IELTS Discussion Writing Samples Band 7.5

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Globally we started to see a new trend, that persons who commit crimes are younger compared to the past years, A fact that hold a lot of issues and challenges to our societies. In this ,essay we will put the light on what can be the fuel for this phonemenuna, and what are possible actions can be done to fix that.
These days, more investment is done to develop mass transit than building new roads. It is obvious that the government is trying to improve the quality of life and save our planet. Therefore, a number of major causes and effects will be addressed in the following paragraphs.
Science is seen as a crucial building block in our quest to discover and learn new things. Most students globally choose areas of study other than science. In this essay, I will discuss the reasons for that and go over the wide-ranging impacts as a result.
In the modern ,world people are experiencing a dramatic change in their way of living,Today some ancient norm of feeding together as a family is fading away.The reasons for these trends are modern technology and several work-related duties.,Moreover these have some of the impacts like loss of identity and love that existed before.
It is widely believed that people from the same families do not have a close relationship in contrast to the old days. In my opinion, this happens because of the generation gap and time, so the way to solve this problem is that people should find free time to have a conversation or travelling to other places together.
A gap year could be seen as valuable in the long run. It is all too common, for a student to take a year travelling or working after finishing high school. This essay will discuss some of the advantages and disadvantages of taking a gap year.
Moving to a new school can present a number of challenges for students. All of us have had to relocate at some point in our lives, and I am no exception. My family relocated twice while I was growing up. The old construction was completed and my father was offered a new project; as a result, my family was forced to move from one location to another. "No friends" and "a huge number of new people" were two of the biggest challenges I faced when I moved to a new school. My recommendations for how a school can assist a student in this predicament will be discussed in the paragraphs that follow.
Learning about the background of properties like houses are getting increasingly popular in some parts of the world. It seems in this process they can find surprising facts that can affect the value of the house or either attract some amount of attention. To do so it is advised to reach reliable sources such as city councils or former owners.
In this modern era, the scope of residential schools is gaining popularity in leaps and bounds as it has become quite prevalent to leave the homes in some national. I believe that it has many reasons like exposure to activity and student autonomy. This essay will discuss the reasons for the occurrence along with its adverse effects.
Learning about the background of properties like houses are getting increasingly popular in some parts of the world. It seems though this process they can find surprising facts that can affect the value of the house or either attract some amount of attention. To do so it is advised to reach reliable sources such as city councils or former owners.
The need for housing is higher and higher due to the constant growth of the population. It is reasonable for many people to have a place to live. However, others are even concerned about the historical traces of their accommodation buildings. This essay will discuss some key reasons behind this tendency and suggest a multitude of ways to uncover a property’s past.
Thanks to the technological revolution, while the number of tasks that can be done via the internet has increased to a great extent, cybercriminals pose a threat against internet users by endangering their victim's financial security. A wide variety of reasons simplifies their unethical act and face people with many hardships. In this essay, some of the causes and examples will be discussed
In this day and age in most countries around the world , the number of people who want to become teachers is decreasing dramatically especially for teaching in secondary schools. This could be for several reasons. There is much that can be done to address the problem constructively.
In the present age, the bad consequence of smoking is very clear, but several individuals still smoke because of their natural routine. In this essay, I will highlight the problems caused by smoking and will give some solutions for preventing smoking in society.
Few people opine that having a lot of money is critical to remain happy in life. In my view, having substantial wealth is just one of the reasons and not the main source of being contented in life. In this essay, I would like to illustrate how having a good amount of money can lead to a happy life in one way, but we shall also explore alternate means of pursuing happiness.
Nowadays, learning new languages has become increasingly popular. Some claim the only reason to learn a foreign language is life opportunities abroad. While others consider many other reasons that may motivate anyone to do that. This essay will discuss both views in more detail in the following paragraphs.
Obesity has become a burning issue in this modern era, and it is said that many people are getting serious illnesses due to gaining more weight. I will discuss this notion in the upcoming paragraphs that why communities are suffering from multifarious diseases and how we can tackle these problems.
It is true that prison as the best way of punishment is becoming a hot issue nowadays. There is a genuine concern that jail is the most effective solution to punish criminals. The advocates of this view believe that prisons are essential. Others,however, disagree and think that imprisonment is not useful and other measures should be adopted instead.
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