IELTS Discussion Writing Samples Band 7.5

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Nowadays immigration has become normal for a lot of people and a lot of them can relate to it . An increase in the number of international immigrants either for the purpose of education or to earn has many advantages but we cannot ignore the disadvantages caused by it . In this ,essay there are advantages and disadvantages mentioned and discussed.
Nowadays, a number of students do not concentrate in class. This essay will discuss the main causes of pupils do not focus while they are studying including distraction and a monotonous way of teaching. This essay will also suggest solutions to these problems including remove distractions and an innovative curriculum.
Nowadays, with the growing technologization of the world, many tasks are replaced with machines. Moreover, this tendency is only growing, a lot of great minds work to innovate and integrate new technologies into our lives. But as I see it has its own advantages and disadvantages.
Due to several reasons, in some places in the world, a large number of people are more curious in finding out about the back story of the place they are in sheltered. This answer will explore why this trend is becoming popular among people these days and how can these people find the answer for their curiosity.
Environment problems are one of the most debated topics nowadays because everyone starting to pay attention to them. Despite the fact we know that human is the main factor that causes global warming, many people still continue to do something that harms the planet. The following paragraph will discuss the activities that people do.
Education and career play an essential role in our life. teenagers prefer to living in a metropolis instead countryside forget a good job and do schooling. However, this trend has more benefits than drawbacks for the following reasons.
It is clear that more individuals are moving to other countries. Many citizens are going to the alien territory for securing their careers. In this essay, the reasons for going out of place such as to study and find a better job as well as what will happen in 30 years may encompass change in immigration law will stop immigrants and the development may bring opportunity within the country will be discussed.
Obesity and obesity-related illnesses are becoming rampant in our societies as compared to the previous decade. There are many reasons for the sudden surge which we shall see in this essay, whilst we also discuss what we can do to avoid this.
Many folks extensively follow the newest fashion figures, ranging from garment or hairstyle to house decoration. There are various personal and social reasons for influencing people to do so. In my opinion, the disadvantages of this approach outweigh its advantages.
Gender dissimilarity has been considered as a profound impact on an individual’s career opportunities. However, in modern society, this sexual difference should not be a restriction on the way both males and females pursue their dream jobs. The reasons for such an agreement will be discussed in detail in the following paragraphs.
There are a lot of upgrades in the technology which leads to a low cost and high-speed communication services withalong convenient and comfortable public transportations. These upgrades have started a new age of workspace which are not limited to their small cabin based office space. It provides people with the freedom to work even from long distances. The two main advantages provided by them are a cleaner environment and convenience for employees in the form of time and energy saving.
It is undeniable that many 65 pluses prefer to live a retired period. However, as long as one is free from disease and having improved health they can spend the golden age of their time being active. In this essay, i will give reasons how old people can be beneficial for society.
Today, newly married couples are smart in planning their life after marriage. Not only financials but also on the thought when to have kids. Let me share my views on this distinct trend seen lately and the possible reasons in the next paragraphs.
Currently, it is quite common that people prefer to have babies later than it was in past. In this essay, I will explain the possible reasons for such a phenomenon and discuss its pros and cons.
Obesity is becoming a serious public health problem in every nation, which has negatively impacted children and adults. It may be due to less exercise and fast food culture among them. It can be solved by promoting health awareness and eating habits of organic food. This essay will discuss some reasons for excess weight and suggest two solutions.
Some folk think that capital punishment is the only way to bring to justice the criminals who have done evil acts. But, there is another faction that believes that life imprisonment is an option to make people think twice before committing these harsh felonies. Here, we will look at both thought processes.
Families around the world love to spend their private time either at lunch or dinner whenever they get an opportunity on a given day. Off-late this is seen on decline trend owning many reasons one being silo family. In this essay, let me share my views on this varied trend.
In recent years, there has been a growing global trend of householders endeavouring to examine the roots of their own properties. This essay will put forward some attributable factors of this trend and propose two effective measures to achieve the desired results.
Different people have different approaches to life. Many folks gain valuable lessons from the experience rather than theoretical classes in the school. Few people who drop out from an institute at an early age are triumphant in relation to the student who finishes their studies. In this essay, I will be discussing some of the factors and requirements to be victorious.
In recent times, numerous people are busy doing work and, hence, failed to maintain a steadiness between their job and their personal growth. I think there are various reasons for it, however, people should be able to manage their activity.
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