IELTS Writing Samples Band 6

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It is widely believed that an increasing number of employees do not sport during the working day or in their leisure time which contributes to poor health. The impending essay will discuss the reasons for not implementing enough exercise and will elaborateon a possible solution for these issues.
People tend to purchase similar products all around the world due to globalization, especially trade. As a result, there are two major positive effects brought along with it.
Also, to be added, according to the latest Worldbank research for 2018, Germany ranked first on the Logistics Performance Index (LPI) with a value of 4.2, while my home country was only 103rd with an index value of 2.58. Furthermore, according to research in 2020, outsourcing of logistics services has been identified as a problem in my country: the market for 3PL providers is poorly developed, and 4PL operators are not present at all. At the same time, Germany is home to the most innovative and successful logistics operators in the world, such as DB Schenker and DHL, which I encounter every day during my working routine. They are the best examples of logistics services for me and while my country does not even have 4PL services, they are already striving for a 5PL service level. For this reason, as Germany is a world leader in logistics services, I believe that obtaining a master's degree in such a country is a great opportunity to learn from the best and to be able to apply this to...
I have always enjoyed planning, controlling and evaluating the process. This applies to all aspects of life, both study and work, as well as the daily routine. And, most importantly, I like to figure out the key factors that influence the flow of the process and feel responsible for the outcome. Studying at university, I gained useful theoretical knowledge, moreover, I realised that I am interested in pursuing a career in this field. After having experienced working, I only confirmed my interest and began to strive for greater things. But this cannot be achieved without specific knowledge, skills and practical research.
In this essay, I will be deliberating on how a great difference in age between parents and children may be considered more beneficial than less of a difference. Through this short analysis, I will demonstrate how there are repercussions as a result of age differences between the young and their nurturers.
Recently, there is an increasing need to minimize the contrasting manner of living across the globe. Accordingly, the impact of songs in promoting unity despite cultural differences is considered to be more effective. Without a doubt, I am in league with the fact that the rock industry has helped to bridge this gap over the years. Evaluating the importance of pieces in our everyday life as well as their linkage with culture will validate it.
In this essay, I will be deliberating how some teachers reward students who achieve outstanding academic results in comparison to teachers that reward those that display the most improvement. While I will consider both views, it is my opinion that most teachers focus on academic results rather than personal improvement within subject areas.
In this essay I will be considering how some teachers reward students who achieve outstanding academic results in comparison to teachers that reward those that display the most improvement. While I will consider both views, it is my opinion that most teachers focus on academic results rather than personal improvement within subject areas.
In today’s era cash is one of the most important things in our world. Individuals with a significant amount of money could do more than people without them. Many people strongly believe that all secondary and higher secondary school students should be taught how to manage money as it is an important life skill. I strongly agree with this viewpoint as it is a skill that will be beneficial for them on numerous occasions in their life.
Initially, one of the challenges Brazil has been facing in its membership in the OECD refers to the volume of taxes in dispute in relation to the GDP, especially when compared to other member nations. Considering that large corporations are globalized, it is of great value to improve knowledge of tax and international trade law, so as to correctly apply the legislation, respecting international agreements. In this sense, after completing the LLM I am applying for, I will apply the knowledge acquired in the cases in which I will be appointed as a rapporteur, benefiting the members that have signed the agreements, following the guidelines of the related international organizations, and ensuring their rights. This initiative is in line with one of the Federal Revenue of Brazil's strategic objectives which are related to developing internal and external actions aimed at reducing litigation by preventing and reducing the inventory, in quantity and value, and the average time that cases r...
Every person has an origin, a story life, traditions, specific qualities, and particular elements belonging to a family. Some people try to research their family history to know who are they and how their family was formed. In my opinion, I believe that this is a positive action and encouragement to establish the family culture and tradition.
Some people believe that the development of business and cultural cooperation between different countries leads to positive effects. However, others think that it affects uniqueness of the national identity. In my opinion, the globalization only benefits all societies across the world, so it only improves strong parts of culture.
A new version of books is created online and some people believe that paperless books will take place of physical books in the coming time. I do not agree with this statement completely.
Nowadays, some people feel that planning ahead or foreseeing a future prospect is a waste of time. They strongly feel that living on a daily basis is paramount. This essay will not concur with this viewpoint because strategising makes one focus and helps one to know the choices available, as well as his prioritizations.
indeed, individuals are attracted towards celebs' lifestyle and outlook rather than their success this is paving negative impact on younglings. I solely agree to this statement which I have depicted in the following paragraphs.
Some different languages disappeared from language world annually. A group of people believe that we shouldn't care about this subject, since we will be more comfortable in our life with less languages in the world. There are several reasons why I would argue against this opinion.
It's often argued nowadays that the most important criterion for younger people when looking for a job is that it should be in a field they like, a job they are pleased to perform. I personally believe that this is true, however, not all of these youngsters get to do what they love.
Being overweight is emerging increasingly severe in numerous nations. Although it threatens the health of people, its devastating consequences can be combated triumphantly. This essay examines some of the troubles caused by obesity and suggests some viable remedies to curb the grave concerns.
Some people argue that despite its convenience, the internet has had a bad impact and consequently, has to be regulated for educational purposes. As far as I am concerned, I agree with this point of view. In this essay, I will first give the side effects of this resource and secondly, I will give some solutions to cope with issues related to it.
Although a number of individuals argue that in the modern generation a majority of options have been made available for humankind in various aspects of life, in my point of view, this issue depends on a combination of factors.
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