IELTS Discussion Writing Samples Band 6.5

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Nowadays, there is an increasing number of young people from rural areas who choose to leave their hometowns for better education and employment opportunities in major cities. This is mainly because the urban areas of those cities are relatively better-developed,which can attract more business cooperations and schools to locate. Although the young generations could achieve their ambitions in those major cities, I still believe that the disadvantages would outweigh the advantage that this trend brings.
These days, it is argued that famous personalities pay more for their work as compared to politicians. The main reason behind that celebs have so many opportunities like to work in movies, campaigns and advertisements but, lawmakers get only a fixed salary which is given by the government. This may be a negative trend because politicians job is very different because serving the nation is not an easy task. Let's discuss its causes and impacts in brief.
In recent days, young married couples are now reluctant to have children when they are young and more likely to have them only when they are old rather than in the past. Generally, the positive and negative impacts concerned with this issue before presenting about the benefits over harmful effects.
In the modern era, the earning of famous personalities are greater if compared to politician's it's because they don't have any fixed salary. Let's discuss the reasons and the impact of this trend .
In the modern world, gender equality is becoming a very hot topic in every part of society. Women and men have the right to choose gender freely. In general, women and men have different strengths and weaknesses. Even though they have common points in some areas, excluding them in their professions because of their gender is such gender discrimination. In my point of view, males and females should get the same chances in society.
Nowadays, obesity is a growing concern.Moreover, individuals with detrimental health issues are increasing in numbers because of having overweight.The main reason behind this is urbanisation.The following paragraphs will describe the reasons and some solutions.
Nowadays, the number of people who choose to study abroad is on the rise. English-speaking countries are the favourite destination for millions of international students, this is due to English being universal. The American movie industry and the World Wide Network are two major reasons for its widespread around the world.
It is often said that the number of people who want to become teachers is decreasing dramatically especially in secondary schools. This issue could be for several reasons. In my ,opinion there is much that can be done to address the problem constructively.
Currently, many residents tend to know more about the history of accommodation or construction where they staying. This essay will explore might be this case by culture conscious and public may do the research from internet or library.
Nowadays many celebrities around the world are being paid a higher salary than doctors. There are some compelling reasons behind this trend and I think it is a negative development.
In recent years, international tourism has become a widespread phenomenon in many disparate parts of the world. However, a hostile attitude towards this trend has emerged amongst local people. This happens because international tourism often disturbs the social balance and causes cultural misunderstandings in the local area. To change these negative attitudes, the authorities should impose a tax on tourist services and organize cultural-exchange events.
At the current time, a lot of elderly individuals tend to complete and compete with youngsters people for the same careers. Accordingly to this phenomenon, there are some causes for that, on the other hand, there are also solutions. In this essay, both problems and resolutions will be illustrated.
Adolescents started to consume drugs these days regardless of their impacts. Both ways to find drugs and prices about drugs are the reason why drugs are being consumed by teenagers. Drug addiction can have an impact on their life.
A certain number of public believe that understanding another idiom is for their work or visit purpose in that nations but other communities argue that studying abroad lessons is because of various matters rather than to move there.This essay will discuss as detailed this topic in the following paragraphs.
These days, the historic background of the apartment or building in which residents live has been becoming their favourite activity. In this essay, I will explain the reason leading to this trend and some ways people can research this.
For the time being, the ceaseless pursuit of happiness has never failed to provoke debate among people. This essay is devoted to analyzing the underlying reasons of different definitions of happiness and several far-reaching tactics to attain it.
Whether cities are better than rural areas or vice-versa is a contentious question, it depends on one's choice, as to, what they prefer. Both cities and rural areas have their pros and cons. Rural areas have quaint environments whereas there is always something fascinating about big cities. In my opinion, the answer to the question “Are there more advantages to living in a city than in the country?” is not like one shoe fit for all, it’s a totally subjective choice.
In the modern world of work, the attitude that "work is for life" is no longer exists. Today, while, many people take advantage of opportunities to change jobs, others do not want to change jobs. In my essay, I will look at the pros and cons of the above attitudes.
People assume that offspring should start learning education such as numeracy, literacy and others at the activity of five or six. But some of them consider that scion should be taught from the youth of 7. And now we shall discuss both of views.
Well connected transport networks and technological advancements have enabled shifting to new towns without second thoughts. People tend to leave their birthplace as they grow and the situation offers upsides as well as downsides. The following paragraphs will explore both sides of the argument and impress on my opinion that advantages do outweigh the disadvantages of this migration.
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