IELTS Writing Samples Band 6

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Nowadays, most people want to keep up with the recent clothing trends. Hence, they try to imitate the dressing styles of well-known celebrities. This essay will outline the reasons behind such behaviour and the negative effects it could have on society.
There is no doubt that changes might be disturbing. Some of them bring happiness and pleasant activities, however, others cause distractions and issues. As far as some people are keeping away from any new experiences, others are excited to try something, that they have never done before.
It has been proven that tourism trade is considered a key factor in the sustainable development of host countries. Although the purses of this trade are more than its minuses, authorities have to take many steps to conserve the local’s normal life.
Reading, writing and math have always been the main parts of education for many years. Nowadays, new technologies play a valuable role in our lives. Many people think that computer skills can be added to the necessary part of education. In my opinion, this is a great idea and I absolutely agree with this statement. Firstly, my essay will discuss advantages of using computers. Secondly, it will discuss the fact that a lot of jobs are related to laptops.
There are a lot of young people go to do unpaid community work after school. Some people think that it is good for both young people and the community. My view is that unpaid community jobs can provide teenagers and the community with a lot of advantages.
The universe is expanding fast, like our life. Once people, like our parents, lead a decent, simple and happy life, but our times have changed greatly, and nowadays, we are living in a sea of stress. So, mental problems are also increasing at an alarming rate. This essay intends to analyse the reasons behind this phenomenon and then present some suggestions to alleviate these potential problems.
There is an argument about whether the role of parents is to teach their children discipline and the ability to distinguish right from wrong or provide a safe environment to grow up . I believe that these two mentioned roles are not separable and they need to take into account at the same time.
Masses opine that the contemporary era is the most feasible period of survival in the entire history, this is because there are a plethora of advancements in the modern era. Certainly, this essay believes the same because of developments in various domains. Apart from current times, the pre-industrial revolution period could be also interesting to experience.
We live in a world, where electronic devices have made our lives more and more easier than the past Many beleive almost all the people should possess a car, a television and a refrigerator. I oppose the above mentioned view and my reasons have been explained in the following paragraphs.
Many companies concentrate more on social skills than qualifications when evaluating their employees. These critical skills are becoming popular among employees. Most people believe that they are more important than formal qualifications. In my opinion, I do agree that processing good social skills, apart from academic skills, can give people advance their careers.
Oil, wood, freshwater, and other natural evidence are being used excessively. This essay will discuss what issues it causes and what are potential solutions for it.
In several parts of the world, nowadays, many conventional holidays and occasions are becoming out of date and immaterial. In my opinion, there are many issues with this view, and I will explain my situation in this essay.
There is no doubt that leading a happy life has always been one of the biggest dreams of human beings. Some people believe that wealth cannot buy individuals happiness. In my opinion, although defining happiness is arduous, there are some ways to achieve it in life.
Poaching is a phenomenon with a variety of causes, both commercial and cultural. The effects can be extremely serious for animals and the community, as we will discuss now.
Now a days option of remote working has significantly increased. While some believe that it has greater advantages while others argue that it has many side effects. In this essay, I would support the view of the positive impacts of increased remote working opportunities and will share some examples associated with it.
A handful of languages are being used as a medium of communication over others and this trend is gaining momentum across different countries. I consider this orbit shift in dialect as a negative development as it not only damages the identity of the native speakers but also paves the passage for certain languages even becoming obsolete.
People from some countries argue that it is more essential for them to build or buy their own house or flat. Personally, I don't think this is always a favourable choice.
These days, one of the significant issues is wearing new dresses according to fashion. Needless to say, this attitude has positive and negative effects on our life. This essay will discuss both views on this issue of social behaviour.
It is an undeniable fact that "education is the most powerful weapon that can be used to change the world ." Owing to this , it is a debatable issue that universities must concentrate more on providing practical knowledge rather than on theoretical subjects. As many college scholars opt for practical subjects such as Marketing and Information Technology inspire of theoretical subjects currently. I partly accord with this statement . In this requisition, I will discuss both views before deriving a meaningful conclusion .
There are two types of countries around the globe: the developed countries and the poor or developing ones. It is true, indeed, that many of the richer nations are providing financial aids to poorer developing countries, despite the fact that it does not successfully eradicate the problem of poverty. Thus, I strongly agree that other solutions must be introduced to deal with the issue, alongside with the existing financial supports.
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