IELTS Discussion Writing Samples Band 7.5

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Many people have been keen on recycling waste materials, such as bottles and newspapers, as it can reduce the impact on the environment. However, some groups do not recycle their waste. This essay will discuss why some people do that and how it can be solved.
lots of individuals are enthusiastic to follow foreign movies instead of watching some films that are provided by their own countries. It can be contributed to a multitude of reasons, such as knowing different cultures or acquiring a new language. So, to preserve the local customs and national identities, governments have to invest a special amount of money for `audience products.
The digitalization era is providing more handy conveniences to our life one of these chains is the TV invention. Nowadays teens are given more time to see small screen programmes, whilst earlier such tendency was very low. This essay will highlight that this type of trend has fruitful outcomes or adverse and in the end I will give my own opinions.
While offering a job employers are obligated to ask for certain personal information. Some disagree, that it is relevant to the case, while some think such things are crucial to know in a process of employment. First of all, a provided essay will discuss both views, and secondly, I will give my own opinion.
People nowadays begin to wonder and investigate the histories of the houses or buildings they live in or are going to live in more than before. There are numerous motives why they are doing this. In this essay below, I will explain the reasons for these phenomena as well as exemplify the methods people can discover their accommodations' past.
It is undeniable that most people are becoming more interested in discovering the background conditions of the houses where they live in. This essay will examine the reasons why people are focusing on finding out about history and provide a possible way of research.
It is arguable that the enhancement of the health care arrangement undoubtedly leads to soaring in life expectancy of many. As a result, the community has to look after several older individuals. In my opinion, the closer parents will deal properly with that since it is their responsibility to care for them. Although it will press the health rule. This essay will shed light on both sides of the matter and provide evidence to prove the arguments.
There is no shortage of opinion that food is a vital part of our daily lives. Nowadays, it is commonly accepted that consuming meals in a restaurant has a variety of benefits, since people prefer to eat their foods immediately without wasting any time. Contrary to this popular belief, there are still those who argue that it is a proper habit to eat meals at home. In my opinion, it is better to prepare and consume a meal at home. I feel this way for several reasons, which I will explore in the following essay.
There is no more important decision in our lives than the type of accommodation we opt to settle on. However, the benefits of living in a house outweigh choosing an apartment, there are some drawbacks that should be considered. The main pros of houses are having a private space, suitable for children and usually far spacious, while the challenges could represent high-cost maintenance and less security.
Nowadays the number of divorces drastically increased around modern societies. In this essay, I will explore the causes associated with the growing rates of official separation and suggest optical solutions to help tackle this problem.
Issues related to university's subjects are frequently discussed these days. Some institutes believe that students should take part in various subjects, others criticize and argue that students should be acquired specialists in one subject. The explanation of which is the best choice for students and the reason for these will be discussed in the following paragraphs.
Undoubtedly, traffic is a major disaster around the world. It is argued that authorities can solve this situation by creating a high tax on personal car owners, and using that tax income to expand public transport facilities. Although this may positively treat on society and government, the long-term impact on population and country may have a negative outcome.
Nowadays, global shopping markets have become dominant in the industry with the lion's share in this vital industry. Consequently, a lot of local shops have been closed or passing through financial troubles due to the scarcity of customers who opt to head up to the large chain shopping centres. In my perspective, this phenomenon is detrimental to the local business as we will discuss.
mansion on lease or rent is a preference of people in few nations whereas, in rest of the countries, citizens choose to purchase their own home. In my opinion, I believe that using a rented apartment is way more advantageous than that owning a house. In this essay, I will discuss in the first paragraph, how the rented house is value for money and in the second paragraph, how fewer liabilities of a tenant makes life hassle-free.
Nowadays, people think that the best way to be happy in life is to have an enormous amount of money. This essay will analyse things related to this matter. However, personally, I think that cash obviously can make humans joyful.
Nowadays,obesity is becoming a major problem.It causes many diseases like high blood pressure and asthma.I will discuss the reasons behind the upward trend in the figure of overweight people and some suggestions to solve this problem in the forthcoming paragraphs.
Recently, people tend to hang out more often than decades ago. In the following paragraphs, I will discuss what are the elements of the changement of lifestyle, does it bring us negative effects or positive aspects and how to improve the problem and find out the balance.
In various nations, individual’s don’t recycle a particular product which have been used once , such as paper , glass and cans. However, behind this phenomenon there are several reasons.
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