IELTS Discussion Writing Samples Band 6.5

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Today many individuals are concerned to know about their ancestor's places, houses and basically their birth origin. It is fascinating to learn about our own existence and culture which have been imparted by our parents and family. These places have lots of childhood memories of our own and family members.
It is true that social networks have manipulated the life of the young generation .Whilst some individuals are convinced that social sites have a beneficial role in connecting people together,others may disagree.I strongly believe that media triggers hinder and isolate people from establishing good relationships.Thus,this essay will state the negative sides of the internet,follow by a reasonable conclusion.
Nowadays, students decide to study subjects such as law, literature and economics rather than science subjects. This essay will analyse the are two main reasons why students are not choosing to deepen their knowledge of science and the consequences that this issue has on society.
The entire world uses social media because now individuals are so advanced and they are mostly using the internet because It's is part of the growth in present date and they have shared something about the soul storeys in Facebook and other internet apps.In my opinion, I consider that that action is the most benefit but as well as some negative issue so I discuss it.
The twentieth-century's inflation has made the humans to work longer hours and left them with a limited free hours to enjoy their lives. Although this change is compulsory, there are a great number of people who chose this lifesyle deliberately. It is noteworthy to keep in mind that working hard has its own two sides; however, I believe that the negative aspect of it clashes with the positive one. The following essay will overlook at two of these disadvantages.
Past has always been a mystery which expected to be solved and one of the biggest struggles of humankind. When any of these old incidents somehow related to someone, it gets even more interesting for him. Nowadays, searching about the background of their homes is a popular trend in some nations. There sure are pretty strong reasons behind this fashion and this essay will not only analyze the causes but also describe the methods to perform that research.
Over the past several years, Mobile phones become the most usable device of all time. Crowd using them for a company purpose and also for personal reasons. While there are a few advantages, there are also some disadvantages which are worth considering.
Education is the paramount aspect of each and every person's life, children are the buds of every nation because they would be built a better society in the future. However, some think that kids to be competitive and school should teach them while others believe that cooperation and group work are more crucial in school days. This essay discusses both viewpoints, I strongly agree with the former opinion for the following reasons.
Nowadays, it can be seen that many universities around the world provide many lessons on the internet. Therefore, people can study online. In my opinion, it gives more positive development on people's life. The explanation will be explained before the conclusion is reached.
Nowadays some families are showing more enthusiasm to know about the past details of the residences they are living in. There can be multiple reasons for this behavior. In this essay, I will discuss a few reasons and the ways to find information regarding houses.
The population growth is one of the twentieth-century's most concerning issues that has resulted in the expansion of major cities around the world. This expansion has been accompanied by being more crowded, an increase in the different types of pollution, and the subsequent decrease in the settlers' quality of life. A great number of reasons are being suggested by experts to explain this extravagant growth. The following essay will overlook two of them which are proceeding by one solution.
Technological progress has significantly changed children’s world 50 years ago. This trend causes educational and income inequality in the future. Moreover, this transaction brings distant relationships among family members.
The personal DNA test is a novel technology that is becoming worldwide and can be used with different perpuses. Nowadays, there is a craze for doing it around the world. It is noteworthy to bear in mind that people have their logical and unlogical impetuses to spend money on this technology. Although it has its own two sides, I believe that the advantages clash with the disadvantages. The following essay will overlook some of incentives for doing it which are proceeding by a rationale for my belief.
In the concurrent world, the desire to be successful is at an all-time high. The caretakers exaggerate their kids to succeed in their careers and to make something out of it. This essay will illustrate the reasons behind the urge of having established careers. Thereafter, the essay will also provide several inevitable negative ramifications of the pressure on kids.
We can say that some people's lifestyles are influenced by the weather in their country. According to some, a tropical wet climate is preferable to a dry cold climate. Personally, I would rather live in a cold country than a hot one. This essay will discuss both sides of the conflict.
In today's modern era,high priced weddings are considered are a status symbol.Pupils are blowing tons of money on marriages.This essay shall look into the following reasons for this trend.I firmly believe it's a negative trend.A number of arguments surround my opinion.
Several environment advocates are alarmed by the overwhelming rise in pollution, causing a detrimental impact on the lives of human beings and flora and fauna species. This issue of environmental degradation will be brought into the spotlight and will provide concrete evidence to support the statement. “Water and air, the two essential fluids on which life forms depend, have become global garbage cans.” - Jacques Yves. Water is an essential resource without which our survival is impossible,...
One pressing issue of global concern in recent times is global warming and its devastating consequences. This essay will first explore the effect of human activities in contributing to this problem, as well as the effect of the industrial release of gaseous waste; and then analyze how this problem can be solved through individual effort and government proactive measures.
Nowadays, there is much controversy over consequences of immigration. There is an increase in the rate of people who leave their own countries and move to other places with their disperse incentives. It is noteworthy to bear in mind that this phenomenon has its own two sides. The following essay will overlook some of the advantages and disadvantages that immigration has brought for immigrants and their societies.
In today's competition, there is fierce competition in all the fields to win the race. Some crowd say employees who are working for wider hours are facing physical and mental issues.In the below essay,
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