IELTS Discussion Writing Samples Band 6

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Recently, there has been a growing interest in gaining information about the history of the houses or buildings they live in. This essay will explore some reasons for this growing trend and introduce some ways in which individuals can research about.
In the last decades, as a consequence of the development in social network and entretainment world, many famous people are richer than politicians, the main reasons for these are the changes in advertisment and the government jobs seing as community jobs, being a negative development as people prefers other kind of education and jobs.
Some citizens are in debt by acquiering things they don't need or can pay. it is important to educate society in differentiate what are articles are considered as a primary necessity than what are not. This essay point out two reasons that lead to people get into a debt which are compulsive buying behavior and too much advertisement in society. One action to take to prevent this issue is to add tax on advertisements to regulate them and reduce their influence on society.
The growth of the population results in food shortages. In order to tackle the issue, some people recommend permitting edible insects as food, while opponents argue, it wouldn’t be favourable to natural habitats also it could harm humans healthy lifecycle. We will discuss further on this topic and list out pros and cons.
Between men and women, it is undeniable that there is dissimilarity of powers and fragilities. However, in my opinion, the statement is absolutely not right. Hence, there are various reasons why we should not judge people's level of the profession by their gender and the reason will be stated in this essay.
Personal debts tend to arise and build up as a result of purchasing unnecessary and unaffordable items. In my view, this problem is attributable to two factors and can be avoided if two measures are taken.
The number of people relocating from rural regions to urban areas, causing cities to face up being overpopulated. Thus, in this essay, I will first clarify some causes leading to this issue and then enumerate several solutions.
In this day and age, leadership becomes an essential skill if one wants to be successful in any organization or enterprise. The question of whether leadership qualities are inborn or carved out seems to be endless. While the former is more common, I would maintain that training outweighs inherent dispositions in forming a good leader.
The Contemporary notion of lifestyle has incurred overwhelming changes. The vast majority of the population deems that these alters have much more positive consequences rather than the negative. Others argue that the modern lifestyle has a huge amount of flaws. I strongly advocate the former statement and am going to reflect the core benefits and drawbacks of such a common issue in this essay.
Indeed, today, thanks to better law enforcement and legal remedies, serious crimes are decreasing in many parts of the world. However, people continue to feel less safe nowadays. One must agree, that one of the reasons for this is that the TRP hungry media continues to spew gory stories of crime and violence, to shock and garner higher viewership. Hence, sustained efforts are needed to present a balanced view of the world to all its citizens with more positive stories.
There are some new experiences that include preparedness and responsibility in academic life at university. Attending training is the important issue of this liability for making an impressive career. There are two opposite ideas about attending class. Some people believe that students should join classes every day, but others claim that it is not required to join lessons every day for success. I believe that pupils should have some skills in making decisions to participate in only essential lectures. As a result, they must not attend every course.
I've always had a high gore and violence tolerance. I've never minded graphic scenes or photos but found them rather interesting. I love a good documentary about a famous murderer or serial killer. This girl is crazy, weird, or even sick, you might say. Honestly, I'm fine. Because there is nothing too eventful going on in my life right now, I like to occupy my time reading about or watching true crime because it gives me something to think about, such as what the killer's next move would be or what was the killer's motive.
Mankind has brought itself to a bleeding-edge technology in every sector and one of them is the transition from paper-based books to e-books. The latter is on a steady rise and responsible for many publication houses for switching to e-books from paper-based books. Accounting for handling, convenience, safety and remaining other benefits. The merits of e-books surpass the demerits.
Certainly, to lay the foundation of child life, parents play a vital role. However, it is recommended by some thinkers that children and parents should spend their leisure time together while others oppose this point of view, they said it has a menacing impact on child development. This essay will shed light on both perspectives along with my opinion in the following paragraphs.
Children observe their surroundings and learn manifolds things during their upbringing while it is believed by some individuals that it is necessary for offspring to spend some spare time with family members but others think that it has a very negative impact on children. This essay will explain both points along with the side which I dominate personally.
Researching about the buliding background is becoming popular among the people. In some demographics of the world, majority of the people are becoming interested in studying the background of the house they are living in. This eassy will discuss what are the reasons of people for finding out the history of the building and also provides research options to know the backdrop of the building.
Nowadays, poverty is a widely spoken topic around the world. Whereas, there are several reasons for this, such as the unwillingness of countries to help the less fortunate. Moreover, in what ways they can be actually helped? This essay will elaborate further on this aspect.
Art has been a language to transfer messages from time to time. Therefore, countries usually have infrastructures for art development such as art galleries and museums. However, in recent years, fewer and fewer people who visit these places. In the essay, we will examine the reasons and recommend some feasible solutions.
Life expectancy has been rising across the world as a result of qualified healthcare. Improved medical care has ensured overcoming long-term diseases like diabetes, cardiac disease, and cancer which have decreased their quality of life. Consequently, people have lived longer and healthier than before. Although it sounds sympathetic, it also has unfavorable results.
In the 21st century working or studying abroad has become the main thing in our life. This makes many people living far away from their families. In this essay we will discuss this topic, explaining the reason, and the effects of living far away from families.
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