IELTS Writing Samples Band 6

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nowadays, people love to learn about the different traditions. It is not important for people to visit other place to adopt their traditions. People can learn much more from social media and books. However, I completely agree with the statement.In this essay should give your personal point of view and the contrary.
It has been noticed that a few individuals have a notion that volunteer work should be mandatory in the school's curriculums. I strongly opine for this viewpoint. My preference is justified with valid reasons and appropriate examples.
Many people argue that they fail to find any relevance to their own lives of the news they see on TV or read in the newspaper. While I accept that this opinion appears logical, I believe that this is a very narrow and absurd perspective, and I strongly disagree with the idea that news has no link to people’s lives.
It is widely believed that nobody can deny that one solution to environmental problems would be for the government to raise the price of petrol. To a certain extent, I agree that this measure would be effective. However, I also believe that other measures might have an even better impact.
In many countries, paying for things using mobile phone ( cellphone) apps is becoming increasingly common. Does this development have more advantages or disadvantages?
The importance of minimising carbon emissions for the environment was always debatable and now has become more controversial. Many people claim that the high fare of petrol will reduce movement and its pollution while others reject this notion. In my opinion, the latter preposition appears more rational in this piece of an essay. I will elaborate on the reason and thus lead to a logical conclusion.
It is widely believed that lack of knowledge has been seemed a third problem in the world traditionally, it is true that this issue is increasing significantly in some countries especially in the United state of America and Australia. The impending essay will discuss the reasons for it and will elaborate effects of it in the community.
Nowadays public debate has been going on over whether the use of the Internet for educational purposes should be restricted. Some believe that students are becoming too dependent on the Internet, thus losing skills to remember or read efficiently. In contrast, others believe that the Internet provides opportunities to save time and find more diverse information.
Nowadays, advertising plays a crucial role in selling different popular products rather than the real need of people in society. For some ,reasons I agree with this statement.
In recent years, schools have blended real life working experience into their curriculum for teenage students. However, some people think that adolescents are too young to grasp the idea of work, so there should be a limit on this. Personally, I completely disagree with the statement and I think it is beneficial to let students experience work environment as part of their education
Several types of foods and soft drinks with higher levels of sugar play a bad impact on our body's fitness. If the price rate increases, may sugar consumption rate curve will be negative. If anyone takes sugar regularly, this sugar will be mixed with blood. In that's why, some people suggest that sugary Products should be more expensive, so people would buy less of them.
Nowadays, a majority of population overuse the supplements and consultations from their nutritionists to improve their physical well-being. However, from my perspective, I am opposing the above ideas as I believe there is a more efficient way, which is to pursue a balanced and active diet to achieve good health.
While some citizens believe that art is a waste of time, I believe that art is crucial class for pupils to improve their self-esteem.
There has been great advancement in technology in the last forty years. Unlike past, nowadays people use the internet to store their knowledge and work. There are various kinds of pros and cons to this statement.
It is a common belief that History is one of the most crucial subjects at every school. However, there is a persuasive argument that these days, schools tend to treat subjects that belong to Science and Technology are more important than History, but in my opinion, I treat them equally important because it is better for the country when every resident knows about Science and Technology and also remember the country's history.
Having to know what is going on around the city, country and the world is very important for each and everyone of us. There can be various sources of news such as radio, TV, newspapers etc. In my opinion, both the sources of news can be equally helpful.
There is no doubt that with the striking progress of technology ,human beings’ lives are highly depended on oil and gas nowadays. With the growth of global use of oil and gas, more and more areas should be opened up to extract them. I believe there are both advantages and disadvantages in adopting such an approach.
Nowadays, several technologies can help people to translate a language. Hence, it is argued that some populaces perceive that kids do not oblige to be instructed by a second linguistics because of cutting-edge devices that can convert a language into another one. This essay will disagree with this statement and depict two primary reasons to support my argument.
It is true that many people around the world provoke their own sickness. Obviously, there are many reasons for this, such as unhygienic food, unscheduled way of life, uncontrolled consume of alcohol and smoking cigarettes, so they should pay more for health care. Personally, I don’t agree with this point of view, as these people have to buy the necessary drugs if they want to live and not everyone has this possibility. This essay will extensively explain the reasons to support my opinion based on real life examples.
Owning a home in several countries is pivotal while some prefer to rent. This essay will discuss what are the benefit and drawbacks of this situation.
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