IELTS Writing Samples Band 6.5

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Public health is one of the apprehensive of today's societies. A group of people believe that increasing sports apparatus in public spaces can convince people to exercise.Although this idea would be practical, In my perspective, just a limited per cent of the population encourage to play with cutting _edge play devices,therefore, authorities must think about creating practical approaches to enhance public health.
It has always been an area of contention around the world about what subjects to include in an educational curriculum.While some people are of the view that it is necessary to include physical learning in the lessons of school children,some oppose that it is a waste of time and should be spent on learning more subjects focussing on academics.This essay will discuss both views before presenting my opinion on this issue.
The Internet is the most sophisticated invention in this world. Nowadays, it is argued that pupils can gather data easily from the internet, hence libraries are not essential. I completely agree with this statement with the fact that online surfing is faster and able to access data from different sources.
Across countries, it has been considered that due to digitalization the way of education is changed now. Learners are liked to class on screen rather than on printed versions. This essay intends to provide some drawbacks and a number of benefits of this trend.
Some societies believe that one should have control over the amount of noise that he/ she makes in the surroundings while others argue with this matter and believe that every individual has the freedom to make their own wishes and there is no need to control how much noise they make. In this essay, I will discuss both scenarios and then I will give some reasons with some relevant examples.
It is undeniable that the usage of paid applications on mobile phones has increased in many nations. Nevertheless, using paid mobile phone apps has some drawbacks, I believe that using mobile apps has more advantages for all people to improve their skills.
Nowadays, people increasingly spend money on applications on the smartphone. In this development way, advantages outweigh disadvantages for the certain benefit like useful and entertainment application
Environmental issues namely, global warming, increase in the earth's temperature, pollution and melting of ice are on the rise. A major section of society thinks that increasing the prices of fossil fuels is the best way to solve these issues. However, I strongly disagree with this solution and believe that cleaner alternatives to fuel consumption need to be developed instead.
Nowadays, many individuals tend to purchase more consumer products such as jewellery and home appliances. In my opinion, this emerging behaviour will bring more negative impacts on society. This essay will discuss the pros and cons of this buying trend. Firstly, I will explain the positive aspects and will be followed by the negative aspects explanation.
Nowadays, sporting events are integral parts of the global community and countries often go the extra mile to host them. It is believed that the holding of such sporting events is not financially justified, while others maintain that such events offer countries a great opportunity to showcase their diverse qualities. Having said that, I am personally in favour of the latter view.
Small local shops have closed in the last years due to customers who go to large shopping centres or malls for shopping. I think this is a positive development because it is convenient and better for the environment.
Nowadays, more and more university pupils are pursuing their studies overseas. Although students will often suffer extreme homesickness while abroad, it is also a great opportunity for them to increase their chances of securing their dream jobs. In my opinion, the benefits of studying abroad are far greater than the possible challenges that they will inevitably face.
In the present situation, air pollution has become a common concern all over the globe which has to be mitigate. Some people insist that avoid using private cars for a day can bring about huge amount of merits on dwindling the air pollution, while others maintain that there is more affective methods to deal with this problem. In my opinion, I strongly agree with the former argument.
Over the past few decades, the world has evolved and changed substantially in many ways, which resulted in various modes of teaching programmes and strategies. Some teachers believe that foreign student exchange plans would be advantageous for all teenagers. From my point of view, even though there is a demerit, the advantages are more in numbers.
Some people are more adventurous by nature and are not afraid of embracing new things, while others may be more cautious when it comes to new areas and have a proclivity to keep doing things that they are accustomed to. I personally prefer doing new activities because this habit results in gaining new precious experiences and finding out more about my personality.
Living in the era of technology and development made our lives dependent on these inventions that took place in our daily life and invaded our homes and works as well. In this ,essay we’ll discuss how technology did affect our careers and the consequences for that.
Unemployment among young people is an ongoing and increasing situation in many countries around the world. The fact that students cannot find jobs after graduation is the cause of certain complications and can be addressed/solved/tackled/resolved using several methods .
In the current economy, universities are becoming more and more expensive with tuition fees. Since everybody can’t afford it, some believe colleges must be free. The other argument is that nations must provide education without a doubt. As I agree with them, I’ll give my reasons below.
In this present world, technology is constantly on the rise. Computer games are gradually replacing outdoor activities, especially for kids who need to enjoy physical exercise. It is an adverse growth and would affect the next generations. Analyzing the attractiveness of computer gaming to progeny as well as the level of fatigue when they are doing exercise will prove this.
There are many recent reports by experts scientists and environmentalist which shows the degrading quality of air, water and soil. All of these being bases on human existence, also play a significant role in the subsistence of the human environment. Newsmedia continuously shows alarming hazards of certain Human activities like (Industries Rise, transportation, deforestation etc on climate which has degraded quality of life. In such situations question arises as to who should take responsibility whether it state/government or every individual. As the government is responsible to provide good quality of life to each individual that's why the government should take measures, make laws, provide guidelines and make sure they have been followed but it is the Individual who should help the government to make those laws and guidelines effective.
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