IELTS Discussion Writing Samples Band 6.5

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There are many subjects that are taught in schools. Some parents suggest removing maths from the studying program while others say it is a fundamental discipline and protest. This essay will discuss both sides of the described problem.
Nowadays, students are getting a lot of opportunities in the education sector. However, some universities are allowing the students to study all the subjects of their interests also, few others universities forcing the students to be master in one subject. In my viewpoint, seeking advanced knowledge in a subject is more valuable than learning all subjects in an incomplete manner.
Nowadays, people think that the best way to be happy in life is to have enormous amount of money. This essay will analyse things related to this matter. However, personally, I think that cash obviuosly can make humans joyful.
Nowadays dissolution between people is increasing in many countries, especially during the quarantine due to high demand from society participants. There are several major causes that lead to this situation. Fortunately, although the rate is dramatically going up, there are ways where family separation issues can be solved. The subject has been justified further.
To date, credit and debit card are very liked and using more than even ordinary methods such as banknotes and coins. This essay will consider both views of payment. However, personally, I think that common variant are actually outdated.
Currently, there are numerous disputes about living independently. Nowadays, the number of people who choose to live on their own account. In this essay, I will discuss some causes and advantages and disadvantages of this trend.
There is no doughty that wildlife habitats are being destroyed and whole speciesof animals are on the verge of disappearing due to human activities on land and in the sea. The forthcoming paragraphs will highlight what are the reasons behind this and a few
Many individuals think that person with well being usually eats more healthy meals, does enough workouts and lives without stress or burn out. Maybe it is a general thought about being healty. In my country, it seems that Mongolians count as healthy person who weights suitable weight and doesn't have any disease diagnozed by doctors. Now I will explain my opinion on what person is healthy.
Because of some human activities that exist only for the purpose of satisfying people's needs, such as hunting elephants for their ivory in Africa to make decorations or whaling in Greenland as a traditional way to honour the elderly, some vulnerable species are dying out. In my opinion, in order to save these creatures, there are two possible solutions that people can adopt to help them.
In today’s world, it is surprisingly ubiquitous that a number of people around the world still suffer from hunger although considerable progress has been made to improve the quality of agriculture. This problem, nevertheless, can be easily resolved by numerous solutions. The essay will discuss some causes and present my suggestions for the issue.
Nuclear power, nowadays, is used to generate electricity in many parts. Some people say that energy produced by nuclear power is cheap and clean while, others argue that they are a potent threat to world peace. In this essay, I will mention the advantages and disadvantages of this approach and will also explain why I feel that there are more advantages.
In our world nowadays, the concentration of the population in our urbanized areas is extremely high compared to rural regions. As a consequence, our towns suffer from finding space to provide new houses for their residents. There are several reasons for this debacle as we will discuss.
There are many reasons influencing families to become parents later in the modern world. Some say that this is not a good trend while others argue that it is a new lifestyle and more adaptable to the modern world. my opinion stands closer to the former statement.
In our modern world nowadays, life expectancy has increased dramatically posing a social challenge for society. While some socialists believe that elderly people should live with their families; others ,however, consider this step is not preferable. They argue that many of them need special care and they have to stay in special buildings equipped for providing basic health facilities for them.
The trend of homeowners searching for historical information is becoming increasingly popular in many nations. In this , essay I will explain why people are interested in finding out the background of their houses and suggest some solutions to this issue.
Nowadays , overseas universities and colleges for study are chosen by the pupils . Nevertheless , they think that the education abroad is beneficial , the teaching in their own country . According to my opinion , I think that positivity to studying abroad is much more than negativity .
In this day and age, there has been a growing trend that the myriad of obese folk, which is substaintially greater than the early generations. This article will attempt to analyse the cause and propose some solutions to this issue.
In this modern age, people prefer to rent a house or flat rather than buy it because of many reasons. While there are those people who are living in a house, they have become interested in the history of the house. This essay will clarify why people would like to know the old story of where they live in and how these people research from.
With the pace of 21st-century technology is lept to the level which was unimaginable a few decades ago . Due to the advancement we all starts to believe that there is life existence on other planets . Although I am also one of them who argue that there is existence on the other globe , there are many ways to prove that there are creatures out of the globe .
I few countries, many people are interested to know about the past details of their home they are living in. It is because of curiosity and people can know about it from their old neighbours and the internet.
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