IELTS Discussion Writing Samples Band 7.5

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It is true that diverse species of biology are disappearing in this world. While there are several reasons for this alarming trend, steps can be taken to mitigate this problem.
It is a fact that nowadays, some countries prefer using green energy sources such as wind power or solar power. In my opinion, it may be difficult for a country to move toward using renewable energy sources, but it will bring some irrefutable advantages and become a positive development.
almost in every family in this modern era, all the two couples have businesses to run. this is a major concern as offsprings spend lesser periods with their mums and dads. could there be a cause for this behaviour? what are the effects this issue could bring forth? in this essay, the ideas behind this attitude will be explored and the negative impacts on both the minors and the society at large will be highlighted.
The world is changing rapidly and there are numerous challenges which countries around the world will be facing in near future. Problems like global warming, population, pollution, scarcity of resources are a few of them. In the coming years, in my country, India, the biggest obstacle which will impact the nation will be overpopulation and poverty. In this essay, I will discuss about both the problems and possible solutions to solve them.
Even though a work-life balance is something that most people aim for in their career, the truth is in reality it is not that reachable. Whereas some individuals rather choosing a high-paying job with long hours, others prefer to be working in a lower-paying one, as they get more freedom to spend their time with family and friends. I tend to agree with this latter statement since everything in living is so unpredictable that nobody should spend the bigger part of it working.
Sometimes unfortunate situations can happen in life but what are we going to do about it is the real question. Some said that it is fine because we cannot escape our destiny but there are people who think different and want to make the situation better. This essay will discuss about the views in the addition to my opinion which is agreeing to improve the situation.
Admittedly, the problem of poverty has always been a bone of contention all around the globe. Every nation has its own way of dealing with this trouble. Some have strong policies in action to curb it, whereas others are just going with the flow. This essay will throw some light on the various grounds which contributes the most to the said atrocity and further, it will highlight important measures that can be taken to resolve it in the foreseeable future.
The health of an individual is often attributed to the person's diet, good workout routine, and stress levels. In this essay, I will discuss the merits of the above definition and suggest some ideas to make the citizens into living a healthy lifestyle.
With all the different crises around the world, some parents agree with the statement they ought to pressure their scion to get always the best they can, as rushing for getting them successful in their lifetime. However, contradicting that, other ones believe they must be careful in putting so much expectation in their minors. I tend to agree to this later since, as far as I can gather, success does not represent the most important aim in life.
The fact that people walk less and less has become a growing trend in many disparate parts of the world. Some explanations for this social issue will be put forwards before a number of steps can be taken to mitigate the impacts of this problem.
When a junior moves to a new academy he or she can surface some trouble. I think that almost all people had to move from a place to another in their lives and I am not an exception. My family moved twice during my childhood.My father is an architect, so, my family had to move from one place to another when the old construction was over and my father was offered to develop a new project. Two major issues I had to aspect In a new institute were "no friends" and "a huge amount of new people", In the following paragraphs I will analyze this complication and make suggestions about how a secondary school can help a junior in this situation.
Sporting activities have become a large enterprise with significant monetary and other benefits for athletes and sports organisations. This essay forwards that this is overall a positive development but the negatives are worth considering. This will be discussed at length below.
Some buildings have an interesting background for several reasons, such as age, ex-owners and location. Therefore, it is becoming a popular activity in some places to look up the history of their accommodation. The reasons and the methods to find out will be outlined in the next paragraphs before the conclusion is reached.
One of the popular opinions prevailing ubiquitously in the current society is that educating people in prison could reduce the crimes committed. In this essay, I will discuss the merits of the notion and present my opinion.
In recent times, experienced workers have to compete with younger workers for the same activity. This essay will discuss the main cause of this epidemic including overpopulation. This article will also discuss a solution that mitigates this problem including extending the service category.
It is true, That health is wealth, Hence Physical activities are the secret of healthy life. Many nations pay more attention to particular games for famous sportsmen, Whilst they are ignoring the commoners. This essay discusses that this kind of trend has more drawbacks.
From any point of view and base on any criteria, there are some poor people in every country, which is due to unbalance revenue distribution, overpapulation, and unemployment. Despite various definitions of poor people in different public, several actions should be taken by the government to improve poor people's conditions and decrease poverty in society.
More and more people are increasingly using cars to travel, even though cycling is friendly to the environment and health. Safety is the most important reason for less cycling. This essay will elucidate the reason for this trend with the solution to tackle this issue and the following examples will be provided to support my point of view.
Scientists have been warning for many years about protecting the environment, and we must limit the use of energy in our daily lives. Despite warnings, many people do not do this. What are the reasons for that, and how many people can be encouraged to take on invest in protecting the environment?
There is no doubt that modern technology made living effortlessly in this time of the covid-19 pandemic, internet was an imperative tool when it comes to education and employment. If the web was not available, it would have affected the life of humanity in a negative way.
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