IELTS Discussion Writing Samples Band 6

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In a large number of nations, people ignore the importance of recycling waste materials, including bottles and newspapers, and send everything to landfill. This essay will discuss why this might be the case and how this problem can be alleviated.
These days, the extinction of some species is becoming significant. While many creatures seem to be approaching similar risks. There are numerous reasons behind this situation. In the essay, I will analyse these problems and include some solutions.
In this contemporary world, people are working from dawn to dusk for disposable money; however, there are a few who are managing to spare their time for leisure activities as well. In this essay, I will discuss how playing a sport or developing an art skill as a part of hobby can be benefitted individually as well as socially in general.
In the past divorce was unacceptable.It has been observed by many that nowadays, a ratio of a divorces is growing swiftly compared to the past.There are a severals reasons for such a situation,also some primitive steps can be taken to solve this problem.Both the causes and measures are elaborated further.
Some people argue that opening a company by themselves is way more important to stay in an institution because they can gain profit from the company. However, owning an organisation is not easy and there are some negative influences.
It is generally acknowledged by certain individuals in some countries that people are increasingly want to discover the historical meaning of their houses. There are certain reasons to as why they want to know the tradition of their buildings, and there are some methods which should be taken into consideration in order to figure out it.
In recent times, the ocean is congested with plastic waste, which has a detrimental effect on ocean life. Throughout this essay, I will explore the causes for the large dumping of plastic into the oceans and suggest possible solutions to combat this issue.
Advancements in technology have changed the world into a global village allowing people to live in places away from their motherland irrespective of their ethnicities. It is crucial for migrants to know about the background and traditions of a particular nation they live in. This essay will discuss the reasons why such research is helpful.
In this day and age, it is generally acknowledged by certain individuals that using social media sites has many advantages. However, others argue that it has some drawbacks. Regarding this, I strongly believe that the negative aspects of using social media sites overwhelm the positive sides.
As the world is being technologically advanced, it is without a doubt that robots are going to become part of our lives. As people are being dependent on technology and the day is not far when live chores will not be completed without the help of machines.
Academic performance: I majored in Sports Economics and Management at the Shanghai University of Sport as an undergraduate student. During the college, I had excellent grades, with a GPA of xx, ranking in the top 10 in the major. And obtain school scholarships for many times, I am also an outstanding graduate of the school. Although I am a cross-student, I have been exposed to sports since I was a child and have received semi-professional tennis training. I have won the singles runner-up in the tennis event of the Yunnan Provincial Games.
Many people argue that juveniles should be introduced to computers earlier and let them spend a long time on them. While others believe that is not good at all. In my opinion, I believe that children should use computers at an early age because their benefits will outweigh the drawbacks.
In the modern ,world as the job becomes more and more important,this level of stress has gone up,leading to sleep problems.There are various demerits of it and there are various solutions to these difficulties.Here,I will be discussing each with examples.
These days problems related to focus on studies at educational institutes for candidates become a major concern. There are plenty of reasons for such a problem I will discuss both causes and solutions to mitigate this issue.
Over the last few decades, incessant testing and examining of several animals have been widespread. The people are divided on the view that such acts should be strictly prohibited, while others believe such experiments show critical results. This essay will illustrate the rationalization behind such tests and further, throw some light on other possible courses of action.
In the present generation, the proportion of people to become teachers is falling down all around the world.Especially, secondary schools are experiencing a lack of teachers.It may create problems in a student's life.There is a number of causes of this,but certain measures could be taken to alleviate this problem.
Nowadays, people are more and more interested in the historical records of places where they live or will going to live in the future because of their curiosity and a lot of other motives that need to know. In this essay, I will examine the reasons why they are doing this and which appropriate ways are the best to find information about their dwelling's history.
Countries like America, England, Canada and Australia not only offer courses in English but also have the most talented and skilled teachers. The facilities of their universities, libraries, laboratories are undoubtedly much better than other third world countries. Furthermore, many people believe that learning the English language staying in an English-speaking country is the best way and that is why lots of students move to these countries to study.
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