IELTS Discussion Writing Samples Band 6.5

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In this modern world, technology has a major impact on our daily lives. People are getting attracted toward the social media, they prefer to spend time on the internet and social networking rather than to spend time with their families. In my viewpoints, families can get closer as they were before, just by spending time with each other and giving attention.
In the past, mealtime was a precious occasion for the family to gather and spend moment with each other. However, nowadays, due to several reasons, that tradition is gradually vanishing.
The issue of equality for men and women at work is still widely debated, despite the extensive legislation that now exists in many countries. Personally, I do not feel that imposing a numerical target for gender is a sensible idea, and I will explain why.
People find it difficult to balance their work. The professional activity and real growth are like two parallel lines. Problems shouldn't be intercepted in between, People sometimes misjudge balancing heart, they take sitting idle and relaxing on the sofa, watching television etc. To discharge their stress. But that won't help and people start becoming frustrated for staying in a cubicle, This cubicle can be an office or a house.
Not being a healthy and fit lifestyle can lead people to various health problems and the reason behind this is doing less physical activity. However, the possible solution to overcome this problem would be incorporating exercise in daily routine.
Upon graduating from high school, the young often wonder whether they ought to keep on studying further or not. Many people believe that continuing to study at a university or college will be the best way to guarantee a successful career, whereas others believe that working right after school is a better option.
In a modern society, it has been pretty common for parents pressure their children to be successful. Sometimes this is because of the cost of living that has been increasing over the years and also for the reason of professional requirements that are changing with time. In addition, some parents are more concerned about the social prestige and show for their close friends about how their children are successful professionals.
In today's world of 21st century, some individuals have started giving more importance to sports and cultural programs. This is a very good initiative taken as per my understanding. Although there are lots of advantages about the approach but there are some important issue left behind as well. Let's discuss in details in the points below.
In recent times, a considerable number of countries have suffered from the protection of their historical places by mass tourism. This essay will briefly explain the main reasons for this phenomenon and give some suggestions to cope with this.
The extensive use of electronic devices has had, and continues to have, an effect on our daily lives similar to that of the mechanical press back in Gutemberg’s time: the ability to store information somewhere other than our brains. This, though arguably positive, has a downside that some people have pointed out: we don’t get, or at least we’re not forced to, exercise our memory as much as our Facebook deprived ancestor’s did.
Nowadays a population has faced such a problem as being overweight regardless of age. This essay looks at some of the reasons caused by the fatness of society and suggests some solutions to the problem.
Recently, math has become a popular subject in educational aspects. Although there is an argument that studying mathematics at school is waste of time and should not be taught in school while other parents strongly recommend it should be a fundamental subject. In this essay will discuss both of the views in debt.
Although the photography used to be a mean to record memories in the past, the target of which has altered in contemporary era due to the significant progress in technology. In view of this, the eyes cannot be trusted any longer for what it has been observed.
Across the globe, countries, young generations are given more flexibility while comparatively in the past recent years. In “parents makes a foundation wall to raise their sons and daughters on a good path and there behind the behaviour of the career”. In easy shall discuss the both merits and demerits on child's priorities and I will conclude with my opinion on it.
Today, many of the people are choosing to be self- employed rather to work for a company or organization. There are several reasons for this. Therefore, following this essay will explain about the pros and cons of being self -employed by providing relevant examples from the personal knowledge and experience.
In today’s world, electronic technology and online information makes everything possible in our daily routine, which were never imagined. It has a very strong hold at our home, moreover, it also plays a significant role during idle time and other routine work. We have been benefitted in many ways, although, it has many drawbacks too. Meanwhile, we will discuss the vital benefits of Information Technology in this essay.Traditionally, physical work exclusively of machines and electronic equip...
It is reported that obesity is increasingly popular in the world, which has the negative effect on not only children but also adults. I think the busy behaviour is one of the most significant contribution to this phenomenon, however I believe that we can reduce the cases of obesity by having effective approaches.
It is true that we spend less time with real families and more with digital relationships. The urge of professional commitments has changed the concept of joint families to nuclear families. Multiple contributing factors can be identified in the following paragraphs.
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