IELTS Discussion Writing Samples Band 6

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In many nations around the globe, foods are the pivotal thing that is truly important not only for developed countries but also for developing ones. According to the situations nowadays in each country, the increase of citizens population affected to the serving of food. Furthermore, there are a lot of arguments from each people, even researchers, to utilize insects as food, even though some people argue that the stuff is unhealthy and impactful to the ecological balance. This essay will discuss both things (benefits and drawbacks) of insects food supported by the examples from the writer's knowledge or experience.
At the present time, some faraway places peoples are too much enthusiastic in exploration about the history of the old homes or flats that resident in. I perceive in the future these findings will help us to make our accommodations in a better way as well as to enhance the style of the buildings. In this essay, I will explain what are the reasons behind this issue and how people use different methods for research.
There is a controversial perspective heating a debate over the studying refusion of many learners at highschool without broadening their mind about managing money. This essay is devoted to the underlying reasons, followed by effective solutions.
Living together with family has always been common among communities for decades, but nowadays, inhabitants prefer living alone apart from their families. However, I think it has various disadvantages for society. Hence it is a negative development. First and foremost, living alone can negatively affect a person's health. Since working professionals undergo stress, both physically a...
Nowadays there is a growing concern over the criminal age. The age of first crime of youngsters has been decreasing over past years. A great number of rationals are being discussed by experts. I will discuss two of these reasons in this essay which are proceeding by solutions.
Nowadays, the more developing science and technology are, the more advanced people's lives become. Besides accommodations and clothes, they are also concerned about food products. It is argued that the majority of people do not pay attention to the method of food production, they only care about its cost. Personally, I am partly convinced by the idea for some reasons mentioned in this essay.
In our modern world, computers play a vital role which assisting humans in various ways including designing and calculating infrastructure, constructing artwork, analyzing finance work, etc. However, there are some groups of people who use computers for entertainment and do some things ridiculously. This is essay will be shown my opinion about playing computer games computer games.
In this modern scenario,the number of stores ruminates that profit can get easily by vending numerous commodities that are brought from other nations rather than vending article that is sectionally obtained.according to me,this is a negative impact on the public.this essay would analyse a few causes of this phenomenon and explain with my subject view.
The women role in society has changed and progressed a lot over the last decades. Nowadays, the domestic role of women is rarely observed due to recongnition of iguality rights between genres and women incorporation in different areas of labor market. The following paragraphs will discuss the reasons of women visibility in work spaces and its effects on their families.
A group of individuals think that ordinary people may not have the solution for environmental issues, but others agree that is everyone's responsibility.
The issue of use of recreational drugs always has been on spotlight in our society and today, particularly/especially when the topic is about increasing consumption of drugs between young generarions around the world. There are two key reasons for this worrying trouble, but some suggestions can help to overcome it.
We are living in an advanced time, where most people in any nation can travel to other parts of the world with ease. There are many ways to move and settle in different regions other than our own hometown. However, some people still prefer to build their life where they were born.
Human is easily affected by outside factor and is curious about what relates to themselves. That’s the reason in recent years, there are many people are trying to explore the events happening in their living house past few years.
A successful person refers to someone who would reach their goal, which means it depends on the individual. However, there are more successful people who leave school than those who graduate from their studies, this is because of social justice. In this essay, I will illustrate the reason for this statement and the following examples of successful people's characteristics will be provided in order to support my point of view.
The media plays a vital role in modern society. For every country, it is essential for the locals in one’s country to gather information in daily life. The information includes policies, economy, crime rates and climate change. Apparently, the media is so significant that it can spread a lot of necessary news for everyone in this world, though it is sometimes unnecessarily biased.
An increasing number of people are now interested in finding the origin and past of the residence they are currently living in. This essay will argue that main causes for this are curiosity and media, and the most viable solution is to do research on the internet and through official government department.
Being in possesion of some form of shelter is an essential aspect of life nowadays. With the growing population worldwide and many individuals occupying new buildings, it has become emperative to find out about the past of their new home. Therefore, this essay will tackle the reasons for the current trend as well as ways of conducting research about the past.
Most teenagers tend to skip science subjects from their syllabus , around the globe. A high level of competition for the subject as well as the intolerable level of stress when studying these arias can be the main reasons for this. However , this will lead to multiple social problems like a high level of unemployment and a decrease in human index development . In the following essay , I will discuss both these aspects in detail.
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