IELTS Discussion Writing Samples Band 6.5

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According to financial troubles in actual life and its related anxiety and a sense of responsibility, people try to find and keep their careers as much as possible. Then, for instance, when they are not able to go to work due to some difficulties like illnesses, they enforce themselves not to stop working at all. Here, different aspects of this action besides strong points and weaknesses will be overviewed.
In recent years, people have paid more attention to history, especially the history of the places where they live. From my point of view, it is reasonable for residents to care about the history of some buildings, and there are several approaches for them to achieve this.
One of the greatest challenges in the world today, is pollution to the ecosystem from plastic materials.In this ,essay i will be discussing how plastic pollutes the environment and also possible solutions that both government and people should carry out to prevent the damage to the surroundings.
According to some studies, the majority of newly released inmates will revert to their previous conduct. There are numerous explanations for why they behave in this manner, as well as a variety of potential solutions. I am going to debate the related topic in this essay.
According to research, the majority of newly released prisoners commit new crimes upon their release. This is a painful situation for society, which requires the attention of society as well as government actions to resolve.
There is a growing number of people who are curious about the past of the building they settle in. A lot of reasons may lead to this trend but probably it is mainly because of curiosity and refurbishment. To find out more detail about their homes, asking elderlies who live in the same neighbours and checking documents would be effective ways.
Most are people interested to know more deeply about the specific places than would be lived there, especially houses and buildings. It could be seen in a society that many societies try to seek detailed information for buying a house or renting a home. It is one of the examples to support people searching for media information. Personally, I will explant more reasons and the way of finding information for above.
It is often argued that they are individuals who consider that let media and news channels telecast the private information of renowned celebrities. Others believe, Although they are famous people, they are also citizens of the country who have a basic right to privacy, and peeking into celebrities must not be encouraged. This essay will discuss both these points of view and argue in favour of the latter.
It is true that the young generations are altering their job more often in recent years. There are serval of possible reasons for this, and I believe changing jobs frequently have more drawbacks than the benefits.
In the past, cultures had a variety of historical buildings that left a unique signature to them. However, Currently, society started to be careless about their past. Therefore, they started destroying important buildings. In this essay, I will demonstrate the main reasons and alternatives that reduce this issue.
Shopping complexes have become more popular than local markets, especially in many cities, because of the different advantages they offer. Despite this, people still prefer local markets due to the benefits they grant. This essay will discuss the advantages of each type of marketplace. Personally, I prefer shopping centres over local markets.
Overdependency on illegal substances in juveniles is increasing at an alarming rate. This is one of the major problems society is facing today. If immediate and serious measures are not taken to solve this problem, the consequences would be unimaginable. However, in order to find the right remedies, firstly, the real reasons must be unearthed.
In this modern age, the role of media in sharing information has grown significantly. Some find it interesting in reading books because they find themselves involved in the topic better. There are few who like comics as they have a pictorial representation of the information. Another group of people prefer to listen to the radio because they have less time to read and they listen to info faster. finally, we have people who like to get information in the form of film or theatre as they believe that information which involves delicate subjects can only be grasped by watching and listening. I believe that the medium which we use completely depends on the context of the message and i find that Tv and film theatre are the best ways to convey a message.
It is more common for couples to pour a vast of money at wedding these days . It is undeniable that marriage ceremonies are becoming greater and costly nowadays. There are numerous causes behind this and according to me it is a negative development. I would explain the reasons and effects in the forthcoming paragraphs.
It is undeniable that the fields in question, history and technology respectively, could not be further apart from one another on the academic spectrum. However, it is precisely due to these differences that both history and technology offer equally fulfilling skills and qualities to students that decide to pursue them. I believe that students should ideally pursue both fields, or at least another combination of adjacent subjects, since what can be learnt through the study of history cannot be conveyed within the field of technology alone, and viceversa.
Over recent decades, some people question the ethics of experimenting with animals. While some believe that it is essential for making progress as a society, I would agree with those who consider it a cruel practise that should be forbidden. This essay will also explore some alternatives to animal experimentation.
Social relationships have been greatly affected by the emergence of social media websites. I believe that modern technology has had a negative impact on communities despite the charm it has on its users. In this essay, I demonstrate how technology has altered relationships among people as well as its negative effect on communities.
While some believe that zoos play a significant role in protecting animals, others feel it is unnecessary and unethical to keep animals in cages. Personally, I agree that animals should not be kept in zoos.
These days people's life is full of stress. It is plain to see, that many people have to work longer hours which leads to a great deal of stress. In the forthcoming paragraphs, this essay will state some reasons for the same.
Since 1978 when the World Health Organization declared that health is a human right, our society has been debating if governments should implement universal health systems. While some people affirm that this type of healthcare system should be expanded across the globe, others believe that free healthcare is not a government obligation.
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