IELTS Discussion Writing Samples Band 6.5

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Psychologists have claimed for many years that colour can affect how people feel and believe that more attention should be given to colour schemes when decorating places such as offices and hospitals. This is true and therefore one should focus on the hues and colour of the workplace and hospitals.This essay will elaborate on the importance of colour schemes in any establishment, private or public and their impact on the peoples' well-being and increased productivity.
In modern life, many people have lost the habit of walking regularly. While there are various reasons for this trend, some measures can be implemented to encourage people to take up walking as part of their daily routine.
It is widely observed that competition arise among the job seeking aspirants to attain better opportunities. It is according to the preference of people to work whether in reputed firms or blooming enterprises. In my opinion, it is better to work in large companies. It could be justified by the importance of building commercial and social relations as well as the need for financial security. It will be elaborated on in the upcoming paragraph.
In modern society, many people lost the habit of walking regularly due to several causes, some measures should be taken to stimulate daily walking.
In several countries, there are plenty of markets that deal in the supply of skincare products. Nonetheless, there are several reasons behind the use of such commodities and could be detrimental to health and society. Both causes and effects would be captivated in the following paragraphs.
Advertisement is one of the most common commercial activity which is effortlessly seen everywhere in the world such as on social media, newspaper or even in real life. It is believed to be effective due to multiple reasons. This essay tends to elaborate thoroughly on the matter and whether this phenomenon is considered positive or negative will be concluded later in the following paragraphs.
In today's tech-savvy world, parents are considerably pressurizing their kids to progress, especially in their career because of the competition in the market. Indeed, in my opinion, this advocacy of parent's influence brings negative effects on children in the long run.
Globalization requires the growth of factories in both urban and rural areas. It is argued in my hometown whether the industry should be built because of its long-term effect on the environment. However, I consider that the advantages that companies bring for locals would outweigh the disadvantage. This essay will discuss two following reasons for my choice with a concrete conclusion.
The prosperity of human society has affected the balance of nature significantly. Many wild animals, nowadays, are facing great threats to their survivals. In this essay, I will examine the factors that cause the increasing threats of extinctions of animals and propose several methods to protect them effectively.
Humans are considered social animals, which means we depend on and like to stay in a homogeneous society. Since the start of human civilization, clubs and societies are one of the important aspects of people living in the same society. There are various reasons for contemplating such behaviour.
There is no denying the fact that the media play a key role in attracting people from the life stories of well-known personalities, such as actors, cricketers, and models. There are several contributing reasons behind this trend. In my opinion, this trend has both positive and negative impacts on people.
Nowadays, more and more pupil find interest in extracurricular activities. A large percentage of the population think, the graduate must concentrate on all school subject but others advised to focus on an interesting subject. This essay will discuss both views and put forward some examples too.
Many individuals prefer to drive to work or school rather than walking, cycling or using public transport. This essay discusses why this situation brings more benefits than drawbacks.
It is generally believed that natural ability contribute 10 per cent to achieve success while hard work is considered as the pillar of success. Although talent will set the stage for success, it seems to me hard work is a more significant contributor to success.
medical practitioners advice senior citizens to do exercise daily, but grey people are restricted to follow this trend. This essay sheds light on the possible reasons behind this negative development, like, loss of motivation and fear of injury in older age. On the other hand, there are many possible measures which should be taken to develop interest among elders to follow a healthy life.
These days, there are a lot of shared social problems, and one of the biggest one might be the world poverty. It has devastating effects not only on poor countries, but also on rich countries. In the following essay, I will argue that the reason for destitution is lack of resources and the solution will be the help from world organizations.
The curiosity of lightning or whitening the skin is mainly amongst the Asian people, and they spent a lot on such products which help to change the skin tone. This essay will examine the reasons, why people use these products, and would discuss the effects this has on people health and Society.
In this new era of busy and fast-paced life, people want to reach the zenith of success by hook or by crook. Everyone in our society is part of this race, to win this , they are working from down to dusk.
For most people, maintaining a healthy weight is harder than losing pounds. Health is consciously known as the most important assets of one human’s life which couldn’t be bought by wealth. In particular, overweight has become one of the highlights that had an impact on children’s health in certain developed countries.
Today school and university use many kinds of tasks in the educational process. There are several valuable sources of data which is used by students in exploring and we can separate them into two categories.
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