IELTS Discussion Writing Samples Band 6.5

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Currently, the ceaseless pursuit of happiness has never failed to raise a controversial question among people. This essay is devoted to analyzing the underlying roots, followed by some tactics to achieve happiness.
In the world full of advancement, everyone has been enabled to copy works of a variety of artists or authors owning to the existence of technology. From my own perspective, both advantages and disadvantages can result from this tendency.
A number of individuals, who are being nostalgic in the foreign land as they resided for some time.This essay clarifies the importance of not realising cultures and their effects; thereafter, it focuses on the activities like understanding locals and dialects that can minimise this sentimental issues.
Nowadays, offspring suffer from thinking distraction. I think this is mainly because of more lecture hours and studying some subjects which are ,compulsory not optional.
Due to the invention of Artificial Intelligence, CCTV cameras have been installed in public places; however, some masses are sceptical about their benefit in crime reduction. This move is not favourable, and reasons, along with the conclusion ,in the end, would be discussed in the following paragraphs.
Teachers are playing a great role in society since they prepare generations to join in society nowadays. Every developed country owes their success to their valuable teachers. Being a teacher is one of the most difficult decisions for individuals since they take a great responsibility that may affect their whole life. Therefore, most people may lose their attitude to being a teacher. In this essay, I will try to cover most high-priority related issues which I will make effort to provide some solutions to cope with in the following.
It is argued that enlistment' conduct in classrooms is deteriorating in recent years. Although there will undoubtedly be some negative consequences of this trend, governments can take steps to mitigate these potential problems.
The increasing of health complications has proven that how important physical activity is in our daily life. Ironically, everyone knows the advantages of walking but few of us spend enough time on physical activity. I want to explain the reason why we avoid walking and doing any physical activity and how we can deal with problems.
It is predominantly acknowledged that exercise is necessary for the elderly, some still neglect this recommendation from health experts and make a minimal effort doing exercise. From my perspective, this is stemmed from past upbringing, and ,apparently there are several ways to mitigate the existing concern.
There is a wide array of breaching the legislation and it is deemed that the most serious of them are committing more and more frequently yearly. There are members of society who tend to believe that capital punishment is needed to stop this accelerating tendency- while others as well as I, on the other hand, stick to less severe penalizing. In the essay I will further explore this highly interesting and thought-provoking topic.
It commonly happens that in academic institutions, female students tend to choose arts subjects, while male students prefer to take interest in science. I will elaborate on a potential root cause and an alternative solution to drive the change of this condition.
Whereas to the fact that some universities require their students to be taking one unique subject to be focused on, instead of a range of it that would allow them to be in touch with vast knowledge, from my perspective, it is a wide mistake that only compromised their education in diversities ways.
It is true that some people have the mindset, the extinction of specific animals and plants are being a serious problem over the time. While I agree extinction of species causes major circumstances to the world, I believe that there are other considerable eco logical matters too.
In this technological era, taking daily steps is one of those points that are not considered as much as they should be. There are many reasons behind this issue but some actions can still be done to address this phenomenon which will be discussed next in this essay.
In some countries, they are opting for a healthy life by taking up exercises and walking as the daily routine while in another, people are seeming becoming increasingly reluctant to have a walk regularly. As there are certain causes of such a trend, some solutions are also available to urge people to walk more. I will substantiate my opinion below in the paragraphs with some relevant examples There are numerous added advantages of walking.
Nowadays,throwing lunches and dinners became fashion trends outside .Although,Eating habits play an important role to maintain a healthy lifestyle.Although, there are many families who want to eat home food while others enjoy having it outside.In my opinion, I would rather go for both depending on the wish.I will discuss both cases accordingly .Also I will extend my reasoning with current examples.
Education in schools is becoming increasingly important in many nations. According to some people, History subject is the most important, while others realize of the Science and Technology. In my view, every student should learn both of them because there are both crucial for students’ future.
Health is the most important thing in a human's life because this refers to well-being in life as some people say "Healthy is wealth". Therefore, nowadays many people are likely to have new lifestyles such as doing exercise and eating healthy food. In this essay, I will elucidate the reason for this statement and how to persuade others to have a healthy lifestyle, and the following examples will be provided to support my point of view.
In the contemporary world, a sense of independence is usually considered treasurable; societies tend to be self-employees. However, it seems this phenomenon includes some drawbacks. This essay marshals some facts in order to address the mentioned statements.
The risk of severe health issues and diseases like diabetes, high blood pressure is increasing nowadays, and being overweight and having excess fat is considered the main reason behind this. In this essay, I will discuss some of the major reasons behind this and will propose some solutions that can prove to be helpful in such situations.
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