IELTS Discussion Writing Samples Band 6.5

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At the turn of the 21st century, there is a growing debate about whether it is a better way for young people to continue their studies in tertiary education such as college or university or to start their employment life early after they finish high school in order to become successful. While there are benefits of working after school, there are also good reasons why students should carry on their higher education.
Education plays a pivotal role in the growth of students and nations. Though the government provides free education, the privatization of the schools is getting more eminent in this contemporary world, due to good facilities and highly skillful resources. The regime should not only focus on the advancement of public institutes but also spend a handful amount on private institutes when it comes to the pride of the nation.
Recently, the cost of wedding ceremonies has increased. The rising employment payments, people’s standards for marriage, and social media influence are the reasons for this trend, but it is a negative development for the wedding business and marriages in a nation.
It is more common to see many people not leaving their hometown and choosing to live close to where they were born, and economic factors play an essential role in this matter. Although there are some advantages to staying close to one’s hometown, there are some disadvantages as well.
In recent years, there has been a rapid increase in the number of people interested in and learning about the origins of the place they live in a number of countries. The essay below will discuss them, outlining the main reasons and simple methods that can guarantee the required research results.
In this contemporary epoch, despite the improvements that have happened in the past couple of centuries in the farming sector, many countries still suffer from malnutrition. Moreover, it has become debatable what can be done in order to solve this problem. Hence, this essay will be demonstrating the underlying factors of this as well as the current contention.
In recent years, more couples have tended to spend a large sum of money on employing professional companies to organize their weddings, with the five-stars hotel and the video team. In the following, I will explain why it is happening and argue that it is a negative development.
Marital unions bring together friends and families notwithstanding their religion, beliefs, custom and ethnicity. The majority of couples lavish money on such occasions. Could this be of relevance or irrelevant? This essay will delve into the benefits and drawbacks.
My friend Peter owns a lot of useless and expensive goods at home. These products make him into trouble as he gets into debt. In modern days, more and more people are in the same situation. Why does it happen? How can we resolve such a problem? I will offer my answer in the following.
Shopping online is more convenient than traditional shopping so more and more shoppers buy groceries and items through many shopping websites. Albeit, the method has some drawbacks, in my opinion, shopping online has more advantages for some reasons.
In recent years, much scientific research illustrates that many species are disappearing, and some scientists even point out that it is a threat to the earth. Then, why does it happen? And how can we resolve the problem? In the following, I will present my view and recommendations.
These days, in some countries, many people are interested in the past of their homes or buildings they live in. There are numerous motives why they do this. In the essay, I will analyse the cause of this situation and include some of the methods that people use to discover their accommodation past.
In many nations, people have become interested in exploring the past of the accommodation they live in. There are several reasons and some methods for this phenomenon which I will discuss in this essay.
In today’s technologically advanced world, people are increasingly relying on automobiles for their convenience, which causes a slew of traffic issues and health issues.As a result, the solution of prohibiting commuters from driving automobiles must be implemented in order to reduce the difficulties.
A few individuals get into an obligation by buying things they do not require and cannot manage. It is true that some individuals are in debt, because, they buy unnecessary things that they cannot afford. There are a lot of things that we need to buy or we are going to dream of getting to buy something nowadays. Some people do not have enough money to get into an obligation to be able to purchase those stuff.
Nowadays,the majority of citizens tend to migrate from the countryside to the city centre,so many cities around the world are continuing to extend.It is considered by some people that living in the city is better.However,other people view the suburb as the most effective place to stay.The following cases and examples will support my point of view.
There is a culture in some countries about learning the background history of the house before moving in. I think there are many reasons for this behaviour.In this essay, I will talk about the possible reasons and how these people do their own research.
It is seen everywhere that the livelihood of people of current generations is becoming highly stressful. As the world has become more competitive, many, stress out to become a success. But it is possible to overcome pressure by meditation and positiveness. In this essay, we will discuss the reasons for increasing the stressful lives of an individual and the methods to resolve them.
Using mobile apps instead of paying in cash has been more popular in several countries. I believe that his trend, despite the benefit of money management, brings a greater disadvantage for society as a whole in terms of affecting citizens’ privacy information.
Nowadays the royal wedding becomes a trend centre among celebrities and conglomerates all over the world, which leads to become an unrecognizable force to society. It shifts the culture of the wedding, even among commoners that have a specific taste of marriage ceremony. I believe this altercation is part of the modern life transformation and would become a culture in the future.
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