IELTS Discussion Writing Samples Band 7.5

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The crime rate has been aroused to a remarkable level all around the world, the majority of which's contribution comes from the younger age group. Most cities have reported a high rate of criminal activities by youngsters. While there could be several reasons like illiteracy and poverty that leads to the wrong deeds which can be solved by the awareness campaigns as well as through the employment programs.
These days, a number of nations select to work for big brand names companies for some reason. However, other citizens prefer to work for unknown factories. In this essay, I will be discussed my side with reasons why I like working in a well-known organization.
Some individuals hold the thought that a second wording is learned only because of travelling or working abroad. Whilst, another group of population would argue that these reasons are not everyone’s aims of studying a foreign dialect. These paragraphs will discuss both views and give a relevant opinion about them.
In a contemporary community, experts in certain fields like health care, law and so on are required. With respect to that, some people believe that the university fees of only the students who are required by society will be paid and not the ones with less relevant subjects. The essay below will outline the advantages and disadvantages of such an educational policy.
An alarming increase in the divorce rate has become an area of contention around the world. This phenomenon detrimentally affects individuals, adolescents and the economy. There are many reasons that drive two people to separate such as work, differences in characters and so on. The following paragraphs will analyze the reasons for separations in detail and propose remedial measures.
Excessive over-exploitation of fossil fuels, potable water and the air is seen from the last decade. The rate of consumption is rising in an unsustainable manner and already exceeding the carrying capacity. This essay will explore both the causes and remedial measures in alleviating the situation.
In today's world, a certain group of individuals wants to start their own business instead of working as an employee for other employers. This essay will elaborate further about the reasons for the same and describe the drawbacks of being self-employment.
In this day and age, more and more people tend to opt for self-employment instead of working for corporations. Several reasons contribute to this phenomenon, and there are some drawbacks of being self-employed too, which will be discussed in this essay.
Community growth depends on how their people are active in their flock. Teens have enough time to do something if they don't want to waste time on social media. I agree that teenagers should be to do work for their flock without any paid. We'll discuss how they can help and what will they actually get.
These days, people prefer to start their own employment rather than working for a corporate company or industry. This essay will explore both the reasons and drawbacks of the situation.
In this modern-day, there are many groceries stores that provide almost all people needs. Consequently, a lot of small shops went bankrupt because people tend go to the supermarket with having a big supply for daily needs. This essay will discuss the merit and demerit of this development.
In recent years, the communities in many countries have been interested in discovering the history of the house or building they live in or decide to buy. Humans are concerned in various aspects, such as paranormal stories, historical buildings, news, and illegal obligations of those accommodations. This essay will explore why they are finding out and how the public in current society are searching for more information they need.
In recent years, people in many countries have been interested in discovering the history of the house or building they live in or decide to buy. This essay will explore why they are finding out and how people in current society are searching for more information they need.
In modern society, most people have become more competitive.They do not like to bother with each other and are disrespectful to others too. The main reasons for this are the addiction to electronic devices and chasing for money day and night. The solutions may be to influence the people to co-op with the society a lot by making them understand the bad effects of over usage of electronic devices and let them get the real meaning of what life is.
An increasing number of inhabitants are fascinated by the idea to look for the historical events of their current residential areas.This essay will discuss the main reason behind the issue and provide effective ideas to unearth the issues more prominently.
Learning something of course not a waste of time anyway. Although however, there is a considerable amount of people who believe that learning another country's language is worthy to travel or work, there is a part of society that think that it is important to learn another language expression despite those causes. I completely agree with the latter part of society and will elaborate on that throughout this essay.
Many people are interested in the background stories behind their homes like a house or a building. This essay examines the reasons and where people can research this topic.
Nowadays, people are becoming more consumptive, as they tend to buy the luxurious good that they do not necessarily need and debts are common among such people. This essay conveys the rationales behind this action and also suggests tackling this issue before the conclusion is reached.
Nowadays many students prefer to travel and work somewhere after completing school instead of applying to the university directly. While there are many benefits of this such as exposure to the real world and the opportunity to grow one’s professional network, there are certain drawbacks too. In this essay, I will discuss both the pros and the cons along with relevant examples.
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