IELTS Writing Samples Band 6.5

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The organization shall motivate the employees to stop working after reaching the age of 55 with their superior positions to allow the youngster an opportunity to join. i will focus on the advantage and disadvantages of the same in this essay.
Children are the fragile group who are targeted by criminals because they are innocent. Crime in many countries was found that children were targeted and this is the problem which we need to find a solution before the situation becomes a crisis. It will be discussed in this essay.
The modes of education have been changed drastically over the years. It is argued that, more time is given to learning theory than the practicals in all levels of learning. I completely agree with this statement due to the fact that practical learning makes a better understanding and helps to improve skills.
There are groups of people who believe that celebrities have too much income.I do think that although their earnings are much higher than others, they deserve it,and in the following essay I will give my point of view about that, and also I would say that which group of the public should be paid as much as the famous public. Firstly famous people are divested from private lives. they are forced to display everything in their personal lives such as their lifestyle and their relationships.they should be perfect in any prospects such as style, being a role model, behaviour and so on. thus I think they are under so much pressure to be perfect by the press and community, And maybe money can make it to them.
It is often argued that keeping the natural environment is essential. Nevertheless, people are not cooperating to help. The following paragraphs will highlight some reasons for that as well as some actions it could be taken to improve the health of nature and some relevant examples.
In this fast-paced world, it is believed that economic progress is an essential component for a country to be successful. On the other hand, it is also argued that there are other aspects that needed to focus on too aside from the economy. The following paragraphs will explain these two conflicting views and give a logical conclusion on the said matter.
In today’s developed world, there are various impacts on children’s maturity. Accordingly, people think that mainly two options- parents and outside pressure play a significant role in the children’s growth and outside influence outweigh the parents. From my perspective, both approaches have valid arguments, however, the first idea seems more logical.
Getting rewards or admiring children in some cases that they do not complete their tasks or targets, brought up a discussion. Although , part of people assume that it seems an impractical way to encourage children for conducting half of the task. I subscribe to the notion that this method can damage to them , but it has been observed in some rare cases this method can be a practical one. I shall put forward my arguments in the upbringing paragraphs.
It is true that an increasing number of the population in modern society can be observed with ill-mannered attitudes and anti-social behaviours. From my perspective, this tendency can be attributed to the lack of proper guidance from parents and the increasing use of social media; however, manners can still be implemented to ameliorate the existing problem.
A large number of processed food and drink products have high levels of sugar which result in numerous health problems, therefore, these products ought to be more expensive to discourage individuals from consuming so much sugar. I agree with this statement because it would encourage people to choose healthier food instead and less strain on health services.
It is indeed true that the level of violation has been rising at an alarming rate across the globe. A school of thought suggests that capital punishment will be beneficial to mitigate the number of heinous crimes committed by offenders.This essay will discuss why criminal activities will be reduced through capital punishment.
There are two conflicting opinions about the aid of the governments. Some people believe this is not restricted to just the economic aspect while some authorities argue that improving a nation's economy is the crucial responsibility of the government. Personally, I agree with the second view and firmly believe that their role is paramount in many fields. In this essay, both views will be explained and I will outline my idea.
Food which we receive at our nearby shops and supermarkets goes through a long process, which includes several steps. It is recommended that residents should buy the products directly to avoid side -effects created during the processes. This essay will argue that buying food directly from farmers would require extra time and effort. The benefits of getting fresh quality food, financial growth of the farmers, and reduction of air, and noise pollution far outweigh any other drawbacks.
In the midst of this technology-driven global world, traditional values and rituals are disappearing day by day in many countries. It is a true fact that children of the present decade are unaware of these cultures, most evidently in nuclear families. In my opinion, in schools every student should be educated by teachers, Whereas at home parents must be their role models from whom they can closely observe and inherit them indirectly.
There is no doubt that occupations such as doctors and engineers play a vital role in our life. Although some people think that working at the same part where they had the practice is unavoidable, others argue that vocations should be free to select the zone where they want to build their career. In the ,essay I am going to discuss both sides and explain my own view that they have the right to choose.
Traditions bind the diversified population of every nation. Each country has it's own culture and trends but with the fast developing economies, we are somehow loosing the essence of these values. This essay will discuss the reasons behind the same and will further give some recommendations to parents and educational institutions to foster such spirit in the teenagers.
The teenage age is an astonishing time in our life. We are able to spend our time doing many things. However, people have a controversy about, should adolescent people work part-time after school, some people agree with this idea while others are not. In my opinion, it's optional to do but I partially agree with this idea because teenagers can earn money and get the experience of work.
In today’s modern world, the rapid development of new technology and industry leads enormous companies to move to suburban places from the inner city. From my perspective, this has both positive and negative implications.
It is true that the widespread use of social media is replacing face-to-face contact in daily life. Although this replacement has several disadvantages, the benefits may be far more significant.
Throughout the last 5 decades women have conquered many great obstacles all around the world to get to where we are today. However, in most places society still has much to go for gender equality. From my point of view, women have indeed come a long way, re-earning their rights, but I also agree that women are still not seen as equal to men. This essay will discuss how the position of women changed in the world and will bring a few points to clarify my point of view.
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