IELTS Writing Samples Band 6

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These days many people are dealing with the higher cost of living in a large number of countries. This essay will present some of the effects of this problem such as mental problems and on-the-rise crimes, later a few solutions regarding expanding people’s money management skills as well as creating more job opportunities will be discussed.
Transferring money to friends, family and businesses has become easier for everyone by using current information technologies such as the Internet or lack of information. In my opinion, although using money transfers via devices is sometimes difficult and dangerous for everyone, there are also many benefits.
At present, advanced technology plays a great role in our every steps of lives. This is the reason why some people believe that in the next few decades, all transports will be automated. Therefore, driver will be no significant as well as there will be only commuters. In my point of view,this phenomenon will be more beneficial than drawbacks.
As a people can not ignore what is happening in the world. There are a lot of problems or opposition about a different position. Abortion is one of them. This situation is bringing different thoughts. People support abortion who prefer to live with freedom. According to these people,every person can be free and they can do what they want to do. That's why they support it can be illegal. On the other hand, other people support that aborting should be legal. Besides that, they defend the opinion that it should be known by the government or hospital. It should register all abortion records. Otherwise, the government will struggle with this problem. At the same time, during the abortion women can kill if the abortion is illegal. This is the most important thing in this situation.
Living in today’s prosperous world, we all inevitably have to use IT devices for work, especially the during COVID-19 pandemic where we were left with no choice but to work online. These signify the cruciality of computers in today’s life. However, they can affect individuals with several negative consequences especially in children. Thus, it is generally held that the drawbacks of the daily usage of computers in adolescents outweigh its benefits. This essay partially agrees with the aforementioned statement and provides a set of reasons to support this point of view before the conclusion is reached.
Currently, the ability to communicate in a foreign language is a valuable asset for people from all walks of life to function effectively in a globalized world. While many choose to study an additional language for occupational and recreational purposes, others do so for different aspirations, which is considered to be the only possible measure. This essay takes both perspectives into consideration in greater depth and expresses my personal point of view to evaluate the validity of each claim.
It is widely argued that taking risks plays a significant role in either professional lives or personal lives. In my estimation, although there are various drawbacks, the merits are more considerable.
In some of the small societies in the US, at night a curfew is implemented which means no teenager is allowed to be out of their home without their family or adult's supervision. This essay agrees that teenagers should be permitted to Jaunt late at night on the streets of the US until or unless they are taken by their families. Children's trafficking is now a day big issue and youth may face any sort of danger during the night because many criminal activities occur during late hours.
There is a debate between people about whether history or technology is more crucial to study at school. While technology equips the students with the skills necessary to follow up with the continuously changing world, history helps them understand the evolution that happened to our universe during the past years. Personally, I believe that science subjects are substantially vital for younger generations.
This is undeniable that most of the countries spend a lot of their revenue to improve quality and shape of art , for example music and painting rather than improving general condition of the country. From my perspective, policy makers should build up their priorities according to nation's need and overall development of the country. They should give more emphasis on public service.
There are many places that tourism has remarkable role in their economic. Although it can cause some problematic and complex problem there, but in my point of view the benefits are more. In this essay I try to speak about some drawbacks and benefits of this and express my opinion.
Owing to the rapid development of technology, the population of people shopping in online stores increases continuously. Shopping online would certainly benefit both commerce and companies but there will also be some drawbacks.
It is argued by a fair amount of people that teaching international language to students should be started at the elementary level rather than high school. Since it is a better option to survive in the competitive environment. I think the pros of this measure play a significant role and reasons supporting my view will be discussed in upcoming paragraphs.
One of the parents' main concerns is their children's education. However, I consider that over the years, parents have been more absenced of their kids' education. I have these feelings for two reasons that I will explain in detail below.
Waste production and management have been a cause of concern globally. There has been a phenomenal increase in producing rubbish in recent times. This essay will discuss the reasons for the abnormal increase in waste production and the measures that governments can adopt to control this.
Nowadays, many health problems arise due to manufactured food and drink products wherein the sugar level is quite high. It was then proposed that products that contain high levels of sugar should be more pricey in order for the constituents to utilise less sugary products. I strongly agree with the concept, the paragraph below will elaborate on my side.
There are different views about the importance of money as a gift for teenagers. While some argue that the cash as a present is most influential, others disagree. I, on my part, believe that giving love is the best present in the world.
Nowadays homelessness is one of the most important problems that people all around the world are dealing with. Although assigning a specific number of wages to assist disadvantaged people could be an effective short-term solution, better proceedings should be started by the government to get rid of this issue.
Nowadays, most people would like to achieve a work-life balance. Unfortunately, some of them failed, by arguing that time is insufficient to have the work done. The disproportion between families and work has been frustrating them. In this essay, I will discuss the problems that cause this situation along with the solutions in my latter view.
Although immigration from birthplace is much easier now in comparison with the past, as the world is a global village and people are connected all around the world, still there are individuals who prefer to live near where they were born. The purpose of this essay is to discuss the reasons for this attitude and its pros and cons.
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