IELTS Discussion Writing Samples Band 6

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There are an increasing number of people who attempt to find the previous story of their resident. This essay will explain the cause of the finding and the method that most people used.
Some individuals say that reading books for enjoyment by the countless child had drastically dropped. This is all because of the internet and to let children read more books is only possible if their parents and teachers tell them the positive side of reading from the book. This essay will discuss this essay.
Large number of people, in recent times, feel unsafe outside as well as in their own homes. There are numerous reasons for this above problem some of which I will be elaborating on in this essay and give ways to solve this issue.
Large number of people, in recent times, feel unsafe outside as well as in their own homes. There are numerous reasons for this above problem some of which I will be elaborating in this essay and give ways to solve this issue.
Currently, schools , secondary ones ,in particular, suffer from a dearth of teachers as more and more people do not seriously consider teaching as a career. In this essay, low pay and a burden of the work are to blame to have this issue and a pay rise along with the appointment of teaching assistants will be given as the ways out.
Motorways are one of the major means of transportation all over the globe. Most of the people from the world use it to travel over short and long distances. Even from low to high profile peoples use it to address their needs as well as their crowds. Although, this means of transportation infrastructure has a lot to offer, it also leaves us with downsides. Among ,them one of the major is the impact on the natural habitat of wild animals and living creatures. Similarly, it also increases the pollution level in the nearby surroundings. These are discussed further below and the possible solutions will be provided with their detailed study.
We have seen various articles stating how some animals have changed over the recent decades in shapes and sizes, how some of them have been categorised as endangered species and how some of them have totally disappeared. One significant reason that is threatening animals is pollution and we have to follow the 3Rs to lessen it.
In the near future, nations will be having different issues, which is not limited to the climate, but including growth of the people and awareness. I am from Nigeria, and in the next decade, it can be suggested that there will be leadership problems coupled with a high level of corruption.
It is certainly the case that the motivations of athletes to gain the championship have changed from the ambitions, such as the desire of winning or breaking the records to money or the chance to be a celebrity. In the following essay, I will discuss how this trend affects young people and change the sports environment.
Obesity has been increasing significantly. It is a controversial topic that the number of people who are overweight and suffering from various diseases due to obesity has been increasing significantly. This essay will argue the probable reasons such as having fast food and inappropriate amount of physical activities and will provide some solutions.
Technology has become an indispensable part of every person life. Although, it is sometimes thought modern equipment has made our life very efficient, others believe that these tools make more difficulties. In this essay I will discuss both merits and demerits of modern devices.
Technology has become an indispensable part of every person life. Although, it is sometimes thought modern equipment has become our life more efficient, others believe that these tools make some difficulties. In this essay, I will discuss both merits and demerits of using modern devices.
Technology has become an indispensible part of every person life. Although, it is sometimes thought modern equipments have become oue life more efficient, others believe that these tools make some difficulities. In this essay, I will discuss both merits and demeits of using modern devices.
Juvenile crime is always a controversial topic at home and at school. Many people agree that children tend to behave violently as a result of not getting sufficient schooling from guardians or teachers. Others, however, disagree that education is not the only reason for criminal violence among young people. While both sides are convincingly rational, I strongly believe that a high prevalence of juvenile crimes is due not only to inadequate education but also to peer pressures and social media.
Issues related to global warming have been frequently discussed these days. In today's rapid age of modernization, there is no doubt that human activities have a range of negative impacts on the nature, which result in temperature rising. In this essay, I will elaborate on the main causes before proposing two possible solutions to this environmental problem.
When a student moves to a new school, he or she can face some problems. I think that almost all people had to move from one place to another in their lives and I am not an exception. My family moved twice during my childhood. My father is an architect, so, my family had to move from one place to another when the old construction was over and my father was offered to develop a new project. Two major problems I had to face in a new school were "no friends" and "a huge amount of new people". In the following paragraphs I will analyze these problems and make suggestions about how a school can help a student in this situation.
It is noticeable that when students come to a new learning environment, they often encounter many difficulties and force them to solve them. The school should come up with solutions to help new students quickly adapt to the new environment.
Recently,many people over the world are focusing more on learning about the past of houses or flats they live in. Many reasons and facts are leading to this. Fortunately, they are several ways by which they can know what they want.
In the present scenario, technology has become an indispensable part of every person life. Although it is sometimes thought that older people face trouble when they are using modern technology. In this essay, I will consider which factors have affected this situation and possible solutions.
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