Firstly, we have two types of people the first type being the spender and the second type being the saver type. I would like to start with the first type which is the spender I see what makes this type spend more than actually save the money they have this kind of mindset I would call it YOLO which stands for you only live once those type of people have no fear just because they are scared of missing the freedom of living they don't want to die without doing something kind of scary or risky or fun they want to simply live in the moment. The second type which is the saver this type is really different than the spender as we said the spender has the YOLO mindset, in the other hand the saver is more scared to do risky stuff or risky spending mainly scared of regret the idea of maybe later on in life I would have needed that money or oh I wish I didn't spend that money on those dumb things. Hence, not all the saver type think in that way that is just the unhealthy ones. Lastly , I think...