IELTS Discussion Writing Samples Band 6

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Currently, due to contemporary life, people do not prioritize health in many aspects, they tend to have ready meals instead of fresh food. Moreover, instead of exercising, they tend to stay indoors, these two habits are undoubtedly detrimental to their health. The main reason for this issue is the busy life of people and the easy access to eating junk food.
A number of games are offered to the kids by several guardians. This essay clarifies the advantages such as introducing the young to the animal kingdom and enhancing their understanding about the world. However, age-inappropriate models can scare young people and choking hazards are really common in real life.
There is no doubt that smoking in public places continuous to be a controversial issue. Some argued that this is not harms anyone, while others disagree and think it will lead to serious health problems for non-smokers. In this essay I will look both sides of this argument and give my own opinion.
Having an adequate amount of physical activities is advised to old people which is not achieved. This essay will discuss how body pain and tiredness has caused this problem and how it can be overcome by starting a regular exercise routine and doing some home tasks.
In the present age, several families are depending on personal cars for their transportation. In this essay, I will highlight the difficulties connected with over-depending on personal four-wheeler whereas, I will suggest the solutions to resolve these issues.
Nowadays, in many countries, there is an upward trend among the crimes committed by adolescents. This happens because of lacking knowledge and misunderstanding thinking. However, it can be solved by the cooperation of families and society.
Although it is sometimes thought that children growing up in the city is worth, other people believe that living in the countryside is a better option. In my opinion, I consider that children who are raised in the countryside could have healthier development physically and mentally.
It is true that millions of years ago, many ancient species of animals, such as dinosaurs, were wiped out due to a gradual shift in climate and changing sea levels, according to some hypotheses. However, these environmental factors are not the primary contributor to the disappearance of certain species nowadays. Industrial activities have been devastating the natural habitats of wildlife and disturbing the food chain, causing the mass extinction of countless species. The increased demand for goods made from animals’ products, such as skins and horns, also leads to the rampant poaching of wild, endangered animals, rhinos for instance. In this regard, humans are held accountable and should do what is needed to rectify the situation.
Although it is sometimes thought that growing up in the city is worth it for children, other people believe that living in the countryside is a better selection. In my opinion, I consider that children who have been raised in the countryside could healthily develop on their physically and mentally.
In my view immigration certainly has a positive impact directly on society. This is due to the fact that it can improve a country both socially and economically.
Nowadays, seeking the story behind the residence becomes popular among some communities. They believe that finding the fact about the past can make their life better especially in terms of making a decision. In addition, technology is an useful approach for searching this data.
In this day and age, the ceaseless pursuit of happiness has always been the topic of interest. This essay is dedicated to analyzing the reason for different definitions of happiness and some tactics to attain it.
The parent plays an important role in everyone's life. There is no doubt about it, that is why many people believe that children should spend all of their time with their families. But everything has a flip side, so I will discuss both the advantages and the disadvantages of the issue.
Exercise is an important and must follow activity for all human beings. Depending upon the age and time, a regular workout session in any form should be followed, especially in the case of older individuals. While many doctors advise the same, but due to many factors, old individuals tend to not follow up regularly. In this essay, I shall analyze the reasons and shall give a few suggestions.
Nowadays, people have different views about whether subject which all students want to take are tought in the universities or classes which are related to science and technology. This essay will discuss the positive sides of studying only favorite subjects in the universities as well as classes which are vitally important for future life like science and technology.
Nowadays people have different views about whether pupils should be study whatever they adore or necessary subjects which will be significant for science and technology period on some days. This essay will discuss the positive sides of learning some subjects which school children want to learn as well as other types of subjects that considered useful for future.
From the past to present, history has been part of our lives. Many people in some countries are increasingly interested in searching for information about the past of their own accommodations. This essay will discuss why this trend is happening and suggest ways of researching this issue.
From time to time, history has been part of our lives. Many people in some countries are increasingly interested in searching for information about the past of their own accommodations. This essay will discuss why this trend is happening and suggest ways of researching this issue.
Teaching is very much important for development of Child. Nowadays, some people believe that children should be taught at home while others do not agree with the statement as they think school is also a necessity. In my opinion, it is important to go to school because education grasped from school have higher chances to last long.
Nowadays, people are turning to be increasingly fascinated in the story of ancient and vintage stuffs such as cars, furniture, and even houses or building. In this essay, the factors that make more and more people interested in searching the history of house will be explored in detail, and the processes to figure out the history will be examined.
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