IELTS Writing Samples Band 6

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It is apparent that preserving and renovating ancient buildings cost extremely expensive. Some people reckon that these should be dismantled and rebuilt to be more modern styles, while others argue that these should be maintained and kept. This essay will examine the reasons to support the latter view and to show my disagreement with the statement.
Many people thinks that universities should only offer spots to young students who has the highest marks, but some of the others say that they should accept people of all ages, even of they did not do well at school. This essay will delve into both sides of the argument and correspondingly will shed light on my opinion in the conclusion.
People have different view about whether universities should give chances to students with best grades or to every one in all ages including those who did not perform well at high schools. Although it can be argued that students who have good results deserve to offer a place in higher education compared to the others, I believe that universities should offer places for all students in different ages and learning backgrounds.
it is a matter of coomon knowldge that , art hade been light of civilization for centuries and it contribution to worlds development cant be lost, but unfortunatley in some countries the precentage of art galleries vistors tend to decrease annually. It can have various of reasons but in my ipinion main bareers are expenses for some people and lack of wknoldge for youngstars. It is problem govenrmet and society need to pay attention and solve in a short term.
In today's world, there are different kinds of accomodation amonf people. Somebodies reside in their own homes and the rest prefer to rent them. However, buying a home instead of renting it, in some part of the world, is becoming crusial for individuals. In the following, I will explain not only some reasons why this preference is existed but also my point of view about this condition.
There are many considerations that how the tackle environmental contamination and power generation would be, and one of them is to increase the residential electricity fees. I personally do not concur with this solution, the reasons to support will be elaborated as follow:
Businesses have sets of principles. Earning profits has the same importance as social responsibilities for businesses. I largely agree with this point and I will outline my reasons in this essay.
It is argued that children should be motivated to be competitive, while others feel that teaching them to be cooperative will be of more value as they enter adulthood. I believe that while competition can help children be successful, cooperation is more important because it teaches them to work within a team, a crucial adult skill. Some argue that instilling a sense of competition in children helps them to achieve success in whatever they do. This is because being competitive creates a drive to win, which teaches them that hard work and discipline are the keys to success. For example, it is often the case that children who participate in competitive sports are less likely to quit when things are difficult and are, therefore, more likely to overcome obstacles in their jobs as adults. Despite this, I would argue that children require lessons on teamwork more than the will to win. If children are taught to be cooperative, they learn the importance of working in a team, which ...
Few individuals argue that teritory education need to be given for the ones who have top scores while others opine that college have to consider all the people applying for the studies no matter their ages or even their past grades. Although, these perspectives are different I support the former satement which I will depict in the following essays along with my opinion in the last.
.In contemporary society,the number of people who live in the streets or slums is increasing worldwide.This issue occurs for certain reasons whilst there are solutions that can help to alleviate it.
In business life, some people think that it would be beneficial if they work at the same company for their whole lives. On the other hand, some of those believe that working at different organizations would be better. Undoubtedly, both sides have many reasons to think in that way, according to my opinion, becoming an employee in various companies makes a person more healthy and social.
There are companies that think their workers should follow the office dress code during work. While others think that clothing is not related with efficiency of work, therefore people should wear whatever they like. In my point of view, the approach can be different depending on a specific company and type of work.
Someone argues that governments supplying university diplomas for youngsters is useless and impossible. In my opinion, I completely disagree with that.
Many people believe that it is more beneficial for high school students to work after their graduation. In my opinion, however, I believe that choosing an educational institution to study is the best way to achieve success in the future, particularly in occupation.
In the present, a rising inhabitant lead to lack of food supply so insect is one of choices to support people’s consumption. While some people consider that nature will be interrupted by hunting lots of insect also its is not healthy for eating. In this essay, the advantages and disadvantages of consuming flies will be discussed as follow.
Many people believe that classic buildings from decades ago should be torn down to rebuild modern ones in the same space just to reinvigorate the mood in favor of modernization. In my opinion, historic buildings should be protected.
In the modern world, doctors are worried about the increasing number of users of computer games between offspring and young people. We can all agree that computer games can affect children both positively and negatively. This essay will depict the advantages and disadvantages caused by this phenomenon and the solutions.
It is certainly believed that excess population leads to a shortage of essential goods like food, clothing, and medicine and their quality. It is also causing goods to become overpriced. However, scientists and researchers are trying to solve this problem in many ways that we discuss below.
Taking Indonesia as the sample, it is one of the countries that enact the free flow of goods. The government believes that this practice might bring benefits to its economy. It increases the export rate and the GDP because Indonesia can expand its marketing of goods and services to other countries and the trade barriers or tariffs will decrease or even vanish. The government also claims that it can decrease the unemployment rate because lots of jobs will be created. Moreover, lots of investors will be more likely to invest in Indonesia, therefore it will bring a good impact on Indonesia’s infrastructure. Besides, with the tight competition that exist because of the free flow of goods, it can also stimulate the entrepreneurs and the local industries to compete and increase their skills, competencies, and standard which results in the betterment quality of Indonesian products.
The world is a very interesting place for someone who loves to find out about history. In some countries, a large portion of the population is becoming interested in searching for the history of the house or building where they live. The following paragraph highlights what are the reasons for this and how can they research it with relevant examples.
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