IELTS Discussion Writing Samples Band 6

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In the past few years, people choose to shop from malls or shopping centres and avoid visiting local stores and that reason many local stores has shut down. In my opinion, shopping malls are a positive development for the nation and also for the citizens as well.
Regular exercise is becoming an important part of our lives. This essay will discuss why a lot of people do not take part in regular exercise including laziness and a busy working schedule. This essay will also suggest solutions to these problems including health campaigns and awareness of doing exercise regularly.
Nowadays,many individuals tend to purchase products in famous malls rather than small shops,therefore street shopping has been drastically deteriorating day by day,it leads to keep their business in loss,so they halted their store rooms.In my view,there are positive outcomes to this development and this essay will go into better detail on both the cases with my subject view.
Smoking is a well-known problem worldwide. There are many strategies and methods used in different countries to prevent smoking. A lot of research have been done to proof the dangers of smoking and its connection with cancer and other health issues. However, even with all this knowledge about health damage, people still smoke. In this essay, I will discuss problem of smoking and the possible solutions.
Using the products which are being manufactured for improving the skin colour has become a trend among everyone,therefore it is beneficial for markets in many parts of the world . I will explain some reasons as well as effects in further paragraphs.
Undoubtedly, the skilled workers from underdeveloped countries migrate to developed countries, which leads to a major depletion of the workforce in that nation. Eventually, it might collapse their economy aftermath. Even though it is considered a widespread disguise. it can be resolved with some crucial solutions.
With the rapid development of advanced computer technology, a great number of universities and schools has attempted to teach online recently. In this essay, I will analyse if traditional education is replaceable in the following paragraphs followed by my own take on this matter.
Access to education and healthcare are two fundamental things that should be available to every human being. Some people believe that every individual is responsible to pay for it by themselves whereas others believe it is the responsibility of the state to provide these services. In my opinion I strongly agree that these two essential services should be provided and funded by the govenment as it will lead to equal facilities for every citizen and reduce their financial burden.
In modern society, many students in various countries tend to avoid taking science courses in university. This trend is caused by some following factors. In my view, some issues can arise in various aspects of societies from this trend.
In today's world, to decide which climate are better depends on one lifestyle of living. There are individuals who prefer living in hot weather, as well as one who prefers the opposite like cold weather. However, despite the fact that those two types of climate have both benefits and drawbacks, I prefer to live in a country with hot climates.
In modern world, lifestyle of society is changing day by day. Now, in few nations individuals are getting hitched at a afterward age than they did thirty a long time back. There are certain reasons for this switch and will discuss the causes and effects of it in community.
The way in which how company owners consider their employees in contemporary society has become a topic of discussion among experts.However,people are changing with state of art technology.most of the developing countries farther the breadwinner in low-income families,and they are underprivileged people in the country.They did not get a handsome salary,but it is an undeniable fact that in developed nations mankind is entirely different.I am inclined to believe that a subvention number of company owners exploit the nature of human labour.However,some entrepreneurs render good service to their staff.
In several nations, an increasing number of people are concerned about the origin of their places of residence. In this essay, I am going to discuss some relevant reasons for this phenomenon, along with how people could actually research the history of their houses.
Over the last two or three decades, fashion industry has been improving tremendously than ever before due to advertisements and fashion show competitions. In many countries mankind purchases new dresses and chooses hairstyles is based on the present fashion due to influencing of the movies, advertisements and fashion shows. I think this is positive improvement around the world and this essay discusses it briefly for the following reasons.
In recent years more and more people are getting into debt, the cardinal reason for this phenomenon is people purchasing stuff that is unnecessary or even unaffordable. In this ,essay I will be discussing the main reasons for this habit and what measures could be taken to overcome this issue.
In recent years it's been observed that many individuals are taking the approach to spend money they earning rather than saving it. In this ,essay I will be discussing the reasons for this phenomenon and why I believe it will have a detrimental effect on both society and individuals.
It is common sense that cigarettes’ harmful effects on health are known by everyone, but this obsession cannot break down easily and is still widely consumed throughout the world. This essay will discuss the causes of this addiction and provide some solutions that can lower its usage.
Some think that this is a best way to folks can accept their terrible situation while other say that this tendency should be developed this position. This essay discusses both viewpoints, I strongly agree with the latter situation for the following reasons.
In many countries young adults are no longer interested to be a school teacher, as other professional jobs can make more money than teaching, and some students are become so rude in the school. I think it has few solutions to solve this problem. In this essay I will explain the solutions and give my personal advice.
Recently ,many people are interested in knowing the history of buildings they live in.What could be the reason for this new development and what are the possible ways society can find information about buildings.This Essay will discuss more on this topic.
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