IELTS Discussion Writing Samples Band 6.5

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The advancements in medical science are a boon for a human life in multifarious ways. Although, this growth in the healthcare system has helped mankind to overcome some deadly epidemics, however, this has also resulted in an increase in the average life span of a person in many developed nations, further resulting in the society to take charge of its elderly population as a key responsibility. I perceive that this vogue is gradually becoming a reason of distress for many nations and the society is getting stressed with this responsibility as this is inevitable, still, this issue needs to be managed in a collaborative manner by the government and its younger working population. In this essay, we will discuss this in detail and will draw an inference.
Whether it would be better for students to attend online classes from their homes or whether they should continue going to traditional schools, given that they have the choice to pick, it is a debatable issue that has sparked a great deal of controversy. Nobody can deny that computer technology has offered a range of advantages in education. However, I am an avid adherent of traditional education for the following reasons.
It is a common belief the students who are at the highest learning hubs work as the participant of a nonprofit organizations or an art institution without getting salary. I will briefly elaborate its advantages and drawbacks by supporting the benefits.
While some hold the idea that traditional modes of training offer much better results, I believe that providing students with online courses is always a positive approach whose benefits are unparalleled with the conventional schooling system.
In our modern society, there is a growing trend among couples to plan pregnancy at an older age. In my opinion, financial status and lifestyle changes are two of the main reasons behind this tendency. In this essay, I shall critically examine the given topic and outline its effects on the society.
A section of the public is ardent believers in government pursuing economic growth as a primary objective. However, the others opine that the government should channelize its efforts on increasing the standards for the under-privileged. Hence, this essay will evaluate both the views of the community.
Perhaps the main reason why most members of society have not listened to the warnings of the scientific community and changed their behaviour is because they have more immediate problems to worry about. When the average citizens wake up in the morning, their thoughts are about feeding their children, going to work, or cleaning their houses. Some vague threat of climate catastrophe which may or may not happen at some undetermined point in the future does not have enough immediate relevance to our daily lives, and so we ignore it.
These days, people are overlooking their fatigue and intuitively doing lots of things for perceiving their goals. Moreover, they become exploited steadily by their authorities which is one kind of paradox. It is commonly observed that enormous paid duties which is significantly unbearable and their present hours for the particular task become extended precisely. In this essay, I will examine the reasons behind this issue and suggest some ways that can prompt to improve the condition.
It is a common fact that less children read books in their spare time in these recent years. For example, the majority of them prefer to play with video games and watching television in the free time, rather than reading books. For this reason, if this habit becomes extremely frequent, it distracts from reading for fun.
Higher salaries indeed are earned by only a few people in some countries. Some people opine that differences in the income of citizens are suitable for the provincial. Others, however, say that earnings must be controlled and restricted by the government. In my opinion, a few people earning a higher salary are beneficial for the provincial.
Environmental deterioration is a complicated issue. It is undeniable that industrialization, human daily activities and increasing population on the Earth contribute to the deteriorating environment worldwide nowadays. Therefore, to tackle this issue requires the attention of proper strategies to regulate factories and individuals' cooperation.
Recently, there are some agitations about a suitable place for one to reside. Some agreed that living in an urban increases standard of living, while some quarters contradict that opinion by proving rural is less stressful and environmentally friendly for anyone. This essay will discuss both sides.
For the past few years the crime rate growing quickly in young people in many different countries.In this essay I will discuss the main reasons behind this and also provide solution to tackle these problems.
Recently, the amount of atrocities committed by the youths across the globe has risen tremendously. I believe this is as a development of unemployment and lack of love affection from family. However, this act can be curbed by providing adequate jobs for youngster and parents showing more love and care for their children.
Crime is thorny issue which needs proper consideration. Gone are the days, crime was less, whereas now, it is spread all over the world like a virus. This issue is having a critical concern all over the world. There are a number of factors which have contributed to the emergence of the crimes are increasing by a teenager in the cities.
Higher salaries indeed are earned by only a few people in some countries. Some people opine that differences in the income of citizens are suitable for the country. Others, however, say that earnings must be controlled and restricted by the government. In my opinion, a few people earning a higher salary are beneficial for the country.
In the modern lifestyle screen timing for children is more than a decade before, reasons can be time-pass, studies, general knowledge, gaming, sports, passion and so on. How the Screening habit play the role in our lifestyle is the topic we will discuss.
It’s frightening that myriads of terrestrial and marine animals are on the verge of extinction due to human beings. My essay will shed light on the causes and measures to this issue.
Over the recent few decades, it is argued that crime commitment rate of youngsters has been increasing steadily globally. In this essay I will investigate the reasons behind this tormenting issue and provide some possible solutions.
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