IELTS Discussion Writing Samples Band 6.5

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For the time being, the ceaseless pursuit of happiness has never failed to provoke debate among people. This essay is devoted to analyzing the underlying reasons of different definitions of happiness and several far-reaching tactics to attain it.
Whether cities are better than rural areas or vice-versa is a contentious question, it depends on one's choice, as to, what they prefer. Both cities and rural areas have their pros and cons. Rural areas have quaint environments whereas there is always something fascinating about big cities. In my opinion, the answer to the question “Are there more advantages to living in a city than in the country?” is not like one shoe fit for all, it’s a totally subjective choice.
In the modern world of work, the attitude that "work is for life" is no longer exists. Today, while, many people take advantage of opportunities to change jobs, others do not want to change jobs. In my essay, I will look at the pros and cons of the above attitudes.
People assume that offspring should start learning education such as numeracy, literacy and others at the activity of five or six. But some of them consider that scion should be taught from the youth of 7. And now we shall discuss both of views.
Well connected transport networks and technological advancements have enabled shifting to new towns without second thoughts. People tend to leave their birthplace as they grow and the situation offers upsides as well as downsides. The following paragraphs will explore both sides of the argument and impress on my opinion that advantages do outweigh the disadvantages of this migration.
Nowadays, people living in buildings which can be several thousands years. Our generation live after many significant and wondering events that can happened in our houses. Human is a creature that interesting in such things, so it is predictable situation when community starting research it.
Over the years fashion has always been a hot topic even in recent times some people shop for clothes and change hairstyles based on the current trend in fashion in various countries. This happens for a number of reasons, for some just to feel among with their peers, and while others because their form of employment requires them too. I am of the opinion that this can neither be a positive occurrence nor a negative occurrence.
Choosing a science subject is not much popular for students at the university level around the world. This essay will examine the main causes of why graduates are not interested in selecting the science stream and because of that what impact it causes on society.
Choosing a science subject is not very much popular for students at the university level around the world. This essay will examine the main causes of why graduates are not interested in selecting the science stream and because of that what impact it causes on society.
Owing to the alternation that has taken palace in the prospect of individuals,their treatment has to do with their children has undergone drastic changes,which prompts them to utilize various levers to push their children toward the summit of prosperity.Both radices and also the related dire consequences are uttered here.
A number of games are offered to the kids by several guardians. This essay clarifies the advantages such as introducing the young to the animal kingdom and enhancing their understanding of the world. However, age-inappropriate models can scare young people and choking hazards are really common in real life.
It is a bitter truth in such countries, where higher educational institutions’ students empower to work or travel for a year to capture global trends right before getting in enrol with prestigious universities. Experts throughout the world have debated whether it is beneficial for them or not. In this essay, both merits and demerits are discussed below with reasonable examples.
It is a bitter truth in such countries, where higher educational institutions’ students empower to work or travel for a year to capture global trends right before they to get enrol in prestigious universities. Experts throughout the world have debated whether it is beneficial for them or not. In this essay, both merits and demerits are discussed below with reasonable examples.
There are debatable issues about punishment in the world I uphold the view that separating criminals should be criticized, and I will explain why totally disagree with that.
Nowadays there are numerous nations which import and export food each other. Some people think this circumstance has the merits, whereas others believe that it has not only the advantages but also the demerits. In this essay, I will compare the merits and demerits of this notion.
Nowadays, there is a trend in certain states that individuals grow more curious about the past of their dwellings. That essay will discuss the causes for that enthusiasm and how those people can investigate the history of their houses.
For the time being, the ceaseless pursuit of happiness has never failed to provoke debates among people. This essay is dedicated to analysing the underlying roots together with providing efficacious methods to achieve happiness.
Recent years have witnessed an unprecedented growth of homeowners showing propensities for having a deep knowledge about the history of a place they live such as: house, building, and so on. This essay attempts to shed light on the driving force behind the curtain before outlining a number of methods people can discover their accommodations' past.
Notwithstanding the advice given by physicians that the aged should be engaged in regular activity, yet several of them fail to do so. The essay will discuss that poverty or neglect by their children is the major cause and how they can have enough training.
Nowadays, many people have only little time for hobby because they spend more time for working. From my perspective, this situation have more drawbacks than benefits. In this essay, both of these viewpoints will be discussed before reaching a conclusion.
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