IELTS Writing Samples Band 6.5

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Nowadays, the technology is developing rapidly all over the world. This modern technology can drive the world to driverless vehicles. Then there will be only passengers inside these vehicles. I think the driverless vehicles concept is more beneficial than detrimental.
Certain people are employed at the same company for their entire career whereas certain people tend to switch to different companies. However, in my ,opinion while I feel it is good to be employed in different companies, I agree that there are some people who work in the same organisation for their entire career.
In the present circumstance, although the world has witnessed significant innovations in cultivation, numerous people still suffer from starvation. This is due to the lack of supply chains as well as the problems of climate change. The essay will discuss the reasons why residents still go hungry and state some solutions for this problem.
In this contemporary world, enhanced technological agriculture equipments are gaining momentum. Nevertheless, with advance plantation machines, there is still an ongoing debate regarding crop supply shortage to a significant group of individuals across the countries. In this essay, I will elaborate the causes that give birth to this issue as well as suggest solutions to eradicate this problem.
No doubt that many countries have been planning to set up new renewable power stations in order to overcome the crisis of high increasing prices of oil and gas besides the fact that oil has been a political weapon used by some countries to put pressure on other economies.
Nowadays, Many small workshops are invisible and exchange by huge international campanies. There are various advantages and disadvantages as well and i will discuss in the upcoming fourth paragraphs.
It is commonly held that the mother is the most important factor in whether a kid or children will grow up well. Nevertheless, fatherhood is called out to have a part to decide whether a couple will have their offspring regardless of a belief of women being able to make a decision due to the fact that the mother is the one who takes care of her own pregnancy. This essay wholeheartedly agrees that the one-sided resolution will lead to possible long-term issues.
Nowadays, mobile gadgets are used by many teenagers for many different purposes. As young people go to school, some institutions do not allow students to bring their mobile phones. Some people believe that schools should prohibit the use of mobile devices by teenagers at school. It is undoubtedly agreed that personal phones should be banned for children at school because it can distract the academic environment and prevent students from socializing in real life.
In recent years, we have witnessed a numerous amount of emigration to other countries around the world for many reasons. I do not doubt true that for getting used to a new culture, tradition, and rules, of a distant country they must relinquish the old ones in their old homey.
The past 20 years have seen a dramatic increase in the number of driverless vehicles. Some laud its convenience while some are worried about it. In my opinion, they are insecure and unreliable. Thus, its drawbacks outweigh its benefits.
There is an increasing number of people who are interested in finding out the history of their living place. They want to know because they are curious and keen on having a sense of connection to the community. They are able to reach this information by interviewing residents who lived there for a long time.
Many countries have ageing populations, while some populations include a relatively large number of young adults compared with the number of older people. As far as I am concerned, the benefits of this phenomenon outweigh the downsides, as it promotes high productivity and reduces government expenditures.
Some people argue that professionals who require high-quality techniques, such as doctors and engineers, should stay in the country where they receive their training, while others think they should be free to choose wherever they like to work.
Automation plays a crucial role in each part of society these days and also replaced physical work in industries. However, this trend has more advantages than disadvantages which I will discuss in the forthcoming paragraphs.
In the modern era, the importance of migrating from one nation to another was always debatable many individuals claim that its beneficial to transfer distinct countryside while others reject this notion.The substantial influence of this trend has sparked controversy over the potential impact of its recent years.This essay will further elaborate my view in favouring the positive impact of transferring to different countries and thus lead to a logical conclusion.
Human rights are now essential components of every nation's way of life. One of them is a woman who is still developing who is currently. In reality, every country should recognise this freedom, but some refuse. For instance, in some cultures, women are expected to stay at home and care for the family. Men should have an obligation to perform in this area. In my inspection, I completely concur with the topic, and in this essay, I'll explain why in the paragraph after this.
The rise in popularity of online-learning software and applications has led many to argue they can be as effective as real-life lessons taken at university. In my opinion, though these lessons are more efficient in particular university situations, their overall efficacy is far lower than learning in person.
As natural resources are under increasing pressure, the list of endangered animals and plants is becoming endless. While some might claim that nothing could be done to reverse the trend, I believe that there are still means to ensure a sustainable future for the planet.
These days using plastics in many different products are increasing such as plastic bags, bottles and packaging. All plastic products are environmentally harmful. Using plastics has negative effects on the earth. Government and individuals should have more awareness of this issue and try to solve this problem as they could.
In this contemporary era, for prevailing in any circumstances one should have a good preparation aided by diligent work. In this context, people have varying views regarding preparation, such as some say, to lay a good amount of tasks one should prepare with others with cooperation, while some believe just the opposite of it. In my view, working with others is the best way to learn new things with more clarification. I think this way for two reasons, which I will discuss in this essay.
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