IELTS Discussion Writing Samples Band 7.5

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In recent times, people are showing interest before buying houses or where they staying because they want to know the backdrop about that ownership. In, the forthcoming essay, I will articulate some reasons as well as also suggest the number of ways how the public collect information as well.
History plays a great role in terms of enhancing knowledge. In some countries,an increasing number of residents has become curious to know about the history of their homes.Below,the reasons behind this development will be discussed along with some ways through which citizens can research this.
Weight gain among children and adults is a common health issue faced by most of the country’s population. This trouble badly affected all citizens ,especially to child and teenagers. Modern lifestyle and unhealthy meals are the main reasons behind this and it can be addressed by promoting healthy living patterns.
It is observed that after completing schooling, some teenagers prefer to travel and take a real-life work experience rather than attend college immediately. This essay will display how this trend can help students to gain work experience but will also show some downsides of it.
The global economy has rapidly changed within recent history. Certain authorities claim that a number of small retail outlets are giving up their shops around the world. In my view, the increasing number of supermarkets and changing of consumers’ buying behaviours are the main reasons for this situation. However, in my opinion, despite all the plus points, there are several drawbacks that outweigh the countries’ economy and the community wellbeing through this situation.
These days self-employed have become a popular choice for lots of people, rather than being office workers in larger companies. By being in the highest hierarchy, would certainly have positive aspects on the person, however, there will also be some drawbacks. This essay will address both positive and negative aspects of this determination.
Nowadays, the security concern over institute kids has been on a steady rise, especially when it comes to their transportations. Among these, there are two schools of thought, while others suggest that it is obliged to the parents. In the below paragraphs, we will discuss both of these views and after analyzing the explanations, a relevant solution will be given at the latter.
Nowadays, people supposed that social network has variety advantage that makes their life become convenient and comfortable. It can be useful tools for young society and the elder community to get in touch with friends as well as family. This essay explores several reasons about the positive impacts of the Internet on human life, and is thus led to a logical issue.
Due to increased population, industrialization and growing demand to satisfy the day-to-day need, natural resources are getting polluted and diminishing. There are several other reasons causing the temperature imbalance which can be addressed deliberately.
Nowadays, secondary education can play a vital role in the pupils' future, while various beneficial subjects can be taught in this period. Yet, there remains a controversial debate whether studying international news should be a compulsory course or it is not able to provide advantages for the learners. I will discuss the presented topic and propose benevolent examples to support it.
Many factors come into play during the growth of an individual. One, in particular,in ,particular is the time period of school life. Many believe that the most appropriate way of learning is done together in a boarding institute while certain people advocate the idea of learning partly in educational hubs and partly from the outer world. The essay will look deeply into the ideologies from both sides and give an opinion in the conclusion.
The levels of sedentarism and obesity in the world have been increasing enormously in recent years. While people are conscious that exercising is good for general well-being, they still do not practice it. I will discuss what are the underlying reasons and how can we promote people to start moving more.
Nowadays, thanks to globalization, there are various cosmopolitan cities in many countries, which allow humans beings in whatever nations can live and work wherever they want. However, it is undeniable that some controversies still exist because of the different cultures. This essay aims to illustrate what the government can do to ensure that all international citizens can live together peacefully.
In this present situation, society is becoming busier which has led to order various personal items via the internet. This trend is becoming more popular as cyberspace helps to save family time. However, it has got its beneficial and adverse sides.
People moving from one country to another has been going on for a while now, and there are many causes of immigration. Some of the top reasons include seeking work opportunities and fleeing persecution. There are both positive and negative effects that include economic growth and pressure on resources.
In recent years there has been an increase in the number of people wishing to find out more about the property in which they are living, whether it is a house, a flat, or an apartment. In this essay, I will explain some of the reasons for which new tenants want to know the history of the place they are living and the most common resources to reach this information.
It's a natural behaviour for most species to spend their childhood and adolescence with their parents and when they mature enough, then they would leave them and live independently as young adults. Since humans are no exception, they also tend to leave to start living on their own. However, whether it is beneficial to take this action at an early age, for instance after graduation from school, has been debated. In my opinion, although it has certain negative effects, the advantages outweigh them.
In this day and age, there are a wide variety of ways to achieve a successful career path. While numerous people believe that attending higher education is the optimal way to reach their career targets, others claim that it is more beneficial to opt for a job or vocational training after high school graduation. In this essay, both mentioned views will be discussed.
The pattern of the house or building agriculture can explain the history of the specific areas significantly. Therefore, nowadays, nations increasingly tend to start studying from these accommodations which refer to the past of the region . In this essay, I will elucidate the reason for this direction and the way to research this, and the following examples will be provided to support my point of view.
In most parts of the world, children nowadays are enjoying more freedom than their previous generation. This privilege is often taken for granted by many teenagers and therefore it is often misused. Although loosening the control over a child has positive impacts, they are overshadowed by the negative effects.
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