IELTS Discussion Writing Samples Band 7.5

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It is true that prison as the best way of punishment is becoming a hot issue nowadays. There is a genuine concern that jail is the most effective solution to punish criminals. The advocates of this view believe that prisons are essential. Others,however, disagree and think that imprisonment is not useful and other measures should be adopted instead.
Some authorities argue that a foreign language is required for those who need to travel to or work in a foreign country while others believe that there are many more reasons that one should learn a foreign language. I think that person should learn a foreign language for their holistic development, as well as that language, might be helpful in their career promotion and culture exchange during a travelling to another country.
It is often argued that a sense of fulfilment in a job is considered a primary factor as the majority of us spend our later part being an employee. This essay will demonstrate some significant elements that promote satisfaction at work as well as the possibilities of making it achievable for all employees.
It is true that recently the number of people who are curious about the history of the place they live in has been increasing. They have different reasons for doing so, and definitely, there are some places that they can find the information they want.
In recent years, it has been observed that, after completing high school and before taking admission to the university, teenagers are choosing either to work or travel to someplace for a year. In my opinion, it is good to travel and explore different things, but to work somewhere is not a good option. Along with that, spending one year on such things are also not useful.
Nowadays. when life runs at high speed, and persons need to be according to that, it is not easy to ignore the power of social media. For some human beings take into account advertising data, is very important when making significant decisions. In this essay, I will discuss the advantages and disadvantages of living in a society with high use of means and how that influence individuals life.
There is a hot debate about learning the new thing because some insist that travellers cannot learn much from visiting it on holidays, while others argue that they can learn a lot. Although the former has advantages, I still believe that the latter has superior benefits to everyone.
It has been argued that despite knowing the numerous negative impacts of smoking, a large majority of humans keep on with this routine. The following essay will throw light on the principal reasons and bring out a number of methods in which this problem can be tackled.
In recent years, contamination of rivers, lakes and seas has become one of the most urgent issues for people who are interested to preserve the environment. In this essay, I will examine why waste management and public unawareness are the causes of water pollution and list some of the effects that endanger animals and human beings.
In recent years, the number of people choosing to stay in an apartment has risen significantly. Many claims that this is because more and more ones are no longer content to live in a personal house as they find tremendous benefits of staying in a block of flats. However, is a condominium really worth living or are there too many drawbacks? While I firmly believe that living standards will be improved if the man lives in a flat, those still cope with challenges behind.
In today's advanced world science and technology have helped improve all aspects of our life,even in the field of public health.There are split opinions regarding how to improve individuals health.Some believe that the more we provide sports facilities to the society the more we have healthy people whereas another group of thinkers suggest that this would have minimal effect on individuals health and that other preventive measures are also needed.Therefore,the two sides of this argument will be thoroughly analysed and discussed in this essay before drawing a reasoned conclusion with my opinion.
It is true that an increasing number of students are now facing difficulties paying attention in classes. There are several reasons for this alarming issue and a number of solutions could be adopted to improve the situation.
While some people think that there are some beneficial impacts when hosting international sporting competitions, detractors believe that the host nation would suffer more problems than benefits. In this essay, I will discuss both sides of the matter before presenting my personal views.
As long as movement around the world becomes affordable and available to the mass of people, many citizens of most visited cities oppose the spread of international tourism due to its undesirable influence on their lifestyle. This essay is devoted to detecting and revealing the reason why inhabitants tend to adhere to such an opinion, suggesting a potential solution to the problem.
A growing number of people place a premium on acquiring information about the history of the building where they live in. This essay will discuss some rational reasons for this phenomenon as well as the possible ways that people can gain these data.
It has been scientifically proven that different colours and shades bring about tremendous influences on people’s emotions. As a result, different service provisions and facilities require to be decorated in multiple colours in order to specifically serve their purposes. This statement is completely accurate as colours can be beneficial in several aspects in terms of people’s work performance and wellbeing.
theThere is a controversial notion heating a debate over the fact that people are rarer to walk on a regular than before. This essay is devoted to analyzing the reasons and some tactics to encourage the community to walk.
It is notorious how many charities are choosing to advertise their activities on mass media, particularly on television. Some are wondering the reason behind this situation, as well as if it is a positive or negative development. The origin and implications of the late surge of T.V charity commercials will be analyzed here.
In this contemporary span, working hours are increasing and becoming a hurdle for individuals. Strata of population opine that maintaining equality between professional and personal life is really difficult. There are multifarious reasons for this trend such as increasingly working hours and competitive jobs however there are a plethora of solutions to curb issues like fixed working hours and increasing minimum wages.
Owing to the increased global warming we have to face nowadays, many populations campaign for less driving automobiles and, instead, cycling a bicycle would be better in order to reduce carbon emissions. Nevertheless, this campaign does not receive much attention and cooperation from the public because of, in my opinion, deficient endorsement from the authority which will be explained in the essay below and I will give some possible solutions to this problem.
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