IELTS Discussion Writing Samples Band 6

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In this modern scenario,technology is increasing by leaps and bounds,it has made people lives more significantly easier and faster,so some academics provide their lessons on the website.As a result,scholars can learn enormous amounts of information through websites such as YouTube as well as Facebook.According to me,it brings a greater positive influence on people in many ways.This essay will go into better detail with my subject view.
While some populations prefer living in high-temperature weather, others love cold climates countries and the style of life in these freezing areas . in this essay, I will discuss both views with examples.
It is often said that nowadays wedding parties are getting bigger and they are required to spend noteworthy money. There are many reasons that should be considered. From my point of view ,this can be a negative development that should be reduced all around the world.
There have been ongoing concerns regarding the fact that people, nowadays, spend the huge amount of the expenses on holding their wedding marriage ceremony. This essay will explain why they fund their budgets on such a special occasion, especially wedding, and why I believe that it is an advantageous progress.
It is true that people, in recent years, have become concerned and discovered the past experiences of the place where they live. This essay will discuss the reason for this phenomenon, and some methods on how to research it.
In recent decade, there are a massive influx of migrants in every nation around the world. They migrate to overseas due to several reasons. This phenomenon might cause some benefits and drawbacks to the person as individual and nation as a whole. In the following essay, I aim to develop the advantages from this issue as well as the disadvantages.
In some nations,many people are tended to search the past of houses where they used to residing in as they want to follow the rules which are passing from generation to generation by using the help of their family members.This essay will discuss both what may be the causes for this phenomenon and which steps they used to investigating the history of past.
Recently, teenage related crime rates have peaked among various countries. It is important to note that teenagehood, is one of the most critical stages in life, it is the age at which personality is moulded and formed. Therefore, for a teenager to be involved in a crime will have a dire effect on society. In this essay, we will look into the root of this problem and suggest suitable solutions.
More college pupils stay with their parents but some are boarding with their friends because their dwell far away from the institutions. While this has a few advantages, there are some disadvantages which are worth considering. While this allows youngsters to develop their interpersonal skills, they could also experience homesickness and end up giving up their studies.
Although medical skills have improved, a significant number of people suffer from health problems in rich countries. This essay will outline the potential reasons why their health has declined and suggest potential solutions.
Searching historical memories of the building or house where they live in become popular in some countries nowadays. They try to find valuable information and it becomes a trend in some nations. This essay describes why they behave such as historians and how people find out the information, which they want to figure out.
In the twenty-first century, changing citizenship is one of the common matters in the world. Almost all of the countries have diplomatic relations with each other, which provides us with a chance to travel and even move in. Many wealthy nations seem to provide a safe environment ,freedom and education where it attracts the people who cannot have it. In this essay, I will detect immigration's origin and what this could lead to.
It is often said that these days many children prefer to spend time in their own accommodation instead of going out. From my point of view ,it can be a negative trend. I'm going to explain some reasons below.
Over the era of globalization, It is deniable that social media these days has an important role for many people all over the world. Everything has both positive and negative sides. However, I strongly consisted the cons of social media are a significant impact on our lives in many ways. I will describe and give my personal opinion in this essay.
In this modern world, people dump any broken product and they buy a new one immediately.However, in the past years,individuals try to put together any damaged thing before considering purchasing a new item.There are many factors that are associated with this and the reasons will be elaborated on in the following passages.
Of late, numerous youths and adults are vying for the same kind of employment. This is often due to unfair salaries that are paid to employees holding various jobs which could be overcome by ensuring that the governing authorities payout equal salaries across all kinds of jobs. Therefore in this essay, I will tackle the root course for this issue as well as the way forward.
People in some countries want to know about a living and other reasons of an ancestor by numerous ways to find truth in the past. A reason to support my idea will be outlined in the following paragraphs.
It is irrefutable, that Health sciences have grown tremendously over the past few years and benefitted humans in numerous ways. Advancement in the medical industry helped us fight a plethora of illnesses and because of that life span of an individual has increased as compared to the past.However, this might have some repercussions on society in the coming days.This essay will discuss the future prospects of medical advancement in the community in the next paragraphs along with some relevant examples.
One of the most notable needs in each society is feeling safe and all governments, authorities even ordinary people try to provide a safe atmosphere in the country. In this essay, I will mention some principal reasons behind this matter and suggest some viable solutions.
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