IELTS Discussion Writing Samples Band 6.5

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Nowadays, more and more young people move to bigger towns from villages in order to find a well-paid job or study at the college. This essay will firstly discuss what the reasons for such decision and why drawbacks of this outweigh the advantages.
Nowadays, people are likely to keep pets for several reasons. Some people believe that it is good for our well-being, while others believe that having pets is not appropriate and not necessary. In my opinion, I highly agree that the advantages of keeping pets are outweighed by the drawbacks.
In this essay, I will discuss about a guy I dislike and the causes that led me to this statement. The person who is going to be discussed is my classmate. I have known him for almost eleven years, which is enough to describe his personality.
Fewer masses believe that increasing outweigh among children, the state is responsible for this, whereas, others calm that the parents mistake behind it.So, I intend to explore both agreements along with my point of view.
It is a developed or a developing country poverty do exist in every corner of the world. All the countries have several policies to deal with it. In this essay, I will discuss about the crucial causes of world poverty and ways to help poor population.
Getting a quality life is the whole sole purpose of young generation now a days. As of result, in the 21st century, we are witnessing a great deal of human tendency of migration to rich countries. Some argue that such transition is deleterious for the growth and development of the countries which are left behind, Nevertheless, others argue that such immigration to prosperous nations, results into enhanced quality of life of the masses which eventually results in an alarming increase in life expectancy of the individual. I strongly agree with latter opinion and in this essay would discuss the reasons of such migration along with its numerous positive impacts.
Currently, shopping in a mall or large shopping centres are becoming more popular in urban life. Therefore, local trade has stopped due to the lack of customers which have various disadvantages in our daily life. This essay will discuss why the negative effects of this development influence the local business and also give some advantage of large shopping centre.
There has been a remarkable increase in the number of students who slog on with respect to focus on the lessons while teachers are teaching in recent years. It is clearly possible that there are lots of underlying reasons why students are in this situation. In this essay, I will express some of the essential causes in relation to this bad case and solutions.
It is a very popular practice in the modern society to order ready-made food from restaurants, rather than cooking at home. The main reasons for such a tendency may be cheap prices in some restaurants and people’s desire to save some time from cooking. Even though ordering food have some obvious advantages, its disadvantages should not be underestimated.
The tourism industry has played an important role in favour of many places. While is possible to claim that it affects their local culture and atmosphere. My view is that the advantages outweigh the disadvantages. In this essay, I shall explain my point of view by analysing both sides of an argument.
In today's age, common public generally makes efforts to copy the styles of the glorious personalities as they get so much affected from the magazines or tv shows they are watching owing to attraction towards the luxury life of their favourite ones. Stating my view I would say there is no vulnerable affect of the same until it goes up to an extent. Discussing the reasoning in the essay below.
Education is not an opportunity that majority people in the world have and furthermore sometimes some individuals have the chance to entry into a college, but for many circumstances they cannot complete it and carry their diplomas, but in parallel with who got a complete curse they are more successful for some reasons that any college teach. In this essay I will give motives to explain why people can achieve more things who still studying.
In current Society, playing video games with offensive contents has become more and more prevalent among people, especially children. A majority of individuals believe that there is a direct correlation between embracing violent computer games and the higher rate of crime in megacities. I profoundly disagree with this assertion discussing spreading violent games can leave an adverse effect on expanding offences; however, there are a large number of crucial factors involved in this controversial issue that should not be discounted.
Information technology plays a major role in all sorts of human growth. It also rule over the human domestic nature and their career activities. This essay will discuss wide knowledge of advantage and its limitations of the Info tech.
The population is increasing day by day, which means that people need a large land for building houses and flat. Nowadays, people prefer to stay in large apartment blocks rather than in houses. However, there are some advantages and disadvantages of living in an apartment.
Education plays a pivotal role for every student across the world, without education there would not be possible to get an expected job in the distant future. Although some people believe that the major problem in education is the teaching system, some opposed that lack of resources is only cause for poor education. So, the following paragraphs will discuss both views comprehensively.
The widespread problem of water shortages has been a growing concern in the past few years. There are several causes of this matter, I argue that governments and individuals should have responsibility for addressing the lack of water resources.
Recently, in the digital age, the education system has marked an incredible conversion. Online courses have become more and more popular thanks to the advancements of technology. Some people prefer Internet-based classes while others still have an interest in studying in traditional classes. However, studying remotely has both benefits and drawbacks compared to University-based classes as below.
In the last decade, people started using the internet frequently. Many people use the internet to do shopping or to communicate with other people easily using social media. However, some people think that the use of the internet should be reduced. Usually, there are two good reasons why people should use the internet, there are also two good reasons for reducing the use of the internet.
Nowadays the percentage of people, which want to have a child in their middle age is rising. This essay will discuss the reasons why it occurs and will provide arguments for its advantages and disadvantages.
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