IELTS Writing Samples Band 6

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With the advent of technology, it is true that there is an increased use of digital devices when compared to newspapers, books and other traditional forms. While this is true, I completely disagree with the notion that the necessity of non-digital forms would die over time.
It is apparent that technology makes things that people do on a daily basis become more complicated; therefore, some people believe that we should get rid of technology in order to simplify our life. Personally, I strongly disapprove of the given statement. In this essay, I am going to cite some of the rationale behind my disagreement.
It is known that some students face big difficulties learning such complex subjectss as math and philosophy, therefore, it is suggested to allow students to choice whether they want to drop these subjects or continue learning them. I partially disagree with the given statement, and I think that this policy could be applied only in the latest years of education (high school or college), when mature students have already chosen the major sphere.
People are divided on the opinion, whether technical advancement can make our life smooth or it make our life more complex. I beleive that the technical upgradation makes our life way easier which helps us to ignore the complex side of technology. In the following paragraphs, I am going to discuss about the role of technology to make our life better.
The first vehicle appeared on British roads in 1888 12 years later everybody has their own car. The crowd should use alternative transport this essay will discuss both of views and give a conclusion. I agree with this idea because it leads air pollution and many diseases.
Learning a foreign language at an early stage of life is more beneficial than grasping it in the later years of school life. I agree with the passage given.
People should not be afraid to take risks or accept uncertainty in either their professional lives or private lives. From my point of view, although taking risks could improve life skills and create exponential growth in one's life, it may lead to vital failure and problems.
There is a viewpoint which argues that, although agricultural techniques have developed compared to previous years, still there are a large number of humans who are suffering from poverty, and hunger. In my point of view, this issue is due to the area of the earth where they live , furthermore, they should choose a country or continent with fertile soil.
It is true that if students take more  recompense instead of  punishment and then it would help student’s mind to be more positively work and student may be way more active in the lessens. I more agree to this view and think that give a more prises to student for their activities to be better in classes is more beneficial rather than punish them.
Alongside the development of industries, climate change makes the earth less ideal to live on. Some people, therefore, suggest investing more in the field of astronomy to find alternative planets. This may be true, but I believe this is not the only way to save our future. On the one hand, finding other planets to live on is a good idea. Firstly, many limited natural resources are many limited natural resources that are over-exploited nowadays. Once these resources are no longer available, we will have been lacking fossil fuels, such as charcoal or petroleum. Industrial and daily activities are considerably dependent on them, so it is necessary to start to find new planets that have these resources to exploit or even live in. Secondly, setting a goal of settling down on a new planet can force astronomy to grow faster. Becoming learned in the field, the scientists will figure out new places to live and other innovations, exploit the energy of the stars, and communicate w...
The area of land usage for animal husbandry is comparatively greater than that for crop manufacturing. Some suggest that global animal production usage be reduced. One of the first problems is the scarcity of land. Encouraging the utilization of more herbal goods by improving the quality of crop products and increasing the price of beef is the best measure to reduce beef utilization.
Nowadays, the topic of whether to have frequent short holidays or take fewer and longer trips has drawn the public’s attention which leads to a popular debate. In this essay, both views will be discussed in the following paragraphs , and my opinion will also be given.
Workers are no longer as committed as they once were to the companies that employ them. While people in our grandparents' generation would often job for a company for decades, or even their entire lives, nowadays people tend to change their workplaces every two or three years. In this essay, I will explain why this is the case, and suggest two ways that team can retain their staff for longer.
As the energy demand has gradually increased due to the rising in population as a result of that, power generation is expanded and more investment is required to fill the gap between demand, and supply. one of the potential solutions is increasing bills of residential sector that ensures, wise use of electricity. Having said that I totally agree with this statement.
The volume of international travel is increasing with globalisation and cheaper travel. As a result, it is argued that the environment is suffering and those restrictions should be imposed on such travel. I think that international travel does pose some risks for the environment, but the effects can be mitigated.
These days the news media have gained in popularity,but some people argue that electronic journalism has negatively affected people's lives.However,I disagree with the statement because in the current era we need it.In this essay,I will discuss why I completely disagree with this notion.
Information technology is influencing a lot of parts of our lives and now surrounds our houses, free time, and occupation activities; hence its benefits overcome its crises.
It is widely believed that people all around the world still suffer from hunger despite advances in farming and agriculture. The problem of world hunger is caused by government policies and business holders and can result in a population decrease. The possible solutions to this problem will be discussed in the following paragraphs.
Cities offer greater employment possibilities and a higher standard of living. However, people are moving from rural area to urban area for living better lifestyle. Moreover, living life in a city might be quite challenges. Traffic and expensive cost of living is the major challenges. Governments should improve public transportation and construct residential area for reduce cost of living. I will elaborate more in next two paragraph.
Some believe that kids need to be able to find their interests and spend time on their own to perfect their skills, while others argue that children would benefit more from having good quality time in the group outings and events arranged for them by adults or their parents. I personally believe that group activities should be encouraged by parents because it would help to overcome some fears such as social awkwardness.
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