In 2017, Carribean Island significantly had increased in their growth of the tourist visitors since 2010. From the graph above, we can see that the escalations of the total of tourist visitors are always happening each year. The graph above categorized two different kinds of graphic, the visitors who staying on cruise ships and the visitors who staying on island. The graphic of the visitors who staying on cruise ships showed that there was an increasment from 2010 until 2011 of the cruise ships stayment. Unfortunately, in 2012, the graphic became weaken. It showed that the number of visitors who staying on cruise ships decrease reached the number once happened in 2010. But that is the last time the graphic went low. Afterwards, in 2012 up to 2017 the number of visitors who staying on cruise ships increased and it showed that the graphic went higher reached the number of 2. The other categories is visitors who staying on island. From the graphic above it looks like this categories ha...