IELTS Writing Samples Band 6

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It is a discussion about risk that it plays a vital role in many aspects of people’s life such as job career, educating, and another important period of life. In my point of view, this statement is true and the proses are more than the cons. I will discuss my opinion in the forthcoming paragraphs.
It is commonly argued that university tuition fees should be fully borne by the respective students and not funded partially or fully by governments or universities. In my opinion, university education can be the foundation for the next generations and churning out well-educated individuals directly contributes to the well-being of society in many ways. In this regard, I believe the shared load of tuition fee funding promotes university education, especially for the underprivileged.
In the recent eras, people get busier from day to day, and it makes them pessimize about the annual leave that they want to take for a holiday. In the next following years, individuals prefer to spend their vacations in the country than going to other countries. I disagree that people choose to go on holiday in their homeland because there are limited tourist attractions and will not widen their new perspective.
Some people argue that we should have enough spirit of adventure in both careers and daily lives. As far as I am concerned, although it is acceptable in some professional areas to take bold steps, we should be more conservative in treating our personal lives.
Some people claim that museums should be attractive to youngsters, while others argue that museums are places to be employed for only educational aims. In my opinion, educational goals could be achieved while the entertaining aspects for visitors are considered.
In these days, the rate of overweight children and unhealthy problems is rising, especially in developed countries. This essay will outline the reasons and solutions to reduce the problem.
In recent times, museums have become an integral part of society, they take pride in displaying history, culture, art etc. In this essay, I will discuss why billing the public for entry to the museum is a bad idea.
The industrial development of our country has reached a new level where many factories are constructed for production and distribution. Since the announcement has been made to build a large factory near our area, the local community is excited about the upcoming opportunities. Can that factory bring more business to us? In this essay, I will argue about the potential new job creation and prospecting businesses but also about the pollution and the traffic congestion on the roads.
Contemporary societies are not celebrating cultural and regional events as a result many traditional ceremonies are getting extinct this is because of surging migration and lack of awareness. This essay will discuss the aforementioned causes and solutions to ameliorate these challenges.
The increase of obese people is putting a pressure on the hospitals in an effort to resolve the diseases realted with it. Some citizens think that the optimal way to resolve this hurdle is to incorporate more physical education classes in the education system. This essay strongly agrees with this statement because children spend a lot of time at school that it should be use to practice physical activities at early age and teenagers tend to obey more to their teachers than parents at home.
In the recent global and volatile world, the priorities and values of life varies by people. In high level, there are two groups of individuals, one being satisfied with what they have and do not want to alter it, and the other segment who are willing to change this, even if it means to take risks and step out of their comfort zones. I will discuss both views and talk my idea, which I believe we all need to take certain level of risks to grow and contribute to the sociey.
Some people believe that making a law against smoking is the best way to get people to stop this harmful habit. I don't agree with this. Laws don't always get people to change their behaviour. People don't always obey the law, especially when the laws are about addictive substances. There are laws against using and selling harmful drugs such as heroin and cocaine, but people still use them. If people really want to do something, they will find a way to do it, whether or not it is against the law. Desire, especially when it is for something addictive, is often stronger than the law. Education, on the other hand, can be very effective. It gives people reasons to want to quit smoking. People need to understand all the harmful effects this bad habit can have on their health. They need to know all the different ways that smoking can affect them. Then they will want to quit smoking because they won't want to suffer in all these horrible ways. Besides education, peo...
There is an increasing trend among youngsters that using their mobile devices for several hours in an intensive way. Because of the advanced technology, there are many matters can be done on mobile phones. Some people and I are of the belief that phenomenon is an alarming indicator of threat which endangers our infants’ life in terms of various aspects. The essay will manifest the reasons why I am convinced that negativity of usage smartphone outweighs its positivity.
Money management plays a vital role in this materialistic world; therefore, many people think that children should take basic financial value lessons in the classroom along with regular academic studies. I completely agree with this statement and believe that young adults should learn how to manage their finances as it helps in knowing the importance of their savings as well.
The topic of reading books always deserves some analysis. This essay’s writer totally agrees with the idea that the benefits of reading paper materials will overshadow watching TV or playing video games. Moreover, the two primary benefits are discussed below.
These days the usage of cell phones has increased among people especially children on several occasions. Some schools have banned phone utilization, in my opinion, it is a positive headway that can cause lots of benefits.
Doing any type of activity in a team or a group can be beneficial in life. The activities done in groups can teach individuals more important skills in life than activities done alone. This essay agrees with the statement. The following essay will discuss first what skills can be learned in group activities and secondly, will discuss what are the disadvantages of doing activities alone.
In some societies, people are saying to their children, they can achieve all of their goals just with trying hard. There are some pros and cons That I will discuss in the forthcoming paragraphs.
Spencer Johnson in his article titled “Who moved my cheese?” claims the key factor is how to achieve exhilaration through making changes in our life or career, notwithstanding whether the process is formidable or not. Moreover, the author suggests the idea that you should not complicate an issue if you have failed in any work. Furthermore, the solution presented in the article to the problem that the two little people called Hem and Haw encountered. I was really astonished at the disagreement scenario of Hem and Haw. Haw professed that they should no longer stick up or look around their location where the cheese supply had already been utilized. I believe that the author conveys through these 4 main characters called Haw, Hem, Sniff, and Scurry that a potential person should make changes to their jobs, considering the sufferings that he or she has undertaken to attain his or her objective, if their former job failed in any case. Moreover, the author is willing to deliver to the rea...
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