IELTS Writing Samples Band 6

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There is an ongoing debate regarding, international tournament which is held by any country. Few masses believe that organisation of an international sports is good for the nation. However, others claim that, international sports event is bad idea for the country. This essay will discuss both views as far as I am concerned, I am in favour of latter notion.
it is quite obvious that the internet has made connecting with people a lot easier in the 21st century. While some people believe that it has narrowed the gap between individuals, others argue that it has abolished the personal touch from our daily lives. In this essay, I will discuss both sides of the argument, while I support the former opinion.
People acquire knowledge from different sources during their life. One of the main sources of learning is people at higher positions, such as teachers or supervisors. I consider that it is easier to learn from them than from people in the same level of us, such as classmates or co-workers. I have these feelings for two reasons that I will explain in more detail below.
In this ambitious world, money is trending. Indeed, people are being evaluated based on their wealth. Some believe that working hard in life will eventually make you successful, while others on contrary, believe that it is all about being wealthy and having good looking. While both views are logical, in my opinion, hard work is the key to becoming powerful. In the forthcoming paragraphs, this essay will elaborate more on both views by exemplifying lucid examples.
Many individuals believe that with advanced education, the number of undergraduates has been increasing. Some argue that a large number of university students will increase the unemployment rate of high-educated people and it is not beneficial for society. From my perspective, I would say that a large proportion of young university students have positive effects on society.
There are two different perspectives on high school programs. Some people believe that volunteering work should be included in the high school curriculum. Whereas others feel that pupils should concentrate solely on their studies. In this essay, I will discuss both points of view and provide my opinion as follows.
It is true that music has become a universal language across the world influencing many people from old to the young. Music industry produces a wide variety of songs each year, but the question of whether music has either positive or negative impact on youth is up for debate.
I think it is a great idea to build a new university in my community. However, I think it is a controversial question whether the building of a new educational institution will bring only benefits to our society. In this essay I will analyze the advantages and disadvantages of this issue and present my view in favour of establishing a new university in my public.
There is no doubt these days that smoking become very a common habit. The question is, why we should be concerned about this and what the methods could solve this phenomenon? In this ,essay I am going to discuss the effects of smoking and how to solve this phenomenon and draw my conclusion.
There is no doubt these days that smoking become very a common habit. The question is, why we should be concerned about this and what the methods could be solve this phenomenon? In this essay I am going to discuss the effects of smoking and how to solve this phenomenon.
Nowadays nations around the world are facing a serious increment in the number of jobless people. On the one hand, few reckon that students only need to take basic learning on the other hand few suggest that pursuing higher classes is necessary. This essay completely agrees with the given statement about secondary education, the reason being that higher education is extremely important for those, who want to pursue their courses in technical jobs like an engineer or doctor and apart from technical knowledge it also teaches the students about social responsibility in terms of donating the needy items to poor.
There is no doubt that these days obesity has been considered as one of the most health issues among the children. Many people believe that the parents are responsible about this problem. I disagree with that, because obesity is a disease which can be due to two reasons. Eating a lot of junk foods and not doing enough exercise.
From the distant past to THE present day, gender inequality has always been a controversial topic for debate. Some individuals argue that this bias has no longer existed in THE present world. From my perspective, despite many people being optimistic about this issue, it is still a crisis to solve for the sake of all humankind.
Nowadays, the future of a country is in the hands of its youth. In a few countries, young people are more in number than older people. In this essay, we will look into the advantages and disadvantages of the above and draw some conclusions.
Rules for working at the age above sixty varies country to country. Many believe it is healthy to get retire from work after reaching sixty while others believe retiring from work only because of age limit creates difficulties. Personally, i am in favour of the latter and in the following paragraphs I will be explaining my views.
We have officially entered the digital era because of which more and more people tend to use the internet instead of reading books for learning. Although this phenomenon put a strain on printed-book publishers, still books are considered a source of information by many people.
A Country is known for the peace and security which is provided by the Government. Due to advancements in the anti-crime ,department people feel more protected by having strong faith in devices system which are reliable to detect and also provide solutions. I firmly believe that, with the help of new inventions, the elimination of criminal activities is easier rather than older ones.
Over the past few years, there is an increase in the migration of farming people to urbanized areas. There are various reasons and problems associated with it, so it is important, to take the necessary steps to overcome this major issue. I would like to provide my opinion and solution in the following paragraphs.
These days the products used by the individuals are much affordable to purchase. I certainly opine that even though it have few drawbacks, positives have a upper hand which I will depict the following passages.
There is an idea that said that in the future, nobody tends to expend money on printed books or newspapers, since there will be online kind of these publications, which will be available for everyone, without spending money. I believe that although the online form of these publications is more convenient and money-saving, but yet there are a large number of people, who prefer to buy paper style and spend their budget on them. I will explain the reasons in the following essay.
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