IELTS Discussion Writing Samples Band 6.5

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A lot of youngsters are moving into cities for educational and work purposes, thus leaving their places of birth in villages. This essay will discuss the possible explanations of why it is occuring, aswell as the beneficial and damaging aspects that happen during this problem.
It is often said that in modern countries, people who live in antique houses want to know about their former inhabitants. There are multiple reasons for it and the aim of this essay is to understand this interest and how the public can gather information about the ones that lived before in their homes.
After the Internet revolution worldwide, E-commerce websites have become more popular than local retailers. Nowadays, the public is buying books, groceries, and air tickets from the Internet. Although there are numerous disadvantages of it, such as chances of fraud and buyers unable to check the quality of the stuff they are purchasing, however, I still feel that advantages are more. On the one hand, there are various demerits of shopping online. F...
Living closed to the hometown is a popular option for most people rather than moving away to live in a new place and this essay I shall elaborate some benefits and disadvantages for being stayed in hometown with some relevant reasons.
In Today's world, the Majority of the companies are located in large places due to various reasons like development,transportation,resources that are easily accessible. Organizations depend largely upon the infrastructure, resource availability and flexibility in order to sustain themselves in the competitive world.People work in cities to get a luxurious life and a better future for their generations including schooling, community and accessibility.
In the modern world, People may face environmental serious problems such as lack of fresh water. It is most compelling evidence to prove that lacking mineral water may perpetuate rudimentary catalyst behind all resources. So, it may have a ripple effect on either society or all species in the world. However, I opine, Due to the deforestation it may disappear. So, State should be accountable to allocate more funds to protect them as well as having heavy rules and registration may control this ramification effect.
Nowadays, many people who live in their house or condominium are interested in searching for the information in the past of their house or condominium. In the following paragraphs, the reasons and sources of information will be discussed in detail.
Based on the alternations that have taken place in the world,the majority of the masses are reluctant toward writing with either pens or pencils.However,both the contributing factors and similarly the probable dire consequences are uttered here.
Nowadays, everyone buys things such as books, aeroplane tickets and even beverages throughout online flatform. This trend brings a lot advantages rather than its negative effect. In this essay, I am going to elaborate on some benefits with some relevant reasons.
It is ironic that even though wild animals are way stronger than humans, they are facing a dark void of extinction due to human activities. They are one of the most important elements in preserving a nation’s natural environment. However, human greed and interference through poaching have caused a worldwide risk for them
Owing to the utilization of personal cars that have skyrocketed drastically in recent years,some interwoven drawbacks have emerged on the globe.Whereas they are not insurmountable problems,they can be restricted if some remedial ideas are employed to tackle the issue.Both the associated dire consequences and similarly some ideas to address them are uttered here.
Nowadays, being overweight is becoming one of the growing problems in our daily life in many countries that can be impacted both older and younger people. In my perspective, the main reason for this is people's habit of eating that leads to a fat frame condition. Meanwhile, we can see the solution for this problem which is giving the right perspective of eating since a little.
There is a debate about a zoo in contemporary society. Opinions are divided over whether or not a zoo is necessary. Some people argue that it is wrong to put animals into a zoo. However, others assert that it is needed for enjoyment and maintaining the ecosystem. This essay will outline both sides and show my view.
There is a continuing argument about whether government should approve eating insects to solve the problem of the shortage of food resource. Many people consider it beneficial, while others hold different opinions. In this essay, I will further explain both negative and positive effects of intaking insects.
Some people have a habit of buying things they actually don't need and can't afford at all. Few reasons are linked to this unhealthy behaviour indeed.
The standard of most people is drinking which is sugar. Because a lot of cafes and bubble tea are very interested. Hence, the government should be concerned about the health of the population so give knowledge about the drawbacks of drinking a lot of sugar and having an exercise campaign .I will explain this issue in this essay.
Over the last two or three decades, advertisement has been revolutionized more tremendously than ever before due to the innovation of technology. As a result, sales ratio increases day -to-day enormously that's why numerous enterprises are used these trends. I think this is a positive improvement and this essay discusses it briefly for the following reasons.
Nowadays, across the world, the craze for studying abroad is very much high. Students who can afford to go abroad want to study overseas in order to build their bright future. Some people think that there are lots of advantages whereas the opposition thinks that the disadvantages of studying in foreign are more. I support the former view and in the following essay we will discuss the reasons for both views.
The entire business depends on education because it is important stuff in life because day by day technology is so advanced and study is very helpful in next date . In my opinion, I consider that short study is a big effect in future and It problem increasing in present.
One of the major problems globally is illiteracy and it increasing steadily. Apart from underdeveloped countries, there are some developed countries that also are battling this issue. The most apparent causes can be financial constraints and lack of employment. In this essay, I will discuss the causes and their effects on society in detail.
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