IELTS Writing Samples Band 8.5

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In the last few years, there is a trend that young generations began to leave their house after completing high school to start a new life independently with their friends at rented homes or apartments. In this essay, I will discuss the advantages and disadvantages of this issue in our society.
It is well known that a country's prosperity lies in the future of the younger generation however mandatory college education does not guarantee their fruitful lives. Hence, I agree with the above statement that university education doesn't have to be provided mandatorily.
Social responsibilities have long been a topic of numerous debates, especially in recent years, as a result of spreading the internet. In this regard, many social activists contend that apart from paying taxes as a duty, we hame should take more responsibility in our country. The argument seems completely convincing to me for many reasons. In the following essay, I will support this point of view with likely explanations and relative examples.
Some people believe that peer pressure is rising every day and it includes many areas such as academic, social and commercial aspects. The problem of high-maintenance societies and parents is mostly caused by media and it can result in issues like stress and anxiety. The possible solution to this complication will be discussed in the following paragraphs.
In this contemporary era, the competition in studies is inclining day by day and there is a huge amount of pressure on teenagers to score well in exams. Some individuals reckon that it is necessary to focus on all parts of academics,whereas others ponder that it should be decided by the learners themselves in which subject they pay more interest. I am going to shed light upon my views in subsequent paragraphs.
It has been argued that the invention of nuclear technology has more advantages than disadvantages, as it's not only a source of cheap energy, but nuclear weapons have also maintained peace worldwide. My opinion, I agree with this, as it all depends upon the way of usage like the generation of electricity and ensuring a peaceful environment are beneficial for mankind.
Presently, a number of people argue that public speaking ability is extremely required to be mastered in view of it can assist someone who will do a presentation. I agree that the mentioned skill should be taught to children at school in order to master that ability. Then, in the following paragraphs, I will detail some benefits of having public speaking as a qualification.
The tension between personal liberty and the fear of danger has always been a paradox that frustrates us when deciding whether or not to join a sport. In my opinion, none of these should be crowned as golden rules that apply to all physical activity, regardless of other determinants. Therefore, freedom of choice and safety considerations need to be combined when choosing to participate in any sport under various conditions.
As we all know, art plays a vital role in the development of human civilization. In addition to its pure recreational function, it also has a deeper technical significance. Some people think that local museums should only exhibit local products. Personally, I take issue with this statement and will elaborate on my views in the following paragraphs.
It is generally agreed that everyone should own one of the most popular inventions of the modern age, such as televisions, refrigerators, and automobiles. While I think this trend may lead to some obvious harmful consequences, I believe that the advantages of these devices can outweigh the disadvantages.
Tradition conservation has been a topic of heated debate over the past few decades. Although the idea of young people following their traditions appears necessary, they should be encouraged to behave in accordance with their individual temperaments.
The number of young people and older people total a nation. This essay will discuss the ratio of younger adults compared to older people in a population and weigh on both sides. It is very important to understand how both contribute to the nation at large.
There is an argument that is dealing with the statement of advertising's influence on making a decision to purchase a product. On the contrary, some argue that it is negligible. In my point of view, I believe that the power of commercials is strongly influential, making both existing and potential customers choose and buy products that they want to or are willing to.
The connections between people have changed drastically because of the advancement of technology. I personally regard this phenomenon as a disastrous trend, which only severs the loving bonds in society.
Career transition has been a topic of heated debate over the past few decades. Although some believe switching careers should not be encouraged, there is plenty of evidence suggesting it can offer broad-based benefits.
Many crime novels and TV crime showing lots of frightening scenes are becoming very trendy in many countries throughout the world in this day and age. From my prospect, the incident is caused by several factors but most of them are personal interest.
The fact that great advancement in technology has transformed the way people live can not be denied. Accordingly, many people contend that, in modern societies, teachers should focus on improving technological skills instead of spending quality time on other subjects such as arts and humanities. In my point of view, this argument seems unconvincing for many reasons.
Presently, a number of advanced technologies have influenced our lives. It causes an opinion that the previous great innovation may be harmful to our civilization. However, I disagree with the stated idea. From my consideration, augmented discoveries have positive implications for modern life. This notion will be cleared deeply in the following paragraphs.
It is often argued that a new language should be discovered to be used by humankind from foreign nations because it will make communication easier around the world. In this essay, we will discuss the pros and cons of inventing a new language, but I believe that a lot of difficulties will appear if a new way of speech is invented.
In the modern world, online shopping is gaining popularity due to its convenience and simplicity. However, this direction has a negative impact on the surrounding world, as well as on the job market, as many workers may lose their jobs.
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