IELTS Writing Samples Band 6.5

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University curriculum plays an enormous role in our education system, depending on these pupils choose their subject wisely. Some individuals think that university students should take those courses in which they are interested in. while some believes that they should be only allowed to take courses like science and technology. I’m agreed with both the views and explore the answers in detail below.
It is true that although there is a number of sports complexes and gyms, people are not healthy and fit.There are numerous reasons for it. The topic will discuss both causes and recommendations.
The sports and cultural festivals are organised every month in most countries. A huge number of the population attend these events by buying expensive tickets. This essay firmly states that this trend has many disadvantages. Despite the fact that these occasions are enjoyable, the prices of the tickets are high which can lead to a negative credit balance when not paid off. Also, many folks spend time on these events rather than studying or focusing on their future career.
Globally, there have been mixed opinions about the impact of advertisements, which can be visually or orally. Some people support the opinion that advertising helps in convincing people to purchase a product, while others believe that individuals disregard it. In this essay, I will explain both points of view, as well as give my thought. In my opinion, displaying a product visually encourages citizens to buy and try out items.
It is considered argued that many individuals think that childhood is a good stage of happiness. However, Others side massive believe that people can enjoy more happiness in other stages of life. In my own opinion, childhood is the best stage of life for any person I will discuss both views in the upcoming paragraphs.
In this modern era, the trend of online shopping has increasing day by day. The majority of the population preferred to buy online like household items, clothes, and groceries. In this essay, both pros and cons will be discussed with help of suitable examples before reaching a lucid conclusion.
At a certain point, nowadays most countries follow the latest fashion design and hairstyle trends. In my point of view, I disagree with the given statement. Because those trends mostly impact people negatively. Those will change one’s personality instantly. Let’s dig into what kind of influence they are giving to society, and also why I don’t follow this trend.
It is argued by many that taking risks in search of opportunities is considered to be beneficial to people in their private life as well as in their careers. I am a strong advocate of this statement because of its potential for growth and progress. This essay will elucidate possible pros and cons, and then it will explain why the advantages outweigh the disadvantages.
In this technological era, the trend of online shopping has increased. People preferred to buy things online like groceries, clothes, shoes, and household items. In this essay, both pros and cons will be discussed with examples before reaching a lucid conclusion.
It is true that work plays a central role in a majority of people's lives and it also contributes to the overall well-being of a person. There are various factors which lead to professional satisfaction but achieving this fulfilment for all workers is not possible.
Nowadays, we can travel to another place in several ways, for example, going by car on the road or about to the station to take a train. Some people said that governments ought to spend money on railways more than roads. In my opinion, I fully disagree with this idea because of the purpose of the road and the budget.
Over the years, plastics have been popular with people for their convenience, but their detrimental effect on the environment is not negligible. Some people argue that governments should make an appropriate policy to prevent deterioration, while others say that raising individuals' awareness is more urgent. In this essay, both views will be examined and I will add my opinion.
Nowadays, a large number of humans working lot of hours and spending a few hours for entertainment activities. This essay will examine the possible advantages  and disadvantages of working long hours and provide a logical conclusion.
Nowadays, the majority of individuals devote most of their time to work while paying minimum attention to their favourite activities. In my opinion, the disadvantages of this situation outweigh the advantages. In this , an essay I will examine both pros and cons of this controversial issue.
Some people argue that as the population on the Earth is increasing, we need to explore new oil and gas resources due to losing current sources of natural energy. In my opinion, the disadvantages of this assertion outweigh the advantages.
Nowadays, with the excessive usage of materials like plastic bags, bottles and packaging, the environment is getting badly polluted. This essay will discuss its impact on the environment, along with the steps which the Government and every individual might take to solve this issue.
Nowadays, usage of plastic items is very common in society. However, it is deteriorating the environmental health by causing various damages to it. This essay will discuss the adverse effects of plastic and will further suggest some measures that the government and the individuals should adopt to resolve this issue.
Beyond the shadow of a doubt, the more technological development and advancement in every people’s life aspect are made, the less the level of life’s difficulty will be; notwithstanding, remarkable advancements in agriculture do not result in welfare for every individual around the world, and some of them are still hungry. I contemplate that the aforementioned issue has some reasons and can be improved by some measures that I am going to describe in the following paragraphs.
No one can deny that elderly persons spend much more time getting along with others and doing daily physical lessons they will become healthy While nowadays older family are usually alone and don't like to talk to everyone that the effect which makes them unfit and unhappy. There are many reasons such as new generations will be not good behave to elderly and it will be impacted brunt in their mind I will discuss some solutions in the upcoming paragraphs.
People have different views about the question of how to make our roads safer. While I agree with the idea that an annual driving test is necessary, I believe that government can take other measures to boost road safety.
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