IELTS Writing Samples Band 6.5

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Nowadays, there are lots of environmental problems due to many reasons. Some say that the diminish of certain organisms of plants and animals. But the other opinion on this is there are more environmental problems important than that. In this essay I will discuss both statements.
These days, a large amount of advertising is aimed at scion and some people feel that it should be banned. While advertising can have several negative impacts on children, I believe it should not be completely banned.
It has been increasingly seen in parents spending reading time with their young kids to assess their literacy which is advanced from school. Even though the latest study reveals that focusing on learning at an early age has disadvantages when compared with allocating quality time for young children's play which is highly successful. I strongly advocate for the latter due to the underlying factors that promote growth.
These days, businesses insist on promoting their products as brand new ones. In this essay, I am going to write about the reasons behind this advertising method and its positive outcomes from the reason.
Over recent years, fast technology development leads to noticeable changes in all fields of science, business and industry. According to these evolutions, new trends in management and administration are observed. In this article, I tend to discuss two points of view; the opinion that support managers should be only companies’ decision makers, and confront the idea that says employees should be involved with it too.
One day the younger generation inevitably has to succeed the founder business owners or directors in their companies. In my opinion, I support the view that the new generation of leaders can take their organisations forward into the future. However, it is equally important that they be mentored by their elders and be provided with proper business training.
The human diet majorly constitute of animals and animal products. Due to their nutritional value animals are widely used to make medicines. Recently, an organisation named PETA (People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals) has interfered in these matters and reduced animal usage by 30% globally. And I agree that in today's world they are no longer involved in any illegal activities.
It is considered by some countries that individuals are increasingly Keen on knowing about the foer time of their house or building where they are living. In fact, there are different reasons for this. Also, there are various ways to find their question.
Dr M McLaren Neurologist Suite 3 67 Cresent Newtown 4 October 2022 RE: Mr Michael Weir, DOB: 20 September 1970 Dear Dr McLaren, Thank you for seeing Mr Weir, who has recurrent left leg weakness. He was suspected of multiple sclerosis and will be needing your expertise and assessment. He intially presented on 29/06/2014 with complaints of feeling stress accompanied by sluggishness in his movements and tiredness. He has a long history of increased BMI. Apparently, his cholesterol level is 6.37 mmol/L. In addition, his CBC result shows that he had a low WBC, RBC, Hb, Hct, respectively. He was then advised to change his lifesytle such as smoking cessation, trimmings of his weight, cholesterol and saturated fat levels. Further, to execute regular exercise. Currently, there is still sensation of stress and had recent two blackouts, with few minutes apart. He has mood swings since his last visit at the clinic and had cascade of symptoms such as breathlessness, intermitt...
Dr M McLaren Neurologist Suite 3 67 Cresent Newtown 4 October 2022 RE: Mr Michael Weir, DOB: 20 September 1970 Dear Dr McLaren, Thank you for seeing Mr Michael Weir, who has recurrent left leg weakness. He was suspected of multiple sclerosis and will be needing your expertise and assessment. He intially presented on 29/06/2014 with complaints of feeling stress accompanied by sluggishness in his movements and tiredness. He has a long history of increased BMI. Apparently, his cholesterol level is 6.37 mmol/L. In addition, his CBC results shows that he had a low WBC, RBC, Hb, Hct, respectively. He was then advised to change his lifesytle such as smoking cessation, trimmings of his weight, cholesterol and saturated fat levels. Further, to execute regular exercise. Currently, there is still sensation of stress and had recent two blackouts, with few minutes apart. He has mood swings since his last visit at the clinic and had cascade of symptoms such as breathlessness, intermit...
In the last century, single-sex schools were more popular, but now that the social beliefs among people are more liberal, most schools nowadays are co-ed. Some people still think that it is a blasphemy, while others tend to believe that it is a good thing for teenagers to learn in a more diverse environment. In this essay, I will discuss both views and state my opinion.
Nowadays, modern world full with new technologies and most of them. It enhance our lifestyle. If we discuss handwriting in school some people think that it's no longer useful nowadays and stop to taught writing in schools. In my opinion, I totally disagree with this and the following paragraph highlights my opinion with relevant examples.
Nowadays, scion's topics have been a subject that many people pay attention to a lot, so whether offspring should spend all of their free age with the family rather than have their own's private moment with their friends. In my own view, children should arrange their occasions for their family as well as their outside activities, so we will discuss this controversy apply below.
In this cutting-edge technological era, everyone is chasing the pavements of success, which has stimulated the masses to earn more money. Thus, in most countries, people do full-time jobs and stay at home for adolescents' upbringing. The advantages of the statement outweigh its disadvantages, which are described in the following paragraphs.
Education is key to every successful individual. Although it requires a lot of attention and learning, it is instead a detailed statement that endeavouringendeavour alongside will affect the studies. In my viewpoint, it is instead logical to compare both.
In today's time, animals play a very important role in human life. Most people believe that there should not be any need to depend on animals for daily necessities such as food or product,and medicines. In my mind, our need for animals will never end up.
These days, Health and fitness problem is the one problem that is important because it illustrates the quality of life and life however this problem is increasing in many countries. This essay will describe the cause and way to solve health problems.
Nowadays, a more significant number of students choose to pursue their higher education abroad. While there are some challenges in studying in a foreign country, in my view, the long-term benefits to the students and their families far outweigh these.
It's believed that online stores will dominate the market of shopping which leads to losses to all local shops all around the cities, I see that it's not going to happen due to many reasons like that you can't buy all things in life by just looking at a photo of the product on your phone.
Throughout the years, it has been known that competitive sports can play an important role in an adolescent's life. Although many believe such activities have a positive impact on a teenager's development and education, others are of the opposite opinion. From my point of view, playing a sport when young can be beneficial, as it creates healthy habits. This essay will discuss both the positive and negative sides sports can have on a teenager's life as well as brush over my opinion.
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