issues. Therefore, in order to make the public consume low sugar, these products' prices should be high. I completely agree with the statement that these sugary drinks can cause numerous diseases namely diabetes. If governments work on its cause to make it high this policy will decrease the number of consumers.
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