IELTS Discussion Writing Samples Band 6.5

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It is true that most juveniles in this era are fascinated by the television compared to previous days. Due thisto, these youngsters are not able to do activities as are they capable. In my ,view there are a plethora of reasons like the development of instruments as well as, huge use of the internet. On the other hand, we can prevent this by providing knowledge about the detrimental effect on health which is caused by this source.
Science plays a significant role in the development of all aspects of human life. Despite this fact, the number of people who choose to study science at a higher level is still not enough. The reason for this could be that these subjects are more demanding than others, or that people do not understand the significance of science in our life, nevertheless, the consequences of this issue on our society are important.
I grew up in a small town and then moved to a big city, so I have experienced the good and bad sides of both. I never thought that I would like to live in a big city, but I was wrong. after ten years of living in one, I can't imagine ever living in a small town again.
It is often argued that couples are investing more and more in extravagant and huge marriage ceremonies. The paragraphs below will discuss this theory explaining why the influence of social platforms and the eager to live have cooperated for this phenomenon and why it is not an advantageous progress.
There is no doubt that the modern era is changing dramatically, many industries are popping up every day, and food companies are one of the leading markets nowadays . They make and pack the cuisine in a way that , is easy to cook and I believe this help the people improved the way they live.
A society can only increase its growth rate if it consists of skilled workers from all streams. One of the bitter truths of the world is that a very less number of students opt to go for studying science in comparison to other streams after their 10th exams. This passage will discuss the reasons for this trend and the corresponding issue it is having on society as a whole.
The male domination in the science courses is becoming increasingly popular, especially in recent past years and has gained much more scholarly attention. Nowadays, more and more Universities are experiencing growing demand for science-related courses among male students compared to females. This essay will discuss the reason why this is happening and will provide solutions to making STEM courses more attractive among females.
In this day and age, history is one of the topics that people are interested in. This leads to the claim that numerous individuals are fascinated to learn about the past of their place of residence. Here I will analyze the reasons for this argument and provide the method to unearth the information about their homes.
The public is increasingly using text messages rather than talking on the phone in contemporary society as the importance of privacy and etiquette has improved. Regarding this, there are some disadvantages of sending text messages due to misunderstanding and difficulties to use. However, I believe that the benefits of text messages supersede the demerits.
Climatic conditions have influenced the way everyone goes about their daily activities in different ways. The importance of this topic has made it a recurring subject of discussion. Some people believe that hot weather conditions are better than the cold. However, I disagree with this, as cold seasons are more comfortable to live in. Both views and the reasons for my preference will be discussed in the following essay.
Students can choose their specific course to pursue from many subjects in higher education, the most popular majors are such as medicine, engineering, business and law. These majors are considered to have better career opportunities than others. Science-related subjects are less popular among students around the world as their job could be limited and may pay lower than other majors. This issue has a significant impact on society.
Nowadays, there are plenty of continents where doesn’t exist any tradition to reproduce used household materials, such as papers and bottles. I suppose, perhaps the problem may be caused by the lack of a well-organized ecosystem and I will provide the essay’s question with conceivable options to how to tackle the issue.
Several species of wild animals have already died out or are facing the threat of extinction. The causes of this alarming situation will be discussed in this essay along with some viable solution. The major problem encountered by the wild animals in the jungle is illegal hunting and poaching. Many hunters are targeting animals like elephants, tigers, rhinos, lions, crocodiles and the like.
I am going to discuss Levels of youth crime that are increasing rapidly in most cities around the world.In my opinion, nowadays with the advancement of science governments and humans can find different ways to solve this problem.
After tertiary education, getting employed in a reputed firm is the most competitive task for every person in our community. Although they have achieved enough academic qualifications and certificates, the youngsters struggle to get a job to fulfil their dreams. The primary reason behind this unemployment is technological advancement, which increases the criminal offences in that locality. In my opinion, to avoid the after-effects of unemployment, the Government must organise personal loans and encourage individuals to begin small-scale industries. Let us explain this in detail in the subsequent paragraphs.
On these days individuals tend to travel more long distances than in past days. I am going to interpret this statement and in the end I am going to give my own opinions on the examples that I am going to discuss.
The issue of violence is as old as time itself. The first time many of us are confronted with violence is often during childhood. This essay will discuss the importance of teaching children the right way of dealing with these situations. Fighting fire with fire, tends to result in a bigger fire.
It is undeniable that our personal congenital characteristics can make a powerful impact on a person’s life. On the other hand, many people believe that problems we face make us more forceful and powerful. But my view is that human features play a considerable role in the development of individuals.
IIn the modern world, children do not spend enough time with their parents as the majority of mums and dads work from dawn to dusk. I will discuss and analyse the significant reason and the resultant problems which arise due to this new trend in this essay.
Nowadays, city dwellers have been producing more and more household waste in many countries, such as food packaging and plastic waste. In this essay, I will analyse the reasons and provide some suggestions.
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