IELTS Writing Samples Band 6

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These days, many parents buy a lot of toys for their children. In my opinion, having a lot of toys certainly keeps children occupied and saves them from boredom. However, if they have too many toys, they will keep asking for more and may fail to appreciate the value of money.
Nowadays young modern learners are inclined to choose educational programs where they can use their electronic devices rather the traditional subjects. Whether the modern technology-based programs of studies should replace traditional curricula is a constant question. Personally, I think that computer-based education has an excellent future. Moreover, studying technology is an essential part of modern life which gives student million of opportunities for their future careers.
Education is a must needed thing for human civilization. It does not matter of concern that in which way, a person gain knowledge, it might be online or offline. At present, many people claim that learning through online is convenient for a student, although some individuals believe that traditional education in a campus is the best way to learn. I unwaveringly agree with the latter view. In this disquisition, I will delineate how e-learning is interesting for the community, and why education in a school or a university is essential.
Every independent country have their own foreign policy and internal procedures. International relationship is one of the major part of the country`s development, however i support the opinion that foreign countries should not interfere in internal matters of a independent country. I will enumerate my reasons below.
People hold conflicting views about which sports they should join. While a number of people believe that they should play sports as team players, I argue that playing sports individually is more advantageous in recent years.
In recent years, there is a growing recognition of popularity of social media which is replacing face to face interaction among people many society. This essay will discuss advantage and disadvantage of this issue.
Every parent wants to make their child successful and due to this they prefer to provide them extra classes,classes after their institute. Certain people do not prefer it as well, on the other side. There are plenty of merits and demerits of personal tuition. I will discuss both and will give my opinion at the end.
In this contemporary epoch, the proceedence in sorts has become a controversial argument. Whilst some proponents emphasize that corporal-strength is the most crucial factor in order to achieve significant goals, some opponents and I adopt a diverse stance because cognitive skills are paramount to beat records. In this essay, both views, along with my opinion will be further elaborated.
Paper newspapers were the best method of news transmission until the invention of the radio and television. Conversely, now we live in a digitalized era where there is easy access to information. My stance on this statement is that I strongly agree with the discontinuation of printed paper newspapers and I will explain why in the next paragraphs.
There is no person in this world, who is untouched by the recreational activities of children.A segment of society opines that performing interesting actions with kids can equip better skills and imagination than reading.I do agree with the concept wholeheartedly and advocate for the support of the Government.This essay shall analyse the concept from a wide angle and put forward examples from my own experience.
Living every day in the same fashion can prove to be boring. While some people are complacent with living a routine life, others try new experiences to make their lives exciting. This essay will discuss both types of people and explain why introducing oneself to new encounters can lead to a fulfilling life.
While it is true that some people argue that the major environmental issues on nowadays is the loss of some species of flora and fauna. While I accept that this may suit many people, but I believe that there are more important environment issues that are causing our mother earth to get damage over every generation.
Tax is considered by many people as a heavy burden because it decreases their disposable income. However, I hold the opinion that it is necessary to pay tax. Without the existence of tax, society is difficult to operate well.
In some parts of the world, ownership of houses is privileged over rent. This phenomenon is due to multiple factors and this essay will develop these reasons in the following paragraphs and also discuss why I personally claim that it is a positive situation.
There is forbitten for children in some places of US to visit alone. There is restricted areas which kids are not allowed to go their unless they are with adults. In this essay we will discuss this topic and I will also share my opinion.
Air pollution is one of the major topic concerns in today's world. Some people think that what the government should do to reduce the polluted air from exhaust fumes is to charge fees on driving during rush hour. I firmly agree with this idea and I support that other measures should be tackled to ameliorate the situation.
The unpopularity of using bicycles has been becoming a major topic of concern in today's world. There are some reasons why this means of transport is less common than others. Some practical measures should be applied to motivate citizens to use bicycles frequently.
It is undeniable that many metropolitans are experiencing many problems caused by the rapidly increasing number of citizens. This problem creates adverse impacts on city residents and should be addressed by taking the following solutions.
Seeking a satisfying job is a herculean task for many young adults in the challenging world. It is often believed that adolescents have a right to choose any job they like, while some people argue that they should be pragmatic and consider the prospect of career growth.
The authorities should encourage citizensto assume responsibility for the care and ongoing conservation of theenvironment they are responsible for. I agree with the concept that peopleshould protect their habitat, and offer my viewpoint in the following essay.
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